ForexMorningTrade System


I'd like to announce Turbo Morning Trade EA - a new EA that is based on Forex Morning Trade, which allows much more flexibility and options, including variable entry time, partial profits and various exit strategies.

If you purchased FMT, you should have received the email about it. This product is only for customers of FMT.


as for the comments that I borrow some ideas from this forum - of course I do, like everybody else.
But I don't try to make money on your ideas. What I did is that I made an EA that allows everybody to test and trade these ideas if he/she wants to.
Entering at a time range is not a revolutionary idea, it is an optional setting, people can use it or not. I talked to tkbieber and he allowed me to include this functionality.

I don't give any recommended settings with this EA, so it is up to you to find the best configuration for you, or use configuration of tkbieber, or any other.
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Yes if you are an owner of the First FMT , you should have gotten an e-mail within the last 20 min or at 5:15 GMT. That is when I got my e-mail.

hmmm.. I just read the email. November is not a good month and now a new product is on offer? 🙁
How funny here we were getting all upset at TB for coming up with better trading times for the FMT EA extended, you know we all got into a heated debate.

Now Mark comes out with a Turbo FMT, and guess what one of the new feature's are? To allow trading time to start at THE SAME TIME as TB posted in this forum as a better entry with the extended version EA .

Still think Mark is not coming here and "borrowing" ides and settings. If it Smell like a Duck, Walks Like a Duck, then it must be a DUCK!!

Now were does the "gray line" in the sand end with the First FMT setting when it was released to the public, and the better settings and entry times that were posted here after many members did their own back testing and found better results?😡.

that's a dumb reason for you to be angry... kind of rude to say that. starting London trading at 6 am gmt has been around since forex was invented so is no big discovery by TB. It's just a choice.

Mark has taken all the ideas of what traders want and put them into one EA. A programmer I am not, and am grateful for those skills, and the adaptations Mark has done.

Your rude comments have no value and don't assist other traders. :|
Fluegel is 2 trades

1: 50sl 40tp 25 be
2: 50sl 25tp no be

am I correct?

You can see his setting on Page # 487

Copying the settings for your ease:
40TP-50SL-25BE: 40, BE, BE, 40, 40 (122 pips in total)
25TP-50SL-no BE: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 (125 pips in total)


deatil was just honestly expressing his own opinions and I do agree with some of the things he said.
It is such a coincidence that there is a new product in the market just after TK's extended version.

deatil was just honestly expressing his own opinions and I do agree with some of the things he said.
It is such a coincidence that there is a new product in the market just after TK's extended version.

The extended version is a simple programming adjustment lol that I started doing manually when I first got the EA back in August. Travis is not the only one who suggested this adjustment.

geez, why are you guys bitching about where Mark gets his ideas from for an alternate product with more options for experienced traders?

He's basically offering something that probably many people have suggested.

gratitude = wealth

deatil was just honestly expressing his own opinions and I do agree with some of the things he said.
It is such a coincidence that there is a new product in the market just after TK's extended version.

let's not start a flame here. I was working on the new EA for some time already, and the only reason for the new EA was that many users asked me about the options like partial profits etc. and there was no way to test it automatically.

I openly admit that this entry time range is idea of tkbieber, and he allowed me to use it. Anyway, this feature is only a small part of Turbo EA features, and it wouldn't be a reason to get it. I think the new options in the Turbo Morning Trade EA add a whole range of new advanced possibilities for trading the FMT system.

I'm not forcing anyone to purchase this new EA, if it doesn't have the value for you, just don't buy it. You can still trade FMT system with the free bonus EA.

that's a dumb reason for you to be angry... kind of rude to say that. starting London trading at 6 am gmt has been around since forex was invented so is no big discovery by TB. It's just a choice.

Mark has taken all the ideas of what traders want and put them into one EA. A programmer I am not, and am grateful for those skills, and the adaptations Mark has done.

