Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

Some magnificent thoughts on the subject of the HUNT - all original ideas designed, discovered and used daily by the dead one ......

The dead one on the HUNT for money/sales/prospects will asap target a tough group - for example a group of yuppie women or men or both - he hits them hard by isolating the leader. The risk involved in this is huge for the ridicule that might emanate is huge. Most closers cannot handle such a situation but the dead one relishes it - he takes whatever they throw at him as he attempts to close them on his product or to secure an appointment etc.,


Because this universe is based and built on FLOWS - and its first LAW is

He who would inflow must first outflow.

The degree of confront added to that outflow exponentializes the inflow to such an extent that when the inflow begins its akin to the floodgates bursting open and washing the dead one in largesse and wherewithal.

If you want to see the dead one in action and what his attitude in real life is, all you gotta do is watch this video.

Dead one is played by Alec Baldwin.

"Put that coffee down!" Glengarry Glen Ross - YouTube
The HUNT for *unt

In a pickup joint the dead one goes for the prime antelope first, especially the ones who are turning down every single guy who approaches them. Deady gets turned down too but unlike the others who slink away and go home and wank the *ank, deady persists and lo and behold after a few turn downs, the FLOW change starts aborning.

Within minutes deady is in demand and nobdy can turn him down.

He goes home with a stunner and the next morning relishes the morning air over coffee. About an hour later he makes a clean getaway = no committments.

That's hunting with verve, baby.

OK then, target is the massive sideways consolidation 1966 - 1982 @ approx. 1000


If the Dow Jones Index hits 1000¹ I will return to congratulate deadbroke for the magnificent analysis.

I will be generous and allow a 10% margin of error.

1. 1000 in NOMINAL terms...just in case deadbroke tries to squirm his way out of it by saying adjusted for inflation...
Many GREEN positions closed NOW = Profits taken.

The remainder is left to run as-is.

Will look to add to SHORT at the next rally top wherever that might be.

Celebration is in order at this moment, stateside - unfortunately 1-800-BOOZE is closed at this time so music will suffice

A classic from Francophone world concommittant with the Beatles era but hardly noticed at that time and not until the 1980s, but now just a classic in deadbroke's collection

Why do you need balls if you have sensible risk control?

Always a pleasure to see HERD members wax intelligent and play this phony bulletin board game, yawn yawn yawn. If anything, this thread exposes all the idiots and confirms in spades that the adage 95% lose is more than just correct, in fact it is an Axiom.

Just read thru' the thread and and you can pick them off at random, all high density and thoroughly viscous people with one glaring trait in common


only one example needed and not only is HIstory the proof, rather EliteTrader and T2W are living proof of its veracity - see next post
Always a pleasure to see HERD members wax intelligent and play this phony bulletin board game, yawn yawn yawn. If anything, this thread exposes all the idiots and confirms in spades that the adage 95% lose is more than just correct, in fact it is an Axiom.

Just read thru' the thread and and you can pick them off at random, all high density and thoroughly viscous people with one glaring trait in common


only one example needed and not only is HIstory the proof, rather EliteTrader and T2W are living proof of its veracity - see next post

Hostorians and students of Tops/Bottoms can salt this thread away for the future and study in depth for it is the same same same same as in History for the last 400 years at least.

We shall wait for months to see if this really has been a TOP or close enough to one.

Not a single person here at T2W even remotely saw anything coming. That is a FACT. And if anyone even vaguely did, they didn't have THE BALLS to go against the tidal wave tide of sheep who were screaming bull-bull-market.

Also note the progression of from 5 stars down to 2 and low, low, low readership of the thread. The thread was considered so preposterous that it didn't merit any attention. Yet the bottomline being money earned, I've, despite glaring mistakes, still made more than anybody here makes in a whole 5-year period, in just a few days + mistake generated losses for months.

the backbone of NO BALLS follows next.
The backbone of the concept of NO BALLS

At market tops the majority are thinking and yearning LONG. Even taxidrivers claim its so easy to make money. Ditto for other useless low echelon wage earners. Every mother's son claims to be LONG after a long market rally.

Nobody ever sees that there even might be a cliff approaching.

And here's the kicker - they get downright antagonistic and venomous towards anybody who calls it differently and who suggests caution - often they stone such a person and label him a rotter a partypooper.

This is exactly what happened at T2W in this thread.

It is awesomely difficult for any individual to go against the HERD when it is in such exxxxxSTACY. That warm, fuzzy, cuddly feeling is soooooo important to men with NO BALLS that they can't ever dream of doing without it.

In such circumstances and with such a backdrop is the concept of "contrarianism" aborning. This lone ranger knows the perils of HERD membership and shuns it, but even so it is difficult for even him to withstand the trremendous onslaught of criticism and GROUP-THINK.

If he can withstand it, he becomes a deadbroke type of person, an ancient race, a dying breed, doomed to become extinct with the HERD population rising toward and beyond 10 billion.

The backbone of the concept of [COLOR


At market tops the majority are thinking and yearning LONG. -----------------------------------------

At market bottoms the majority are thinking DEATH, TERROR, extreme FEAR and xtreme disinterest in markets, having seen massive losses and being buggered so harshly that they want nothing to do with it.

