Forex Day Trader's Thread

it would be absolutely insane to short Euro with a big stop.. you'll get stopped out big..
personally ive been selling this euro all day... taking some profits, then putting it back on.... i have pretty decent size on short.... this is a definitite rising/ending wedge its putting in here in my opinion... i think it'll be a great short over the next couple days.
Because US gov need to flush away debt. They will devalue dollar and destroy other currencies and present new world currency which will control JPM, GS, Rotschilds (not our friend on the forum) and others. This is the big picture
its completing this rising wedge which i think is ending a larger 5th wave up. i have orders out to short up to 1.479..... i think a correction lower is not far off....after that it'll be free to move higher if it wants to but it'll drop a couple hundred pips first in my opinion.
for once im willing to get squeezed on this move.... even if it climbs to 1.49 (which i think is an extreme scenario) it will be entirely too overbought at that point and we will get at least some kind of move lower. but i guess we'll find out who's right here in the next couple days.
I will wait to 1.49. Could be abc correction from 1.4760, it needs to finish 3rd wave, and it's bullish above 640
It is concerning when I see ES buy programs in size right after going long USD. My intention is to add if 76 is breached.
for once im willing to get squeezed on this move.... even if it climbs to 1.49 (which i think is an extreme scenario) it will be entirely too overbought at that point and we will get at least some kind of move lower. but i guess we'll find out who's right here in the next couple days.

Not saying I'm right, but extreme scenario is 1.52 or more. USD index can go directly to 72. The market can stay irrational longer then you can stay liquid
if 1.49 is legitimately breached ill be out.... keeping a core position on short until then and trading around it with small size.
Technically, I think 1.49-1.50 is possible with this euro behavior. Also 1.52 is still in striking range. I may be wrong though.
The equity markets will correct and take Euro with them.. It will take a long time to make it to 1.52 .. I really don't see it happening before the markets correct.. it's inevitable.. has to happen.
I have to say that the Italians KNOW how to cook and make a nice wine! I think I will never miss the fish and chips..