Your rude comments have no value and don't assist other traders. :|

Rude, more like the truth so get use to it! And if you can not handle to truth then go by with the kids, is this simple enough for you to understand? trust me you have no idea of what rude is when I get started
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The extended version is a simple programming adjustment lol that I started doing manually when I first got the EA back in August. Travis is not the only one who suggested this adjustment.

geez, why are you guys bitching about where Mark gets his ideas from for an alternate product with more options for experienced traders?

He's basically offering something that probably many people have suggested.

gratitude = wealth

Go ahead Blue, show me and us who else started with the 30 min start time. GO AHEAD post the post number so we can see!!

your so full of BS!!! and even Mark admits it was TB idea, but I see you just like to talk a lot of BS with NO PROOF to your claims. GROW UP
How did some people get TP today? The price clearly returned to BE. What settings you guys using?
Here's my beef with it. I recently purchased an EA that promised "Lifetime future updates – I keep on trading and improving the system, so there could be amendments and optimalizations to actual market conditions".

So, now we have amendments/optimizations AND A RENAMED ROBOT.

Question: Is there an authentication of previous purchase to be able to buy the newly named Turbo bot? Or, having now posted the web address yourself, Mark, can anyone go to that purchase page and buy the newly optimized version (renamed) of the robot for $30 less than I paid for the non-optimized (non-renamed) version without proving previous purchase???

If anyone can go to that address and buy TURBO for $30 less than I recently paid for the non-improved/optimized version, then what happened to the ORIGINAL promise of "Lifetime future updates"???

And the page for the newly renamed version carries the same empty promise. What about future improvements/optimizations to this one? Will it be named something like Turbo-Turbo FMT?

Oh..... and you can have it for a mere blah, blah, blah MORE dollars.

How 'bout I go right now to Clickbank and get a refund of my $97, and then use the above web address and buy the optimized (conveniently renamed) version for $67?

You messed up, Mark. You should have been content to honor your original promise for lifetime updates of a bot that has now been tweaked, spreading good will to the folks who already purchased it, with the ADDED sales of a now-improved bot, that would have garnered MORE sales at the SAME original price of $97.

Just my opinion.

I could not have said this better Wilson - I suddenly feel total loss of respect and awe for the product/owner
If you look at FPA test there are 4 version of FMT.
1. FMT the original by Mark start at 6.30 GMT (london Time)
2- Signal base start at 5.30 GMT (london time)
3- Forex breakout Genius 5.45 GMT (not at london time); it trade also at 5.45 GMT in summer

and the extended version which start at 6 GMT (london time) extending the trade if parameters are ok

In this 4 versions all the parameters are the same, but now Mark has implemented with a new parameter
I think the original idea belong to Mark
Here's my beef with it. I recently purchased an EA that promised "Lifetime future updates – I keep on trading and improving the system, so there could be amendments and optimalizations to actual market conditions".

So, now we have amendments/optimizations AND A RENAMED ROBOT.
You messed up, Mark. You should have been content to honor your original promise for lifetime updates of a bot that has now been tweaked, spreading good will to the folks who already purchased it, with the ADDED sales of a now-improved bot, that would have garnered MORE sales at the SAME original price of $97.

Just my opinion.

I didn't expect such negative reaction, it makes me really sad.
You missed the point that Forex Morning Trade is a manual trading system, not the EA. All customers got the EA for FREE as a bonus. And now you want me to give out also the advanced version of the EA, that took me two months to test and develop, also for free.

I don't force anybody to buy this Turbo version, it is possible to trade the FMT using the free bonus EA.

This Turbo version is not just retweaked and renamed robot to make me more money, as you put it.
If you don't see that there are lots of new options, especially to manage the trade that ARE NOT in the original system, then I don't know. These are not optimizations, there are NEW FEATURES!
Forex Morning Trade is a simple and profitable system, I'm not going to bloat the free bonus EA with advanced options. FMT EA is there to trade FMT system in a standard way.
Turbo Morning Trade allows to trade it in advanced ways. For me the most important feature in Turbo is the partial profit.

I will keep on updating the free EA as well as this Turbo EA, but those are two different EAs.

