ForexMorningTrade System


While I can understand and respect your views and the reason why you seem upset.

I think that calling Mark a scam artist is taking it a little too far out of hand, we need to remember that he did give the public a good manual system,

Which has allowed us to gain income. So if you are reading this , could you PLEASE remove that post and re-phrase your message.

Even if you still are mad for the new charge for the Turbo FMT EA, being called a scam artist is a little hard on him for the system he gaves us which some of us may have never had a chance to see.

He also gave credit to TB for his finding's of the new time, so scam is a little hard on him.

SCAM ARTIST? Are you for real? Your definition is totally out of the park!!! I challenge you to find another individual with the transparency that Mark has!!! My questions have always been answered quickly and proficienct manner. Mark's journal as well as this forum should be enough to convince this of his honesty. I don't usually post, but this went too far! I have already made enough money from his EA to buy the turbo version ten times over. I wish I could say that about other developers. Mark keep up the good work because you will "reap what you sow". Thanks Mark.🙁
Originally Posted by hammy66
Mark, is it possible to add the partial profit feature to original FMT EA ? Would be a nice upgrade !

sorry, I'll not add partial profit feature to standard FMT EA. It is because it will complicate it a lot. With partial profit I'd have to add also second target exit options, complicate it even more. All these advanced features are in Turbo Morning Trade EA.

OK Mark , fair enough ! Thanks for answering my question !

good luck !


There's a free shareware trade manager EA by Steve Hopwood on Forex Factory. I think it's called Mutipurpose trade manager. It has partial profits, jumping stops, BE etc. Thereare so many options it can be intimidating but Steve also provides a very good user manual. His stuff is highly regarded.

I'm leaning toward buying theTurbo EA only because it's all built into 1 EA.

Mark Fric,

Thanks for all you do. Don't pay any mind to this Mark Wilson individual. He is obviously trapped in a state of infancy. When I read his posts I picture a little child whining and pounding his fists on the ground.

I can honestly say that out of all the robots and manual systems I have purchased this is the only one that truly works as described. I appreciate your continued involvement and support. Your transparency is like a breath of fresh air.
That opens up a can of worms doesn't it.

No future "improvements" to the original robot are possible now. The original "free" robot was in no way tied to the original manual system. You paid $97 for a pdf explaining how to trade the CCI and Momentum indicators during the London breakout.

mark_wilson, I must be dreaming, you cannot be real 🙂
It seems you have some personal problem with me.

The original EA is tied to the manual system, what you bought for your money was the complete trading system. EA was a bonus. If you think it is so simple to trade London breakout why you felt the need to buy my system?

Mark Fric, when might we expect the new pdf explaining all the improvements that have been made to the original manual system?

There's nothing hidden in the Turbo Morning Trade EA. Partial profits and various exit strategies are explained on the page and can be traded also manually, but it is too complicated to do it without the robot, you'd need to sit in front of the computer for hours. For this reason it cannot be included in the Forex Morning Trade system, as that is a manual strategy.

You also missed the point that I'm not giving any recommended settings for Turbo Morning Trade EA. It is a TOOL that allows its owners to test various options, find their own settings and trade them.

So, I'm sorry, you'll not receive any pdf to your email explaining you some improvement of the system as there is none. But you are welcome to trade this system manually with partial profit and trailing stop strategy any way you like.
So please stop spamming the discussion.
The new turbo EA is now at $67 for limited time only. A while ago, I notice that the special offer is till 8th dec 2010.
Can anyone recommend a VPS service that is cheap or free, or a mteatrader platform that has VPS . Thinkforex does, but one has to have 1K in it AND trade 4 lots per month which would be 40 trades of 0.05 lots (2%) a month...
anyone know a spread betting metatrader platform?
Can anyone recommend a VPS service that is cheap or free, or a mteatrader platform that has VPS . Thinkforex does, but one has to have 1K in it AND trade 4 lots per month which would be 40 trades of 0.05 lots (2%) a month...
anyone know a spread betting metatrader platform?

I came across these folks. I have yet to try them but it is on my to do list. Good pricing.
mark_wilson, I must be dreaming, you cannot be real 🙂
It seems you have some personal problem with me.

The original EA is tied to the manual system, what you bought for your money was the complete trading system. EA was a bonus. If you think it is so simple to trade London breakout why you felt the need to buy my system?

There's nothing hidden in the Turbo Morning Trade EA. Partial profits and various exit strategies are explained on the page and can be traded also manually, but it is too complicated to do it without the robot, you'd need to sit in front of the computer for hours. For this reason it cannot be included in the Forex Morning Trade system, as that is a manual strategy.

You also missed the point that I'm not giving any recommended settings for Turbo Morning Trade EA. It is a TOOL that allows its owners to test various options, find their own settings and trade them.

So, I'm sorry, you'll not receive any pdf to your email explaining you some improvement of the system as there is none. But you are welcome to trade this system manually with partial profit and trailing stop strategy any way you like.
So please stop spamming the discussion.

