Forex Day Trader's Thread

EUR/CHF is worth a try here with a small stop.. Swiss are unhappy about CHF strength and have intervened recently.. plus I like the Euro this week .. huge t/p vs. weak stop always makes sense in this situation
This afternoon I was thinking about shorting the aussie, but forgot to follow up with that. Missed a big one
yes, I t/p'd way too early, but it was an issue of margin management.. I'm long Euro and underwater..

EUR/CHF I don't even trade, but it's a question of mathematics.. an 11 to 1 bet is one in need of taking. I feel like even if I get stopped I made the right decision.. look on the dailies and see what happened last time the SNB intervened 300 pips in an hour.. beautiful..

My bet this week is long Euro (the currency in general not the pair) this support in EUR/CHF is very, very meaningul and strong so add SNB + MAJOR SUPPORT + EXPECTED EURO STRENGTH and you've got a trade on your hands..
I'll take .25 pips on EUR/CHF ;) this is good support but boring..

yeah take it easy CP and we'll see you tomorrow..

I'm long Euro and holding overnight.. we shall see..
He,s actually worse than what the film made him out to be. The part where he walked into The Dry Bar and with the Gun was true. Bez was just spaced out all them years ago. He would take so many E's that he would just be slumped in a corner of the room. A lot of their guys who hung out with them were just like them so it was normal to them. I went to the Hacienda twice in the around 1993 but it was gang wars at the time and wasnt safe so i stopped going. It was 1 of the best clubs ive ever been to for atmosphere and the music. Ive been listening to Joy Division for the last few weeks as well.

right on Ged.. yeah he seemed out of control. I imagine that in Britain even a fake or unloaded gun will be worth a year or two in the local HMP. I wish our country would do the same. Oh well, he lived his life the way he wanted whether or not it was pretty to the rest of us..