sorry I probably didnt explain myself usual🙂
I have a fixed amount pp to trade per position i.e 10pp. If i am scaling in a position I could say enter in 5 lots of 2 or whatever. This was originally done because entry wasnt so good. So for example:-
Market is at 4410 and I see a long opp with stop at 4400. I could go all in at once or I could say do 2pp at 10,9,8,9,10 but my stop will still be 400 as that is what is allowed by my mm for a 10pp trade. or indeed I could scale in as it moves up e.g 10.11,12 etc but then my stop would have to be raised.
This is where it differs imo. adding to a trade to me assumes you are already at your standard stake and the market has moved +20 and for example a flag has formed. So if it breaks out in the same direction as you current position you could add a second position. I see it as very different to scaling in a position?
it's a bonus position taking advantage of a new development