Tried and Trusted ?
End of January brings out all sorts of forecasts for the Dow stockmarket year. Amonst them are three I have selected for you.
Ist week in January
If the market is up at the end of the first full week, then it will
be higher at the end of the year.
Dec 31 -10454
Jan 09 - 10459
Boy, was that close ?
Reasonable predictor I believe. i.e better than 50%
January effect
Dec 31 - 10454
Jan 31 - 10488
Still close !
Can't find any stats on this, but it seems to hang on, so is presumably better than 50%
There is another which climaxes on Sunday - The Superbowl.
If the NFC team win - Market is up for the year
If the AFC team win - Market is down for the year.
This year
Carolina Panthers - NFC
New England Patriots - AFC
(In October last year, you could have got 8500 - 1 against the Panthers)
Very good statistically - better than 80%
So cheer Carolina if you want a rising market or just cheer Dana !
Best Renko balcony on show !