Forex Day Trader's Thread

I'm a pilot, luckily for me I get to fly here now and again! No foreign mobiles are working here at the moment & it's Ramadan as well. At least I can spend time looking at the euro dollar charts, there's nothing else to do...
Now we'll be able to trade with one pip accuracy.
It's nice when Mr. Market listen you like little kid.
We did put Stops near 1.4722.
Mr. Market came. Did look at this Stop and moved Short.
A Briton in Iran.. must be uncomfortable. You might want to wear your Canadian decoy flag like I do on vacation. Most foreigners can't tell the difference between our accents :LOL:
Pippy, I like your thinking. But I try to make money on every one move.
Every one Intraday Pivot.
Thank you guys for cooperation. Nice to bee there. See you later.
Now do not do nothing, just follow Strategy.
Also do not loose no one pip.
It means I do put Stops to Entry 1.4722 Short.
This is one of the toughest trading days I've seen in a long time.. check out that candle Euro just posted on the hourlies.. I'm still going to go long but with a microscopic stop.

also, check out the hourlies in ninja for a rare reversal of a reversal .. scary
Now we'll be able to trade with one pip accuracy.
It's nice when Mr. Market listen you like little kid.
We did put Stops near 1.4722.
Mr. Market came. Did look at this Stop and moved Short.
You just don't get it. Your dellusional.
You changed your stop before your parameters were met. You just overhauled your entire strategy, on top of that you completely lied about your Aud/usd long. You never followed up on the hundreds of other recommendations that you have made.
All while trying to solicite clients.

I can't wait for this market to completely crush you. It will happen, it's just a matter of time. I know this just by the fact that your changing strategies and adjusting your Stop when you get nervous.
sounds nefarious BG ;) but I get it.. I'd be down in the red light district every damn night!
Pippy 500, I see you are very talented trader.
I would like to cooperate with you in future.
Good call Pippy, I play the Irish card though as I'm from Belfast, seems to work. Nothing worked last time as I mistakenly donned an 'elements' t-shirt which said 'new york city' in small letters. A mistake I shall only make once!

Sticking with the euro short but I'm not that confident on this one...
I spent a month in Munich and I was ok most of the time because although the Germans don't like us they are reserved people and won't let you know that they don't like you.. then I made the mistake of going to an Italian restaurant :LOL:

I doubt they missed a single bodily fluid to put on my pizza! I finally found an opportunity to play the Canadian card and it worked perfectly.. it was like night and day after that.
wow.. more new highs in the S&P .. I wouldn't short before 1.475 and only a little scalp there.
s&p is gona hit the 50% retracement of all time highs no question and will take euro with it. Imo htting the 50% will come in october and we may see a huge october sell it has done many times in history

Thanks ALG ;)