FTSE 100 - March


😆 😆

Seriously tho' i'm totally confused by this "after hours" stuff. None
of my charts show anything higher than 417 so what was this 429
hit? Just your quote (how do you trade daily after hours?) which
was reflecting a move in futures or what?
after the futures close some s/b's for example will make a market on FTSE mainly until U.S.A closes although technically they make a market 24hrs a day.

here is a chart of last night's activity.


  • cmc.gif
    35.3 KB · Views: 216
mmm, thanks - presumably prices come from a straight algorithm
via futures which, in turn, have none of "the real thing" to guide

our ta is based on the real thing (?) (although as the only directly
traded instrument there's an argument to say it should be based
on the futures) so anything that happens in this "phoney" market
doesn't count?
original deleted

if you missed it then it wasn't for your eyes.
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"phoney" in the sense that for that time it is a directly traded
instrument and therefore affected by supply and demand. While
the market is open the index is not directly traded and only moves
because of supply and demand in the underlying constituent
yes but you are not trading the index - ever.

you are trading the futures minus an allowance for fair value.

whether the market is Liffe or Globex doesnt really matter from this point of view.
absolutely, but the futures are directly affected by movement in
the index.
that's a moot point.

most people will tell you its the other way round and that the futures leads the market.

they are probably right most of the time.
heard someone mentioning atp trades after FTSE close? anything special to know?

You wouldnt believe it . Sill trying to get the close included in my charts but still get told that its wrong to included in the open and its too difficult fro them to include it in the last candle of the day. And I think I know why they dont want to include it in the opening candle??? lets just say the biggest defence is " but it wont show the gap". But they fail to realise a gap is only inrelation to the close so they wont know where the gap started.

have i got it right that your charts don't show the official (post
auction) close but only the 1630 value?

so yesterdays close/todays open looks like this


  • sada.gif
    26.6 KB · Views: 209
sounds cock-eyed to me - is that 10 minute? presumably they get eod right (what does 1 hr look like)?