29 turning 30. 11 years of trading. First profiting year Journal 1

UPDATE:: 8/23 +$3,056
Balance: $39,554
UPDATE:: Came back from doing errands. Thought I saw an opportunity and went in. I'm afraid it might reverse on me so I exited and now im going to sleep.
8/24 +$3,161
Balance: $42,715

MRNA is good stock to daytrade because it has a lot of volume and it fluctuates a lot each day.
Played around with MRNA today. Trades went really well since start of day and I was just killing it. I was looking for a bounce play (near 7:45am) and misread the chart. Almost lost 1K of gains. I keep looking for the bounce play but it just isn't coming. If it doesn't go up, than the chart will go further down. I really feel like MRNA wants to go higher but someone is pushing it down. I enter to make money and start losing it, only to exit at almost breakeven; go in again and lose money, than exit at almost breakeven, so I'm just going to call it a day today. Either my luck ran out or I'm doing a bad job reading the chart or both.


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8/25 -$3,120
Balance: $39,595

Yea... so this happened. Since start of day was just gambling. Told myself I was gambling. Knew I was gambling. Was disappointed because I knew I was gambling. Didn't follow any of my trading rules. Should have just exited but the dumbass myself was being stubborn and was so convinced MRNA is going to go higher and someone is forcibly forcing this stock down. I think it was my ego and just trying to beat the market since I had 2 huge wins the last two days. Thought MRNA would bounce back and rise to $413 by day end but at 11:38am the huge drop... wow the one day I try to be a dumbass and ride this out till the end, this happens. Had 300 positions in but got 101 liquidated at 12:51am... didn't know I needed more margin to keep the position overnight. Still have 199 positions. Tomorrow morning is going to be very interesting. Lets see if my "intuition" will work or if it's just my pride and stubbornness not willing to accept failure. I'm so shit. I thought leaving it overnight would be a good idea because I was really adamant on my predictions but after a nap, im like "wtf... shit this isn't how I trade...".... so yea.


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8/26 $+2,091
Balance: $41,685
Man what is going on with MRNA. It is moving so weird. Was waiting for its bounce and it just wouldn't.. until I exit my positions, of course. Now I shorted and waiting for its fall because it went up too rapidly and needed to fall first but it just wouldn't fall... and gosh it was just frustrating. Lost 1K on the trade because it went higher than I expected and also because it just wouldn't fall. However, saw NG topping and I went "heck lets do it" and exited all of my MRNA positions and went all in shorting NG. Made a quick $900. Was thinking of just exiting half of my positions but I was so tired from looking at the charts all day I just called it a day but man... shoulda waited 5 more mins. Coulda made 20 more ticks. That's $1800 more. Coulda Shoulda Woulda hell no we all know just be thankful for what you have and for not losing money. I'm still shaken up from yesterday's disastrous performance. I'm glad I got some money back today.

FYI putting in another 5K in. So tomorrow's balance will be 5K higher.


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UPDATE:: 8/26 +$2,689
UPDATE:: Balance: $42,284
Went to get some lunch. While eating, I was looking at the NG chart with my phone and omg it was going even higher. I saw that and thought that was so BS. It was forcing it trying to get that last push in before reclining. So I called the BS and shorted the elephant out of it. Went in 2 positions. It goes higher 10 points. Went in 3 more. It goes higher even more. Went in 3 more, and than 1 more. Cause if you're going to go in 8 contracts, might as well go all in and add one more, right? If you're wrong, your screwed anyways. But I wasn't wrong! It starts going down. I am on my phone so I don't have the best chart view so I think to myself "let's play it safe" and exit, when literally 2 seconds later it falls another 10 points. OMFG. If only my finger slipped. Or someone ran into me. OMFG. And I really really promise really called that it would go down to at least 4.179 (it didn't, but it's pretty close) but didn't leave any positions in because you never know what's going to happen. And I had to go get a haircut. But AHHHHH I missed out on like 45 extra points I could've had. AHHHHH could have made back everything I lost yesterday, and like another couple thousand.

Starting tomorrow I'm going to trade a lot smaller because I think just a week or two ago, I was playing in like the $700-$800 range and making that amount a day was a very good day. Now this week I'm suddenly playing in the thousands and I am losing my shit. Gonna reel it back and play it safe because I'm about to lose another $10K in like a day at the rate I'm trading. AHHHHHH why is trading so fun sheesh!


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8/27 +$48
Balance: $47,332
This week's earnings: $5,834

Oh my... so told myself I would trade smaller today. Instead of getting ready of 100 positions in MRNA, got 50 ready. MRNA started going sharply lower and being upward biased I am about MRNA right now because I believe it will go to 440, I went in. Goes down more. Went in 50 more. I was very careless and didn't think much of it because I thought this was going down too sharply and there must be a bounce. And of course MRNA is going to go higher... right? WRONG. Got crushed since the start of day and at one point was down $3200. And the market has just opened... O..M..G... what the hell happened to trading small. Well, I should have thought this out before shooting 50 shares after 50 shares. Tried to play MRNA but it wasn't moving the way I wanted. Was not giving that bounce. Saw an opportunity in NG (through KOLD chart) and went in NG. NG to save the day. Tried to play MRNA bounce play but omg it was just flat since mid of day today - the worst moves of a chart. KOLD was moving weird as well. Tried to scan other stocks but couldn't find opportunity in anything. Tried to hustle all day grinding and grinding. Eventually made back all the losses thanks to NG. BTW went small in NG.. thought to myself I should go bigger but didn't so don't give me too much bashing today. It was a stressful day. Can't believe I got it to positive before EOD.. I am so stressed out right now. And totally exhausted. Gosh... I could use a nap. I need a nap. I'm gonna nap.
BAC: +$40
NG: +$1,879
MRNA: -$1,871


