Forex Day Trader's Thread

looks like shespaid a back hander,if she gets in to the vip spanked,chilli dog for me,with extra cheese.

We got perfect Entry EUR/USD Short 1.4722.
Our trades based on Intraday - Daily reversion. Reversion level is Pivot levels. Same time they are strong resistance or strong support. Resistance we do Sell, support we do Buy. Thees Entries are 2-7 pips accuracy. And Stops are 25 pips. Later after price moves 15 - 25 pips of Profit move Stops near Entry (This is new. Use to be 40 pips in old market conditions). Also we do trade follow broken Pivot. In this case I do make special note. It works just for special Market conditions and for special levels or pivots. Take some profit at 40 and 70-100 pips. Never close all trade 100%
Do not risk more 3% of your account Balance.
I got filled again but I'm ditching here for 8 pips.. it looks like I almost got stopped at lunch..

We got perfect Entry EUR/USD Short 1.4722.
Our trades based on Intraday - Daily reversion. Reversion level is Pivot levels. Same time they are strong resistance or strong support. Resistance we do Sell, support we do Buy. Thees Entries are 2-7 pips accuracy. And Stops are 25 pips. Later after price moves 15 - 25 pips of Profit move Stops near Entry (This is new. Use to be 40 pips in old market conditions). Also we do trade follow broken Pivot. In this case I do make special note. It works just for special Market conditions and for special levels or pivots. Take some profit at 40 and 70-100 pips. Never close all trade 100%
Do not risk more 3% of your account Balance.
'old martket conditions' I have news for you son, the market has never changed, most certainly not in the small time you've been trading. You changed your strategy because it was failing. On top of that, you never follow up on all your recommendation that have failed.
Your a total BSer and this trade is going to go right in your face until your humbled and walk away from this market.
We got perfect Entry EUR/USD Short 1.4722. Move Stops near Entry.

Our trades based on Intraday - Daily reversion. Reversion level is Pivot levels. Same time they are strong resistance or strong support. Resistance we do Sell, support we do Buy. Thees Entries are 2-7 pips accuracy. And Stops are 25 pips. Later after price moves 15 - 25 pips of Profit move Stops near Entry (This is new. Use to be 40 pips in old market conditions). Also we do trade follow broken Pivot. In this case I do make special note. It works just for special Market conditions and for special levels or pivots. Take some profit at 40 and 70-100 pips. Never close all trade 100%
Do not risk more 3% of your account Balance.
shorting [email protected] with a tightish stop. The euro train hopefully running out of steam but I'm not totally convinced!

PS Don't recommend trading from Tehran as the internet connection is temperamental to say the least!
We got perfect Entry EUR/USD Short 1.4722. Move Stops near Entry.

Our trades based on Intraday - Daily reversion. Reversion level is Pivot levels. Same time they are strong resistance or strong support. Resistance we do Sell, support we do Buy. Thees Entries are 2-7 pips accuracy. And Stops are 25 pips. Later after price moves 15 - 25 pips of Profit move Stops near Entry (This is new. Use to be 40 pips in old market conditions). Also we do trade follow broken Pivot. In this case I do make special note. It works just for special Market conditions and for special levels or pivots. Take some profit at 40 and 70-100 pips. Never close all trade 100%
Do not risk more 3% of your account Balance.
Your so clueless it's unbearable. You'll take a position that you really didn't enter, then say that you exited half the position, then add the pips moved on the later exit to the pips made on the first exit. The problem with this is, if you mad pips on the second half of your position you automaticly can only claim half the pips that were made, because your not holding the original full size position.
If you were recording you balance in pips you would know what I am saying, but because you live in a fantasy, you just add it all together.
You understand what I am saying?
Al, incredible, you just broke your own rule? First you state that you move stop to break even when it is 15-25 pips in profit (determimation here is vague at best) then you claim to have changed it when price is 11 pips in profit?
I have incredible patience and respect for those attempting to profit from this market, but I have zero respect for outright liars.