ForexMorningTrade System

Pierre2, thanks for your support 🙂
I was working hard on this new EA, and I wasn't expecting this kind of response.
Hi Marc,

I must say your service is one of the best in the Forex scene and I fully understand that you take a little money for the EA which optimized the even good results of your FMT system and make that trading a little more comfortable. I will buy this EA.


I have no problem with Mark offering a new EA with a lot of features. If someone is bitching, read the details of all the new options. It truly is a new product. Also, with the $$ everyone makes off the original manual system and BONUS EA, how can you complain about spending a few extra dollars? If you don't want it, don't buy it!
Mark sais us:"I openly admit that this entry time range is idea of tkbieber, and he allowed me to use it"
Then Mark asked the permission to copy the idea to extend the trade if indicators align

I dont know if all the scammers who copied his EA asked him the permission
Pierre2, thanks for your support 🙂
I was working hard on this new EA, and I wasn't expecting this kind of response.

Hi Marc,

for me you are not a scam artist at all !
Your FMT perform really geat and you sell a new ea wich take you hundreds hours, no problem for me.

And thank you again for your system.

Pierre2, thanks for your support 🙂
I was working hard on this new EA, and I wasn't expecting this kind of response.

Hi Mark

You have my full support. For me it's a luxury to have that fantastic EA. Your work must be paid. What are $ 67 for what we will get profit?
Spirits and you don't pay attention to silly words.
Mark, first I want to thank you for the original EA for FMT system, it is a great EA and has made alot of grateful and ungrateful people here lots of money ! I have mixed emotions about how this "upgrade" was handled and I appreciate both sides of the arguement, but on the positive side $69 is not alot to ask for your hard work and let's face it, most have profited that cost in a week trading FMT.

Mark, is it possible to add the partial profit feature to original FMT EA ? Would be a nice upgrade !

Oram, YOU are a way out of line calling Mark "another scam artist" you need to shake you head, I think your brain is stuck !! You should opologize immediately for that unfair remark !

I hope you can answer my question, Mark ?

cheers !
Hoping I have this right, Turbo will only be sold to those that have or are purchasing FMT manual system with bonus EA. Which means FMT $97 + Turbo $67 = $164 for a solid profitable manual system and an advanced multi-option EA. Thats a lot less than I've paid in the past for garbage EAs that seriously don't work. I was ticked off when first reading about Turbo added cost but I've since calmed down and looked at what is a good price for a good system. So long as everyone has to purchase FMT in order to purchase Turbo I think it is fair.
By the way, have already installed Turbo. I'll not use most of the bells and whistles but the second break even, added safety feature and time range capability seem very useful to me.
Mark sais us:"I openly admit that this entry time range is idea of tkbieber, and he allowed me to use it"
Then Mark asked the permission to copy the idea to extend the trade if indicators align

I dont know if all the scammers who copied his EA asked him the permission

I am curious to know why mark fric asked for tkbieber's approval for him to use the same time entry for the new FMT. 🙄
You are right, it looks like Mark is another scam artist!!!!
Why did he promess Lifetime future updates if he's gonna come up with this new BULL...😡


While I can understand and respect your views and the reason why you seem upset.

I think that calling Mark a scam artist is taking it a little too far out of hand, we need to remember that he did give the public a good manual system,

Which has allowed us to gain income. So if you are reading this , could you PLEASE remove that post and re-phrase your message.

Even if you still are mad for the new charge for the Turbo FMT EA, being called a scam artist is a little hard on him for the system he gaves us which some of us may have never had a chance to see.

He also gave credit to TB for his finding's of the new time, so scam is a little hard on him.
thank you all for the support, I really appreciate it.

Mark, is it possible to add the partial profit feature to original FMT EA ? Would be a nice upgrade !

sorry, I'll not add partial profit feature to standard FMT EA. It is because it will complicate it a lot. With partial profit I'd have to add also second target exit options, complicate it even more. All these advanced features are in Turbo Morning Trade EA.

Hoping I have this right, Turbo will only be sold to those that have or are purchasing FMT manual system with bonus EA.

yes, you are correct, I intend to sell Turbo only to the owners of FMT
I am curious to know why mark fric asked for tkbieber's approval for him to use the same time entry for the new FMT. 🙄

I didn't really ask for approval, I was discussing with him about the EA he was selling (which was a decompiled version of my EA) and he said that he did it only because it wasn't available in my EA and told me I can use his idea if I want 🙂
I didn't really ask for approval, I was discussing with him about the EA he was selling (which was a decompiled version of my EA) and he said that he did it only because it wasn't available in my EA and told me I can use his idea if I want 🙂


Thanks for your response.
It is funny, sorry but I can't help laughing at this. hehehe...