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8/30 +$420
Balance: $47,752

man oh man I had to work all night. came in the morning and set my alarm to the market open times but just slept through it... i guess i was super tired. woke up at 10pm PST. Saw a good short opportunity at AMC but was couple seconds late of the entry I would be comfortable at so I didn't go in. Saw MRNA and thought it would bounce today after falling a little. Called the entry a little early so could not maximize my profit. Left 10 positions in just because I really feel like MRNA has a chance to go up sharply tomorrow and I didn't want to miss it, but at the same time it has a chance to open sharply down so just left a small position in to ride whatever happens. Shoulda made more money on NG but no joke my internet stopped working for like 30 mins and i couldn't see my charts. If i was following the chart movement I think I could have made an exit to make more profits instead of $51. I feel like NG will go down ALOT the month of SEPT but tomorrow it has a chance to bounce up before starting to go down so I didn't leave any positions in. But will be following NG closely as well.


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8/31 +$574

I stayed up all night and did not go to sleep so i don't miss the market hours. I had a bunch of stuff remembered so I write it down for you guys but forgot most of it once I took a nap. From what I remember, AMC and GME was up a lot so I was waiting for a short entry. Got some profits from them. Exited because it looked like AMC and GME may shoot up sharply but it went down even more so I regretted staying in. It was safe to exit, but my positions were not that big I feel like I should have just taken the gamble. I don't even remember what I did with MRNA. I'm looking at the chart right now and I'm not sure why I didn't keep a position in. During the entire trading time, my mind was awake but eyes felt like it was about to pop. stayed up 18 hours and I just had to go to sleep so I think that's why I exited all positions... except NG.
NG went up today just as I had expected and if I'm right again, it will now start falling starting tomorrow. So I was thinking of putting in 1 position and just keeping it until forever but got 2 positions in because... omg I am so convinced it will go down.


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Looks like you finally cracked it! I wish you many more years of success. God Bless.
9/1 -$11,415
Balance: $36,911

Ha....... it actually wasn't that bad at first. It was actually good. The 2 positions I left overnight were doing bad but I woke up at like 12am PST and daytraded. By the time the markets were about to open I was up like 1K. At one point during the night I remember seeing $51,000 on my balance and thinking "I finally broke $50K".
Market opened and NG started lower, which was a big possibility so I wasn't worried. I was so confident it would rise up throughout the day and end the day maybe 6-7% positive and I was thinking to myself today may be a +$10K day. The sudden movement the other way short time after markets opened. Hm that is strange. and the rest of the day... I just did not expect it. At 4.605 mark I was thinking of changing my positions from short to buy because I expected a rise coming but I thought it would be a small pullback before it goes lower again so I decided to play it "safe" and did not exit my short positions. Well that pullback was bigger than expected and I just got owned by NG today.
Taking out 5K from my current position, I can see I'm back to where I was for the balance between 8/11 and 8/12. Lost 3 weeks of my life. FML. I hate drinking alcohol but I'm drinking a little and had some pizza just now. Damn....
And MRNA is going higher just as I expected. F....... shoulda just kept my 2 positions in NG and play around with MRNA instead. I was just so confident of NG and just as I had all my trading life, the biggest losses comes when I feel the most confident in a trade. .....


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9/2 -$2,512
Balance: $34,399

didn't do anything today. Just holding in NG. I still believe it is going to go down.
9/3 -$3,666
balance: $30,733
for the week: -$16,599

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha just riding ng still. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
gonna wait till opening on monday until i decide to quit or not…. or jump off a bridge

so back to the balance as 8/6. not sure whats more amazing. making 16k in a month or losing it all in 3 days.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
9/7 +$8,805
Balance: $39,538

I'm alive boys. After having a good winning momentum I almost lost half my money in less than a week but I'm back. I'm so disappointed in how I traded. Never doing all-in on NG overnight ever again. What I'm more mad about outside of my position in NG is missing out on the MRNA run. I've been calling it for several days MRNA heading to 440 and because my money was tied up in NG, I missed the giant run. Couldn't trade stocks today because previous equity balance was $0 (everything in NG). Starting tomorrow going to focus primarily on stocks because that's where the money and safe haven is. Not futures...


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9/7 +$8,805
Balance: $39,538

I'm alive boys. After having a good winning momentum I almost lost half my money in less than a week but I'm back. I'm so disappointed in how I traded. Never doing all-in on NG overnight ever again. What I'm more mad about outside of my position in NG is missing out on the MRNA run. I've been calling it for several days MRNA heading to 440 and because my money was tied up in NG, I missed the giant run. Couldn't trade stocks today because previous equity balance was $0 (everything in NG). Starting tomorrow going to focus primarily on stocks because that's where the money and safe haven is. Not futures...
How about taking a step back and working on R:R?
9/8 +$411
balance: $39,949

Lucky and unlucky day. Put in 1 short and slept because i believe ng is going down and when i woke up to check ng was shot up… wtf. had a rollercoaster day. i never learn.


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