Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

Europe crashing crashing crashing every mother's son bearish bearish bearish.

But deadbroke points out this staggering info that not more than 3 others on the planet have the balls to observe ......

just 150 pips below last week's low is a master battalian of well armed europeans that will attempt to support the Euro. For the master clue look at the monthly chart of EurUsd. Each prior bounce was worth millions of pips 🙂😎

jeez I forgot, nobody here looks at anything beyond the 1 minute frame.

1H EurUsd is showing an upwave in progress already - if it develops into a 4H upwave, watch out - eurUsd could have just seen that support and decided to sprint north.
In the larger scheme of things CNBC please note this deadbroke 80% probability CALL on the EurUsd .....

Starting from the May 2011 top on the Daily chart note how the Fibonacci extrapolation gives the first wave down to exactly 161.8% and then the rebound wave ends precisely at 61.8% ? Do you'll see that?

Therefore the next wave down oughtta end at precisely 261.8% and if its not exact at this point then we go to the terminal point at exactly 423.6%.

Mark this CALL for later examination.
CNBC did not appreciate the expert they brought on last week to talk about Gold.
This savvy expert's words just floo right over their heads.

He correctly pointed out that Gold was rushing north to KISS = TOUCH the beautiful uptrendline from the 2008 low. This is a very common and normal thing for PRICE to do.

What will PRICE do after the KISS?

FLEE south - exactly like what all gents want to do after getting some humma-humma.

Now if this pattern is broken, we gots ourselves a reformed humma-humma chap - one who has decided to go thru' the whole stupid rigmarole of marriage (1 nail on coffin) then kids (3 more nails on coffin = now tightly shut = end of story)

I'm watching this Gold move like a hawk because Gold is the only fella who can singlehandedly BLOW my whole DEFLATION theory.

Never a dull day at the office
Historic moment in the life of deadbroke .....

right this second Crude Oil's 50 is crossing below the 200 moving average. The beautifully subdividing Wave 3 is clearly developing - just sheer poetry to deadbroke. It would be nice to see Crude go below 80 and then below 50, then take out its previous low of 34 and head back to 10, hahahahaha. Now that would be DEFLATION personified.

Such music deserves deadbroke's #1 classic of all time - nothing will ever surpass this classic ... the UK was in Wave 3 up at that time and this group was a product of that SuperWAVE. We're not going to see anyone or anything like them in our lifetimes. That's wave 3 power on the Quarterly chart.

The Beatles-While My Guitar Gently Weeps - YouTube
In the larger scheme of things CNBC please note this deadbroke 80% probability CALL on the EurUsd .....

Starting from the May 2011 top on the Daily chart note how the Fibonacci extrapolation gives the first wave down to exactly 161.8% and then the rebound wave ends precisely at 61.8% ? Do you'll see that?

Therefore the next wave down oughtta end at precisely 261.8% and if its not exact at this point then we go to the terminal point at exactly 423.6%.

Mark this CALL for later examination.

Look for MAGICAL confirmation of what you see in EurUsd in the magnificent Dollar Index who has just hit a near perfect 261.8%.

Now hear this ... if that 261.8% resistance level does not totally halt the Dollar's northbound move, he will go to 423.6%. You cats all know what that means for the Dow Jones and WORLD markets - its a disaster waiting to happen.

Look back earlier in the thread for when I mentioned that there are only 2 beneficiaries of the GREAT BEAR - the $ and Yen. That's it - just 2 fellows.

Part of me wants the breakout and the move because I put alot of work into understanding DEFLATION - the other part knows I too will die along with everyone else.

If its DEFLATION, nobody has the power to stop it. It runs in the implant in the collective human mind and cannot be stopped - its gotta run its course, that's the only way out.
All of the above few posts suggest extra caution for EurUsd traders - stay alert and off the news - only PRICE tells the truth. The others, namely experts, fundamentalists et al only lie or bs or most likely don't know doodly.
Monday morning June 4, 2012

Dow, S&P, Nazzy, and Deutschland ...... ALL at the battle of the Bulge = the 200-day moving average. To live and recover they've gotta absorb the slingshot power of the 200 ma - the 200 has the highest coefficient of RESTITUTION of any hard surface known to MAN. (deadbroke, 2007)

Failure to bounce and reverse here is a massive indication of the BEAR's power.