Anyway, I thank you for the new EA.
FMT 4.1 BE
0 pips

Total: +15 pips since 11-07-2010
Stats: 6 BE, 5 No Trades, 4 Gainers, 3 Losers
Broker: FXSolutions

I have to say, I think Mark is one of a kind. The one thing that stands out is his honesty. I believe he's the only one out who has NOT created a black box. Plus he post his results and has this forum. Who does that? I've tried other trading robots and they are total junk. One of them lied on their website and did not want to give me my refund. Anyway, the focus for me, is automated trading. I don't want to sit in front of computer all day and then miss trades. Robots never miss trades and are not emotional, they make better traders. Sure some traders can make more money than good trading robots, but I don't have that kind of time. Great job Mark. I just hope more forex robot developers follow your example.

In regards to my results being different than Mark's: I'm using a live account at FXSolutions with a 4 decimal point charts, Mark is using PFG Best with 5 decimal point charts. I think Brucer, page 542 post 4333 had it right. My results were very close to Mark's till I got that trade on 11-25-2010, where I lost -40 pips and Mark broke even. I'm using FTM 4.1, 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP.
Originally Posted by hammy66
Mark, is it possible to add the partial profit feature to original FMT EA ? Would be a nice upgrade !

sorry, I'll not add partial profit feature to standard FMT EA. It is because it will complicate it a lot. With partial profit I'd have to add also second target exit options, complicate it even more. All these advanced features are in Turbo Morning Trade EA.

OK Mark , fair enough ! Thanks for answering my question !

good luck !
this made me really angry. I didn't want to react anymore, but I have to now.

I always tried to be honest and overdeliver, and now you call me a scam artist. I don't sell black box EAs that will never work in the long term like 99% of the EA sellers out there.

I didn't even sell the EA. I sell manual trading system with clear rules, and I made a bonus EA out of it because some of the first customers wanted it. I give the EA for free, and I regularly update it (now in version 4.1) although it just costs me time and it has nothing to do with the original idea of manual trading system.

I believe you have no problem with Forex Signal Base or Breakout Genius, who just took my system completely, changed only the entry time and profit/stop loss and sell it as their own EAs. They are not scam artists for you, right?

Future updates apply to the manual system, the free bonus EA just copies the functionality of the manual system.

yes, of course. There will be no other paid Turbo-Turbo version.

Turbo Morning Trade EA is only for customers who own Forex Morning Trade. If somebody asks for a refund of Forex Morning Trade, I'll refund also his purchase of Turbo Morning Trade (even if he bought it later), and delete him from the customers base. I really don't want money from this kind of people.

please tell me where to find out about this new turbo>>>🙂
Oram you should apologise or not use this forum anymore. Mark is a good man who is trying to share something he has worked hard on with us all. If you can do better Oram then please try...put your energy into that rather than put others who do try down.
Mark, Oram is just one person, 99.9% of us ar 100% behind you. of course you have the right to develop your business.
I definitely don't like the tone of many of today's posts either. There's no need for rudeness, and in defence of Mark here's my penny's worth:

1) The EA was introduced as a bonus, not the reason for buying the system.
2) Most other systems are robots with no explanation of the algorithms involved whereas FMT is a system which explains the underlying principles, no secrets withheld.
3) His email today was very frank and detailed, particularly in respect of the backtesting of previous Decembers. And I think told people clearly what they could choose to do over the holiday month although perhaps he didn't visit the area ofTP and SL settings.

I have thought about the results achieved in November and without wishing to steal anyone else's thunder my decsion is
A) carry on with manual trading system
B) enter trades still at 6.30 GMT
C) set trades with a SL and TP and forget - none of the resetting to BE I dont want to stand over the trade
D) reduce TP expectations from 35 to 30 as I believe that there is less of the volatility in this month that we need in order for FMT to work properly
E) leave SL at 40 accepting that this does skew the Risk Reward Ratio

I would rather have 12 wins at 30 and 5 losses of 40 than 10 wins at 35 and 7 losses at 40 which might have been the experience of November for me!