Forex Day Trader's Thread

yea.. sold off usd chf.. 2 times.. i taken a total of about 170pip accumulated overnight..

now sidelining.. could be adding again.

yeah major reversal,but not always easy the usd/chf pair.
I went short on EUR/JPY ... right before SFCG files for bankruptcy protection with $3.6bn in debts :( not looking good. Question is, do I get out now with a loss or sit it out...
i went out on usd/chf at 114.82
shorted at 115.90 and added 1 at 115.70 (Add your glory)

IT seems.. usd chf have troubles to really dive down, this could be to the oversold condition in the short term
Euro Jpy

I went short on EUR/JPY ... right before SFCG files for bankruptcy protection with $3.6bn in debts :( not looking good. Question is, do I get out now with a loss or sit it out...

i was long euro/jpy and euro/usd.friday but i bailed out too early..indeed i missed out most of the surge friday, but the timing to enter was right, but the timing to get out was ridd frustating :)

i also considered a long euro/jpy arond 119.50 yesterday, but i did not..

i choosed the usd/chf (short) and i am really satisfied by this nice pip gain, so i arrived anyway at the place i wanted to be :p

bless you all
hey Ridd,
whats your view on EUR/YEN at the moment? Im thinking it looks overbought. Im short, so really hoping that 122 will hold! As long as the Euro falls against the USD, I should be alright...
it looks overbought.., daily is topping, but not sure whether there is some added space avaible
usd chf moving the wrong way now.. ;)... it still fits in a countertrend move..
whats your opinion now Pip?
I too shorted at 1.159 on USD/CHF .. slightly underwater right now .. I'm sticking with it
It got rejected hard at the 50% fib .. I think we'll be ok Ridd.. stay with it ..

my stop is still at 1.1725
i think we will be ok also pip..
i think also dow could be ending higher..after bottoming today..

getting bit nervous though ;)

however now underwater.. which i dont like