ForexMorningTrade System

I'm reading all the good reports on FMT but I only got it a month ago so my trading has been completely neutral. As far as I'm concerned I bought a manual sytem with a Robot thrown in. I don't have an issue with Marc providing a further EA for a fee but for me it looks far too complex - I'd spend all my time back testing (well I'd need to learn how to do that first) and no doubt like many in the future will find all I did was curve fit .... that to my mind is the fundamental issue of chopping and changing too much - it worked last month/last 3 months / last 6 months etc so I'll change what I do - it leads to losses, drawdowns, lack of confidence, reduced stakes etc and then you change to the next best thing and the cycle continues - although if you know what your doing and I don't because I'm still learning then it may well be the best $67 you spent.

So because I'm a simple man I adopt KISS (keep it simple stupid)

PS good to see oram man enough to apologise - we all balls up from time to time
Hi Marc,

Congratulations on the release of the Turbo version! With already making money from the original EA.. I will definitely be buying the new Turbo version.

To all who are moaning: The price Marc charges for his EAs is negligible compared to the amount of money you can make from it!

After bitten by several EA sellers liars and tru scam artists I am just a big fan of Marc's honesty and simplicity.

I never bother contributing on this forum but after reading negative comments by several users I thought I have to post something in support of Marc.

Best of Luck Marc!

There's a free shareware trade manager EA by Steve Hopwood on Forex Factory. I think it's called Mutipurpose trade manager. It has partial profits, jumping stops, BE etc. Thereare so many options it can be intimidating but Steve also provides a very good user manual. His stuff is highly regarded.

I'm leaning toward buying theTurbo EA only because it's all built into 1 EA.


Thanks Sandy !
Yes, I did know about Multi Purpose Trade Manager and that's why I didn't think it was a big deal for Mark to add it into FMT, but it must be ? I'm not a EA programmer so I will accept that it is too awkward and would take away from the simplicity of FMT. It's Mark's call and I am just grateful to own FMT as is, I'm not sure I need Turbo, but I did like the sounds of the partial profits feature. Thanks for your response, Sandy !

cheers !..😀
Hey Mark, No good deed goes unrewarded, eh? Look at it this way: The amount of crap people get is usually directly proportional to how successful they are. It's a jealousy thing. Just be thankful you're not MORE successful!
Thanks Sandy !
Yes, I did know about Multi Purpose Trade Manager and that's why I didn't think it was a big deal for Mark to add it into FMT, but it must be ? I'm not a EA programmer so I will accept that it is too awkward and would take away from the simplicity of FMT. It's Mark's call and I am just grateful to own FMT as is, I'm not sure I need Turbo, but I did like the sounds of the partial profits feature. Thanks for your response, Sandy !

cheers !..😀

Hammy - you're very welcome

Oram - Thanks for apologizing to Mark.
O.k. I purchased Turbo and have read through the manual. My first impression is that I think FMT usually picks good entries. The Turbo version adds another filter mentioned in Mark's email to hopefuly weed out some of the entries that probably are doomed from the start. It also gives you the flexible entry that TK's version offered (which I think is a real strenth).

The other strength is that Turbo offers a lot of different options for exits. There are no recommended settings because there are so many possible combinations. I think this is going to prove to be a good toolkit EA for people tocome up with customized entry and exit strategies.

The original FMT is fairly proven and has a history of forward testing. So these really are two very different EAs.
O.k. I purchased Turbo and have read through the manual. My first impression is that I think FMT usually picks good entries. The Turbo version adds another filter mentioned in Mark's email to hopefuly weed out some of the entries that probably are doomed from the start. It also gives you the flexible entry that TK's version offered (which I think is a real strenth).

The other strength is that Turbo offers a lot of different options for exits. There are no recommended settings because there are so many possible combinations. I think this is going to prove to be a good toolkit EA for people tocome up with customized entry and exit strategies.

The original FMT is fairly proven and has a history of forward testing. So these really are two very different EAs.

Thanks for this info, you are getting me interested ..😆

With new options and filters, it might work also on GbpJpy pair ?..👍

cheers !
Well, this is strange - the standard FMT EA got in this morning at 1.55775 and got out at 1.56325 for a 55 pip profit but here's the thing, whilst the Broker TP was set at 55, the hidden TP was set at 29 and yet it seems to have ignored the latter. Anyone else come across this?
Well, this is strange - the standard FMT EA got in this morning at 1.55775 and got out at 1.56325 for a 55 pip profit but here's the thing, whilst the Broker TP was set at 55, the hidden TP was set at 29 and yet it seems to have ignored the latter. Anyone else come across this?

