I think the main distinction is btween 'commercials' and 'locals'
you can get that info on the Dow or S&P but as far as I know that info is only available to 'members of the club' on Ftse.
agree. Its only an entry point. No real meaning to it. I am currently looking into whether we might be in a wedge/triangle...but a bit too early to tell
just catching up - halway through cutting grass and the mower
capitulated, took it to the workshop (2 weeks!!!! - the only certain
bet is a grass long).
Back to your earlier exchange - if you were range trading
wouldn't you stop and reverse if you were long and your exit siignal was also a short signal?
would take a 3D mind I guess🙂 Friday I guess we were trading the far left wall range. Today we have move on the the back wall but have been contained by the ceiling. So we stay in that. but if wee break out we are then back on the nback wall with declining top line and bottom line . ....
nothing really Jonny. Just that whether in a range or a trend you can find parallel lines which contain the move. I was just tinkling with poss. that these lines could be connected to form a 3-D shape. and maybe there is some geometrical thing going on. I will probably get told that its already been done before (like I was with Renko charts:-0)