FTSE 100 intraday trading - JUNE 2003

what's typical ?
daily trading ranges are fairly small - about 50pts
but we are in the process of absorbing a lot of selling
so not unpredictable ?

but small ranges make it difficult to make a lot of money.
here is another I have shorted.
<img border=0 src="http://chart.neural.com/servlet/GIFChart?sym1=ls:boc&cbcku=FFFFFF&cbckl=EBF5FF&cbckd=cccc99&ctxtu=000000&ctxtd=000000&ctxtl=000000&csym1=000099&csym3=000000&cbckg=FFFFFF&cind7a=FF0033&cind7=009900&cind8=blu&cind9=6666CC&avg1=0&avg2=50&ind7=macd&periodMACDLow=60&periodMACDHigh=510&height=350&width=450&source=SP&multipane=1&watermark=splogoblue.gif&dres=tenm&dcnt=14&dperiod=days&plottype=range&ignore=12200379&coname=1&image=PNG">
how about this ?

<img border=0 src="http://chart.neural.com/servlet/GIFChart?sym1=ls:anl&cbcku=FFFFFF&cbckl=EBF5FF&cbckd=cccc99&ctxtu=000000&ctxtd=000000&ctxtl=000000&csym1=000099&csym3=000000&cbckg=FFFFFF&cind7a=FF0033&cind7=009900&cind8=blu&cind9=6666CC&avg1=0&avg2=50&ind7=macd&periodMACDLow=60&periodMACDHigh=510&height=350&width=450&source=SP&multipane=1&watermark=splogoblue.gif&dres=tenm&dcnt=14&dperiod=days&plottype=range&ignore=12200379&coname=1&image=PNG">
😆 ........................ 😆
well, if you insist !

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dont know what everybody else made of today.
very much a wait and see day I think


  • june9.gif
    21.5 KB · Views: 253
thought you might like to see this.
its end of day but a trend line is a trend line etc until it breaks ?
<img src="http://www.investtech.co.uk/subscr/uk/fig/ukx3.gif">
Hi Bonsai

Been watching your thread with great interest.

I spreadbet the FTSE - in a confused sort of way !

I think it would help (me) if I took a more active part from now on.
at a bit of a loss to find anything to trade just yet.
have drawn a line under the action since about 2pm yesterday
and waiting to see if it breaks.

but ftse could just as easily go up ?
I think there is still a small gap just above the gain line.