I noticed this in backtesting, it always pulled the broker TP instead of the hidden TP, so I had to make sure in backtesting that both TP's were the same.
Re: Apologise

Sorry Mark for my comment, I already delete it.
Keep up with your work and please forgive me for my old post, it was just my reaction after been scam many times in the forex world.
Next time i going to think longer before to label someone.
I also want to apologise to all of the members of this forum, i learn a lot from all of you and i don't want people to hate me.
Once again i'm sorry and please forgive me, it's not going to happen again.

No person stands taller then a person who admits a wrong. You took the correct actions Oram,

Put it behind you, and lets move forward like it never happen👍
Thanks for this info, you are getting me interested ..😆

With new options and filters, it might work also on GbpJpy pair ?..👍

cheers !


I think you'd still have to find the best breakout times for GJ. But this EA does give a lot of exit options You'd just have to backtest to find the bestsettings.

Sandy 🙂
in long today. there has been a fair jump in price since about 6.20

I bought at 1.5619, had I acted a bit sooner (I don't use an EA) I could see on the 1 and 2 minute charts that it was turning up

Hope for a gain and good luck to all
Go ahead Blue, show me and us who else started with the 30 min start time. GO AHEAD post the post number so we can see!!

your so full of BS!!! and even Mark admits it was TB idea, but I see you just like to talk a lot of BS with NO PROOF to your claims. GROW UP

Deatil, having fun being the arrogant judge and jury? enjoy insulting people? like being rude? this must be fun for you then.

I have been trading the GBP usd London breakout for 7 years. always at 6 am, never at 6:30 and I know many traders who have done the same, and I know some that traded it at 6:15 or 6:30 and some at 7 am. I also emailed Mark and asked him about a few adjustments and I know a lot of other people did too. Since the 6am start was so obvious, and I talked about it either on this forum or on skype or in personal messages, I assume Mark saw it as well.

Not all communications happen on this forum by the way.
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Deatil, having fun being the arrogant judge and jury? enjoy insulting people? like being rude? this must be fun for you then.

what do you know of truth? TRUTH = temple for the realization of true harmony

I have been trading the GBP usd London breakout for 7 years. always at 6 am, never at 6:30 and I know many traders who have done the same, and I know some that traded it at 6:15 or 6:30 and some at 7 am. I also emailed Mark and asked him about a few adjustments and I know a lot of other people did too. Since the 6am start was so obvious, and I talked about it either on this forum or on skype or in personal messages, I assume Mark saw it as well.

Not all communications happen on this forum by the way.

It almost gets amusing. I happen to know a company which sends out signals, not only on GU but on 3 other pairs as well. Their start time for these signals is usually about5.34 I dont know if there's any statistical significance to that but what I do believe is that if a trend is evident up to an hour earlier than 6.30 it will give a slightly better start price, whether you're going long or short. We're only talking 5 or 10 pips at the very most. And if you're sitting watching over a trade it's a long time to wait until the main action occurs!
Deatil, having fun being the arrogant judge and jury? enjoy insulting people? like being rude? this must be fun for you then.

what do you know of truth? TRUTH = temple for the realization of true harmony

I have been trading the GBP usd London breakout for 7 years. always at 6 am, never at 6:30 and I know many traders who have done the same, and I know some that traded it at 6:15 or 6:30 and some at 7 am. I also emailed Mark and asked him about a few adjustments and I know a lot of other people did too. Since the 6am start was so obvious, and I talked about it either on this forum or on skype or in personal messages, I assume Mark saw it as well.

Not all communications happen on this forum by the way.

As I stated before and will restate it to you again, I do not care about your claims about your so called "what you did or said" on skype or any other forum.

The plain fact still remains ( as you call rude ) and I and the rest of the world call TRUTH is that TB on this forum was the ONLY ONE to post in this forum in Black in White about the 30 start time at 6;00 am London time.

If you read the thread which I am sure you have by this time, you will see were Mark gives him credit for the idea.

Your claims have no merits, we all can make claims "we done this or that" but without proof its all BS.So either move on ,or show us claims that you mention this in this forum which is all that counts at this point before TB about the early start. I have already ask you once for proof.

I know of people too that have e-mail Mark about idea and different options, but it means nothing to anyone, like I said before TB did share it here in an "open" forum and to date is one of the best ideas and also proven thur back testing, and Mark must have saw it as a very good one, because as we can see he added that option to the Turbo EA.

Like someone else already pointed out its the strongest option for the upgrade, because we all know that most if not all the other the other features in the new Turbo FMT with regards to money management can be found for free on other EA across the net and there is no need for the upgrade,This too has been pointed out by "hammy" just a few post back today with regards to other EA concerning money management .

PS: Just so you and everyone know to this date I DO NOT own TB extended version of the FMT, But I an not going to stand by and which anyone be robbed, or not given credit for their hard work or an idea that proves to have merit.
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