I use candlesticks, the most reliable of which (for me) are: bearish after an up trend - shooting star, hanging man and doji; bullish after a down trend - hammer, inverted hammer and doji. These patterns are not all properly confirmed until next day close but to give me an idea of next days FTSE direction I allow a fairly liberal interpretation (not if I'm trading the share tho').
The basket is the FTSE 12 - azn,barc,bp,dge,gsk,hbos,hsba,lloy,rbs,shel,ulvr and vod with a few others thrown in from time to time for a bit more balance. At the moment it's plus avz,gaa,iii, mks,tsco and rb.
Until the market shows itself to disagree I will tend to trade with the direction indicated (if there is one, which there has been for the last two days).
Rushing out shortly but happy to explore with you further if you don't mind waiting for a reply.
good trading