Perhaps English is not his first language. He doesn't quite seem to grasp what you and others have tried to explain. Please do refund his money and get him off of this forum. He obviously wants something for nothing.
sorry, I'll not add partial profit feature to standard FMT EA. It is because it will complicate it a lot.... All these advanced features are in Turbo Morning Trade EA.
yes, you are correct, I intend to sell Turbo only to the owners of FMT

Hello Mark,
To add my vote of confidence/support. Non illigitamus carborundum.

I was going to ask you about this - someone posted positive comments re: FMP/Bob Poulis, I watched Free-to-view educational videos which show 'partial profit' technique - sell half at TP1 and run the rest to TP2 for free'. Well used in share trading. It crossed my mind to ask your views on this approach's relevance for FMT (given that BPoulis seems to have Forex credibility), and if positive, whether you might include it in the EA. Lo and behold an email from you today with a new bot with this feature, along with several others.
To provide is not a simple upgrade to the free EA, it require added development - why on earth would I be 'hostile' to you doing this and expecting me pay for this if I want it, think it will make me more money/and or de-risk etc i.e. meet a desire, and why would you spend time, effort and money developing new features without payment? Why would people object to paying a modest sum - especially as pointed out it is probably one successful trade for most here, and FMT is making money for people?
Keep up the good work, keep listening to and preempting the needs of your customers and ignore the (un-warranted - it all is) hostility.
Oh.... So what I have to say is spam. But what you have to say is not.

And who is the judge of that? You, sitting on your glorious throne?

I'm sure you'd rather not be bothered by it all. You're much too busy working on Turbo-Turbo FMT.

Just honor my request for a refund through Clickbank and I'll move on.

Yes Mark, do it please. :clap:
Yes Mark, do it please. :clap:

Yes, right. He seems to think in order to get a refund he must bash the system and it's creator all the while whining like a baby. 60 day no questions asked guarantee. Get your money and go elsewhere!
Turbo or not Turbo, that is the question.

For my money I like the simplicity of the system as is. As for lifetime upgrades, continued input from Marc on his recommended settings is all I would ask for now as he has been doing already.

Let's hope the system remains in line with its 3yr backtest for a good while longer.
Turbo or not Turbo, that is the question.

For my money I like the simplicity of the system as is. .....Let's hope the system remains in line with its 3yr backtest for a good while longer.

I totally agree. If the strategy can keep to its average performance of the last 22 months (as per the promotional website) which is in the region of 120-150 pips a month then I'd be a happy man. I won't give up my day job just yet but this has to be the least arduous way I've found of making a living. And good luck to those who tweak the system to their own advantage and find a bit extra gain, it's great to be able to discuss this in a usually civil forum.
Turbo or not Turbo, that is the question.

For my money I like the simplicity of the system as is. As for lifetime upgrades, continued input from Marc on his recommended settings is all I would ask for now as he has been doing already.

Let's hope the system remains in line with its 3yr backtest for a good while longer.

I'd say you don't need Turbo version if you are satisfied with FMT EA and you need the new features.
With Turbo, you'd have to run extensive tests to find out the best settings that could improve the performance.
Turbo version offers much more options, is it more a TOOL to test various trade management variations, and then trade them when you found the best settings.
I totally agree. If the strategy can keep to its average performance of the last 22 months (as per the promotional website) which is in the region of 120-150 pips a month then I'd be a happy man. I won't give up my day job just yet but this has to be the least arduous way I've found of making a living. And good luck to those who tweak the system to their own advantage and find a bit extra gain, it's great to be able to discuss this in a usually civil forum.

I have to agree as well. I liken the turbo version to playing at the casino. You spend 2 hours playing a nice game of craps and your up $1000 (FMT). The greedy little devil on your shoulder whispers in your ear "lets turbo charge this". Of course you should walk away with a nice profit but you get greedy and decide do play "a little longer" and raise the bets "just a little higher" (TMT EA).

Another 2 hours have gone by and you have fallen victim to the odds. Your $1000 is now $400 or even worse $0. In the words of Kelly Johnson "Keep it simple stupid".
Mark Fric,

I am curious if you trade other pairs and or other sessions. Is there a possibility of another EA based on another strategy?
Mark Fric,

I am curious if you trade other pairs and or other sessions. Is there a possibility of another EA based on another strategy?

yes, I trade also other pairs, but with custom manual strategy on a daily chart. It is not that simple to transform this strategy to an EA, but I'm working on some other ideas.

But this thread is about FMT, not about other strategies. I'll sure let you all know if I'll have something new, but I don't expect it will be soon 🙂
Marc: Can you start another thread or blog relative to Turbo settings? It would be nice to see what people discover through backtesting without complicating this thread. Thanks.

Sorry Mark for my comment, I already delete it.
Keep up with your work and please forgive me for my old post, it was just my reaction after been scam many times in the forex world.
Next time i going to think longer before to label someone.
I also want to apologise to all of the members of this forum, i learn a lot from all of you and i don't want people to hate me.
Once again i'm sorry and please forgive me, it's not going to happen again.