Forex Day Trader's Thread

That was actually the first time I've tried playing off the SMA with Cable.. I guess traders don't give a **** about daily SMA in Cable.. It works awesome with EJ
This euro ain't going anywhere. I really thought it would start heading south today. GBPJPY is approaching some interesting levels, I hate that large spread though, really fecks me off...
I get about a 7 pip spread on GJ .. I think it's bit much as well, BUT it's worth it if you can nail a reversal point.. it can move 400 pips in a day..
I think the djia is about done with the rally that started in february, so I think that should mean some major reversals are about to happen. Do you guys in here agree with that scenario?
I'm done for the week and it was far above average.

Yes, Dave .. that is a definite possibility.. Just have to keep short USD stop losses tight..
Do you ever trade the eur/gbp? I have a possible trade setup for next week and wanted some input.
I'll post my charts. It already has an if done order showing entry, stop and limit for two microlots but I will add more if it pans out. I'm looking to stay in this trade long term and just keep moving stops and limits. Thanks for any feedback from anyone here. I'm not as good of a trader as I would like to be yet,but am working hard to learn.

Dave, don't use more than 1 mini-lot $10,000 on a trade for at least a year and only use the daily charts to find entry and exit points.. otherwise you have no hope of success. It doesn't matter how bright you are.. Find the smartest guy in the world and tell him to hop in a helicopter and fly it without experience and he'll die just like everyone else. This is the greatest piece of advice you will ever get on this site.

This isn't an instructional thread though man.. there's a beginner's section where you can get advice while you're learning. You're welcome to come back and participate when you have a bit more experience and I wish you luck.
Here is an alternative channel down I drew, where wave five broke through resistance and even under this scenario it appears to me that the euro is almost due for a large correction. Please give me some input.


I love trading by the way.. Saturdays are a direct insult to me and a waste of my time..
Come on Pippy! Enjoy your weekend! Spend half of the pips you have made this week..!
As you asked before.. I`m in Italy before heading to Thai..

Right now I`m sitting in a terrace looking at houses from ~1800 and around huge green montains. Sun is shining as I never seen in 3 years in Grey Britain. I have a cold Nastro Azurro while I wait a Italian to go to the waterfalls..

First HOLIDAYs in my life and the best so far...

What is good in Texas pippy, besides shooting at people? :)
the food, the women, the weather and the money ;)

Italians shoot "at" people.. we don't miss!
I love trading by the way.. Saturdays are a direct insult to me and a waste of my time..

I totally know what you mean, sometimes I feel lost when the weekend arrives. But I usually find ways to enjoy my time especially when the weather is good.
I'm going to try a scalp off of 1.62 in Cable with a tight stop.. I like Euro at 1.465 too.. beyond that and the recent range will be broken and I'll stand aside.