Forex Day Trader's Thread

Any ideas? I think the stops above 4720 will pop, and that will be it for the next few days (or weeks)
In monitoring the dollar – it is hitting near-term lows against multiple currencies, Euro, Australian dollar, Brazilian real, etc. Clearly investors are thinking that economic conditions are improving and are more willing to take on risk. Yesterday, confirming this thought, Bernanke said the recession is likely over, causing the dollar to slide. Also, retail sales exceeded expectations, another sign of economic strength in the US. There is no reason to get out of this trade. Still long EUR / USD.
Investors are finding additional reasons to move out of dollars and increase risk. First Bernanke said the US has moved out of recession and now Buffett. The market was priced in for a 0.6% gain in industrial production, while the report came in at a rise of 0.8%. Former Fed chief, Greenspan said if there was a significant issuance of Treasury securities (which it looks like there will be) that increased the national debt, then there would be of necessity downward pressure on the dollar. I’m still long euros against the dollar. It reached $1.4714 earlier today, the weakest level since December 18 – but couldn’t surpass that level. I think it will in the coming days.
nope.. too scared for that.. -$300,000

filet and lobster at the fancy pants strip club is on me boys ;)