You have the point that I don't control if somebody who doesn't own the FMT buys this new EA. I can implement such control if there will be a problem with it.

How 'bout I go right now to Clickbank and get a refund of my $97, and then use the above web address and buy the optimized (conveniently renamed) version for $67?

is life about evading the rules?
You can as well as buy the system, then ask for a refund and keep on using it. I'm sure there are some people who do it just like that. But I believe there are much more honest ones.
I believe in honesty, if I want something, I'll buy it, and I'm not thinking about tricks on how to get it for free.

This is my last reaction to this topic, I believe I don't need to explain my actions any further.
Well here's my 2 cents. The original FMT system was a manual system and the EA was a bonus. I think what Mark may have been offering the lifetime update guarantee on was the manual system. I'm basing that on rereading the original sales copy.

That being said most people (myself included) assumed that the guarantee included future ea updates.

Since this is his forum I have no problems with Mark adding features that are discussed here. I think that's actually good. But what I see in this new EA is a bunch of features added which have not been forward tested.

I think it would have been better to provide the new EA to existing members and then market it at full price to other buyers. Also this would have been better done when the EA was a screaming success instead ofstruggling with the end of year markets

Mark one question. If you add new features to the Turbo version in the future will new buyers get those updates for free?

Also I would expect that many who just bought the system with the original EA will ask for a refund through Clickbank and then turn around and buy the new system.
You are right, it looks like Mark is another scam artist!!!!
Why did he promess Lifetime future updates if he's gonna come up with this new BULL...😡

this made me really angry. I didn't want to react anymore, but I have to now.

I always tried to be honest and overdeliver, and now you call me a scam artist. I don't sell black box EAs that will never work in the long term like 99% of the EA sellers out there.

I didn't even sell the EA. I sell manual trading system with clear rules, and I made a bonus EA out of it because some of the first customers wanted it. I give the EA for free, and I regularly update it (now in version 4.1) although it just costs me time and it has nothing to do with the original idea of manual trading system.

I believe you have no problem with Forex Signal Base or Breakout Genius, who just took my system completely, changed only the entry time and profit/stop loss and sell it as their own EAs. They are not scam artists for you, right?

Future updates apply to the manual system, the free bonus EA just copies the functionality of the manual system.

Mark one question. If you add new features to the Turbo version in the future will new buyers get those updates for free?

yes, of course. There will be no other paid Turbo-Turbo version.

Also I would expect that many who just bought the system with the original EA will ask for a refund through Clickbank and then turn around and buy the new system.

Turbo Morning Trade EA is only for customers who own Forex Morning Trade. If somebody asks for a refund of Forex Morning Trade, I'll refund also his purchase of Turbo Morning Trade (even if he bought it later), and delete him from the customers base. I really don't want money from this kind of people.
this made me really angry. I didn't want to react anymore, but I have to now.

I always tried to be honest and overdeliver, and now you call me a scam artist. I don't sell black box EAs that will never work in the long term like 99% of the EA sellers out there.

I didn't even sell the EA. I sell manual trading system with clear rules, and I made a bonus EA out of it because some of the first customers wanted it. I give the EA for free, and I regularly update it (now in version 4.1) although it just costs me time and it has nothing to do with the original idea of manual trading system.

I believe you have no problem with Forex Signal Base or Breakout Genius, who just took my system completely, changed only the entry time and profit/stop loss and sell it as their own EAs. They are not scam artists for you, right?

Future updates apply to the manual system, the free bonus EA just copies the functionality of the manual system.

yes, of course. There will be no other paid Turbo-Turbo version.

Turbo Morning Trade EA is only for customers who own Forex Morning Trade. If somebody asks for a refund of Forex Morning Trade, I'll refund also his purchase of Turbo Morning Trade (even if he bought it later), and delete him from the customers base. I really don't want money from this kind of people.

Mark you are right
1) we bought a system and not an EA; EA was a bonus
2) TURBO FMT at low price only for old customers
3) new customers will paid a full price

And... I was the first in this forum and FPA to write Signal base has copied your system