The 1H downtrendline on Dow is a nice border to have as a background to guide the trader.
Monday morning June 4, 2012

Dow, S&P, Nazzy, and Deutschland ...... ALL at the battle of the Bulge = the 200-day moving average. To live and recover they've gotta absorb the slingshot power of the 200 ma - the 200 has the highest coefficient of RESTITUTION of any hard surface known to MAN. (deadbroke, 2007)

Failure to bounce and reverse here is a massive indication of the BEAR's power.

The 1H downtrendline on Dow is a nice border to have as a background to guide the trader.

New York Stock Exchange Composite Index ^NYA could be telling us the story re: 200-day m.a. - broke the m.a. then returned to kiss it and fled south. 🙂

Vix has closed just one day above the 200 ma.

Yeah baby the 200-day ma continues to be the US-Mexico border.
Monday morning June 4, 2012

Dow, S&P, Nazzy, and Deutschland ...... ALL at the battle of the Bulge = the 200-day moving average. To live and recover they've gotta absorb the slingshot power of the 200 ma - the 200 has the highest coefficient of RESTITUTION of any hard surface known to MAN. (deadbroke, 2007)

Failure to bounce and reverse here is a massive indication of the BEAR's power.

The 1H downtrendline on Dow is a nice border to have as a background to guide the trader.
the dow would need to trade limit down for him to be even slightly back in profit lol, so if if you got the crash your whining about it wouldn't benefit you much. clown.

post from Feb 2012

deadbroke: Nobody at bulletin boards ever sees anything coming.

at what level will the margin calls start? just so we can all have a chuckle when it happens.

you might want to check out the commitment of traders (although this would be detrimental to your delusion).

small speculators (i.e idiots like you who trade 1 e mini) are net short.
large specs (big traders who trade 100s of lots) are net short.

so how exactly are you the only bear standing? you keep crying about bullish sentiment when the sentiment in the ES is bearish and has been for some time.

you, are, a, moron.

Nobody at bulletin boards ever sees anything coming.


really dont understand how you get massive bullish sentiment that shows a top from my post.

you have been saying the top is in for over 1,000 points now. you are an idiot troll. bye!

deadbroke: Nobody at bulletin boards ever sees anything coming.


I just love the 1,000 points offside comments. Why? Because it shows how inept and stupid these posters are. Case in point ... all the top big-time market specialits who work solely on the daily timeframe and are NOT in the 97%-of-traders-lose category, rather have steadily made millions in the markets for the last few years and in Bassetti's case for decades.

All these cats as of today are offside bigtime

The most successful Dow Theorist of ALL time just threw in the towel yesterday and declared a Dow reversal - when offside by 1200 points - what's worse, he threw the towel in and took the loss or evaporation of the gain having been in essence in the market for months and made zip or lost money bigtime for his efforts and work.

Would I criticize Jack Shannepp? NO! I can only say I beat him. But to ridicule him would be folly. Jack is a very capable technician. So he went wrong. Big f*ckin deal. He'll get it right next time, he usually does.

Dow theorist Schannep throws in the towel - The Tell - MarketWatch

By the way, Professor Charles Bassetti also got it wrong and is offside 1200 points and counting and is now in total confusion as he seeks to explain the uptrend by going weekly chart timeframe.

Would I criticize the Professor? No way, he was/is my teacher both in email and by virtue of his book, Technical Analysis of stock trends, 9th edition - the bible of TA, recognised worldwide as the leading text on TA.

The Prof is an outstanding technician and even teaches a graduate TA course at GGUniversity, San Francisco - I will attend this someday.

God bless the Professor and many thanks for all the help.
I've been short GOLD @ $200.
Must be going well, my broker keeps asking me to invest more money.
I'm holding on in case the market crashes. I don't want to miss out.



deadbroke: Nobody at bulletin boards ever sees anything coming.

the most amusing thing about all of this is that you believe i am the herd and as long as i am bullish you are correct.

new flash, im not bullish.

how deep into the red are you now? where exactly are you going to exit this trade? you have already broken your own "mental stop" like a true amateur. Just gona wait for the margin calls to come flooding in?

Im sure all will be fine when the next 30min trend line brakes and the dow plumits 2,000 points. how many times have you claimed a break of X trend line will start the down trend? you are such a fool its not even funny and the only reason im riding you is because you are about to blow up, nothing to do with my market outlook being different from yours.

deadbroke: Nobody at bulletin boards ever sees anything coming

you really are dumb. that post was taking the **** out of you for being completely clueless. the only certainty here is that you are an idiot no the direction of the market.

and you have no idea how i trade. amazing how someone so offside in a market can preach anything.

deadbroke: Nobody at bulletin boards ever sees anything coming
