CNBC, please note the stupidity of the high high high volume posters at T2W ....
remember how senior (hahahaha) members of T2W were going on and on about how I was 500, then 700 then 800 points offside?
How many were using this to make a point? All the high volume posters at T2W.
So what is my point now?
Simple. Look at the 2 greatest Dow Theory practitioners, Jack Shannep and Moroney, both now way, way offside and STILL LONG. Jack Schannep has made loads of money for his followers for many, many years. He is a very capable technician.
Then look at all the other experts, millionaires and billionaires STILL LONG and therefore offside.
Then look at Dr. Charles bassetti, a brilliant man and the editor of the book TA of stock trends 9th edition and a student and practitioner of TA for 40+ years. He too is totally offside and LONG. Never saw anything coming.
So what is my point? .... Sh*t happens every now and then and people make mistakes and get on the wrong side of a move. That's just the way it is. No big deal. How they recover is where the juice really is - do they get up and come back to win?
In the markets everybody gets f***ed at least once if not more often. That's just the way it is.