FTSE 100 January

  • Thread starter Thread starter bonsai
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  • Watchers Watchers 6
you can always goback and delete the posts ?
I will do that now with mine

going back to pyramiding ?
I think the market has just shown us the potential dangers of adding before you have enough profit in hand ?
Thanks for your help anyway chaps..i wasnt sure if the futs were 24hours, but i have a cunning plan, and id like to see what the average out of hours move is on the FTSE..

at the mo, ive got yet another method (verion 63 lol) that is looking to get 30 points on the FTSE per trade. and id like to see how much of that is eaten up by the move apres-close and until the Dow closes.

cheers anyway guys, and i shall not be defeated!!!

underlying link??..i.e just a direct link to that rather than the full html???

edit: I understand what you mean now..
I meant the links on info and news.

you must have dumped the whole of the html code in your post !

still looks as good as ever.

But we dont have thread headers on this board, although I have suggested them.

Sharky was not all that impressed with the advfn approach.

although there are mods afoot, so fingers crossed ?
(are you reading this sharky ?)

perhaps you would like to go back and post it again.
it will appear on a back page by now but maybe I could use it as an example.
when you pyramid do you enter the same position as your first
trade or scale down to a half position (or whatever)?
good point hooya

barjon, its all about your trading style aggressiveness etc.

there was an article some time ago in traders mag on pyramiding.
personally, I thought it was quite good.

dealt with all the options about scaling in etc.
.... and your patterns? For example, you wavers always say that
3 is likely to be the longest. So if you've entered for 1 then
pyramid for 3 there's some argument to say that you should have
your maximum position in play.

I know you don't trade EW as such, but I was just wondering.
thats why Is say adding is a different topic. using you example if normal stake is 10pp you whould already have that in wave one but if it pulled back and started wave 3 you would add 5pp???

but I think for adding you have to be looking at a longer pattern than intraday

sorry if I have misunderstood.

but difficult to see the difference between 'scaling in with a second' and pyramiding.

if you start with 10 and add 5 that's pyramiding in my book.
if you start with 10 and add 10, its the same thing isn't it ?

scaling in 'up to normal size' just hides the fact that you are pyramiding. ?

yes, but if 3 is likely be the strongest maybe 5pp for 1 then pyramid (add) 10pp for 3 and then again at 5pp for 5 could be

on my swings the strongest move is often the first so i need the
money up front as it were - hence 4,2,2,1.
sorry I probably didnt explain myself clearly...as usual🙂

I have a fixed amount pp to trade per position i.e 10pp. If i am scaling in a position I could say enter in 5 lots of 2 or whatever. This was originally done because entry wasnt so good. So for example:-

Market is at 4410 and I see a long opp with stop at 4400. I could go all in at once or I could say do 2pp at 10,9,8,9,10 but my stop will still be 400 as that is what is allowed by my mm for a 10pp trade. or indeed I could scale in as it moves up e.g 10.11,12 etc but then my stop would have to be raised.

This is where it differs imo. adding to a trade to me assumes you are already at your standard stake and the market has moved +20 and for example a flag has formed. So if it breaks out in the same direction as you current position you could add a second position. I see it as very different to scaling in a position?

it's a bonus position taking advantage of a new development