But this is exactly when they should be all the above in opposite form, all cousins of strong interest.

That is then, therefore why one needs BIG BALLS to buy the bottom - he is going it alone and there is no warm fuzzy group feeling to nourish him.

Welcome to the world of deadbroke.
I'm NOT liquidating yet.

1000 point loss? 🙂

Heck I came back from down 346 points at age 8 and won the game with an outlob and strike.

Money always finds ME. Don't know why.

>>>>>> Heck I came back from down 346 points at age 8 and won the game with an outlob and strike. <<<<<<<

I'll never forget that day at age 8. Ridicule galore, taunts exponentialed, my friends kept whispering to me to give it up and quit and pay up.

An outlob is NOT allowed and causes an immediate disqualification - except in one circumstance - when said outlob in one continuous move strikes gold.

The shock and awe was so huge that the crowd talked about it for years and years - some never forgot it.

Today in just 11 trading days I unwound 5 months (150 days) of offside and won the game.

Welcome to the world of the dead one.

And I'm basically a relatively young trader - wait a few years as I sharpen up my skills and then watch the magic.
I am well aware of the opportunity cost of being offside for 5 months and then being able to bail out.

Breaking even is hardly my goal but this was a particularly trying situation so a breakeven is hugely better than dramatic losses.

Now I can move on to serious profit-making which is usually the outcome.
I'm done with bulletin boards.

Adios amigos.

Moderator, please close the thread.

Goodluck to all.
Even more disappointment, deadbroke has gone. I saw the DOW had falllen and thought of our old pal deadbroke and wondered if he had got back into a profit. Did I read he closed some of the short positions for small profit, even though he was adamant it was going to drop?
I'm done with bulletin boards.

Adios amigos.

Moderator, please close the thread.

Goodluck to all.

Thread MIGHT BE shown and spoken about on CNBC - asked whether this was a one time fluke or whether I can call the important TURNS.

Challenged to call the next bottom, intermediate-term or long-term, I accepted.

Please leave thread open.
Important reminder for CNBC ......

bulletin boards are 100% within the realm of the HERD aka collective or cluster thought. There is no individuality within the context of collective thought. The group just extrapolates an extant market move to infinity and jumps right over the cliff and perishes - every time as History has proven adequately.

At tops we have this May 1, 2012 as an example. At bottoms they shun the market and don't want to hear anything about it, so disgusted are they having been raped and pillaged. But Deadbroke is there as the bottom is being formed and views such incidents are huge buying opportunities.

See the date of this currect episode as the top was hit on May 1, 2012.

Everybody at T2W got rammed - NOBODY saw it coming - exactly as stated by deadbroke.

Derision for bulletin board users now exponentialized by this episode.
Important reminder for CNBC:

By your own show about the famous Dow Theorists like Jack Shannep, Richard Russell and Moroney, 2 out of the 3 are still LONG as of today, June 1, 2012, only Richard Russell reversed his Call to close Long 2 weeks after the fact.

So, deadbroke screwed all these cats, too.

If you'd like to change the title of this thread, here's a to-the-point and highly accurate title,

F****d 'em all and didn't even empty the sacs once - yet.
Important reminder for CNBC:

History shows that at market extremes many of the most opinioned bears and bulls surrender to popular opinion aka The Herd aka The dodobirds. The market then moves violently against popular opinion. Death comes swiftly. End of current story. Then History repeats and it happens all over again. But dig this, they always keep coming back for more and this will continue forever. That's just the way it is - that's why the game will go on forever. It never really changes

Ditto for bulletin board posters, especially EliteTrader and T2W.

Behold the evidence ....

Today, May 29, 2012 everyone who was bearish on stocks in March 2009 (the last bottom) is back to being bullish. Consider these recent headlines:
Global Strategists Abandoning Bearish Views – Bloomberg
Stop the Presses, Dr. Doom is Turning Bullish – Bloomberg
BlackRock...Says Investors Should Be 100% Equities – Bloomberg
Iran Anxiety No Match for Central Bankers Sedating Investors With Cheap Cash – Bloomberg
...Nasdaq Bull Market Leaves Bearish Outlook Behind – Bloomberg
...Low Volume Means Bull Run May Last – Bloomberg
Warren Buffet: Why Stocks Beat Gold and Bonds – Bloomberg
Enter the Bull – Barron’s
You Have To Be In It To Win It – MarketWatch

Like I said, deadbroke f****d 'em all.
Even more disappointment, deadbroke has gone. I saw the DOW had falllen and thought of our old pal deadbroke and wondered if he had got back into a profit. Did I read he closed some of the short positions for small profit, even though he was adamant it was going to drop?

Expected comments from someone who has a swollen butt 🙂

see post #341 repeated here for CNBC


Many GREEN positions closed NOW = Profits taken.

The remainder is left to run as-is.

Will look to add to SHORT at the next rally top wherever that might be.

Celebration is in order at this moment, stateside - unfortunately 1-800-BOOZE is closed at this time so music will suffice