Create your own 1 min Charts

I see you have just logged off.
wish you would let me know
I'm sitting here like a lemon trying to help you.

perhaps you had better let me know when I have your full attention.
well you say that but I can see who is logged into this website.

what about gif image ?
underneath that it shoud say at least
Content type
Opens with

what I need to know is what does it say against opens with.

well I loaded your file on my computer
as ftse.html and it works perfectly
and if Iexplore opens a gif file you should get a picture.
so we have to change the file name to ftse.html

sorry if I got ratty.
I suggest you copy the file to a new directory
then click twice on the file name and backspace out the whole filename and call it fluke.html
and then try it.
I know of no reason why you cant change the filename.
I am running short of ideas.
Just went back into note pad and a new icon has appeared next to my ftse,html.file. clicked on this and got the file,is that good or is that good!!. Will this be live in the morning.

Ps can I go for a slash now!! I know you have a sense of humor

goto the folder where your file is sitting
one click only on the filename
at the top of the window
click on file/rename
then type in ftse.html
then click anywhere in the folder where there is a blank area.
I am really sorry bonsai,I cannot take any more of you time on this.I tried that,but it does not work.Will it work real time off the explorer icon that appeared,this brought up the chart.
I now have a sneaky feeling you were using a comma as part of the file name instead of a full stop

is this possible ?

Go have a slash and have one for me too.
Thanks a million bonsai, and please accept my apologies for trying to be clever an witty.I am going to enjoy a nice G and T.
I will look out for you in the morning .
Good night and god bless. Jon
Oh no !
it will work, but you will have to refresh it manually as it stands at the mo.
You need to go back to the earlier pages where I gave the code for autorefresh and put that code in at the top of your file.

