FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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LOL this is really the brain deadest thread on T2W at this moment.

A bunch of TOTAL, and I mean TOTAL losers with an average of 10 posts under their belts and IQ's that are equally obviously WAY south of their birth dates flogging the most imbecilic snake oil system being sold by a bunch of lying scam artists, how much dumber can it get ?!?

The problem is Marcus Leary & his sidekick Andreas Kirchberger where exposed as being somewhat less than honest previously. Kirchberger (who claimed to be a bank trader had his face and video testimony slapped all over the forex-killer website) but was in fact nothing other than a paid actor (and if you really want the proof just check out LiveFaceOnWeb.com 😆 not the brightest of people are they ?)

Buncha losers selling a system for peanuts that they don't even have enough trust in to build up an audited track record with, let alone earn some real money and not the laughable cents they're picking up by instead starting a hedge fund, because its OBVIOUSLY nothing but a pipe dream for even bigger losers than the losers selling it.



anyone that makes a fool of themselves are in need of help. anyway why dont you just not bother posting anymore useless comments on here. there is completely no point as you havn;t said anything remotely usefull.

OK i'll try and make it clear.. here is my useful comment for this thread..




Are you ready?




Don't buy FAP Turbo.
LOL this is really the brain deadest thread on T2W at this moment.

A bunch of TOTAL, and I mean TOTAL losers with an average of 10 posts under their belts and IQ's that are equally obviously WAY south of their birth dates flogging the most imbecilic snake oil system being sold by a bunch of lying scam artists, how much dumber can it get ?!?

Buncha losers selling a system for peanuts that they don't even have enough trust in to build up an audited track record with, let alone earn some real money and not the laughable cents they're picking up by instead starting a hedge fund, because its OBVIOUSLY nothing but a pipe dream for even bigger losers than the losers selling it.




cant see anything on your link mate. so why are you getting so worked up about it. just leave us new people to it and get on with annoying some else. you think your head and shoulders above everyone. can we get back to the original topic. how are people getting on with the FAP? cheers
cant see anything on your link mate. so why are you getting so worked up about it. just leave us new people to it and get on with annoying some else. you think your head and shoulders above everyone. can we get back to the original topic. how are people getting on with the FAP? cheers

this guy must spend a lot of time trying to find these cartoons? have you not got better things to be doing mr high flyigher, im better than you guys with only 10 posts. what a freak!!!

Nobody CARES how some marketers that are ONLY talking with themselves about how great this crap works present their woulda-coulda-shoulda-thinking on here as the truth when it's obviously nothing but BS.

Get the Scam artists to actually trade their garbage LIVE for a year to build up a track record that can then be audited.

Oanda will be more than happy to oblige.

You will NEVER see that, because it's nothing than garbage being sold BY losers TO losers.

Do you see or do you not see, and if not which part do you find particularly hard to understand ?
OK i'll try and make it clear.. here is my useful comment for this thread..




Are you ready?




Don't buy FAP Turbo.
and what is the reason? where is you evidence that it is a waste of money, please share with us.
Basically I just don't like the aura. They sucker people in with ferrari's mansions etc. They sucker affiliates to sell it on. While 1 guy is at the top of a pyramid while a bunch of losers are spreading his software without him doing anywork.

He doesn't care the affiliates get 75% of his cut, because they give him back 25% back on the "are you sure you want to leave this website" links.

Besides when you have 10000 losers spreading this germ to another 1000 loser each. Now thats no effort marketing.

Please do you research before you go into anything, but don't trust ezine blogs etc, they sucker you into it too since they are made by affiliates anyways.

Rant over, I'm off.

Good luck with your "investment".
where is you evidence that it is a waste of money, please share with us.

Lol only a criminal would even THINK of asking the customer to provide proof that the garbage he is selling and for which the VENDOR should be providing proof is working.

Where is that audited track record then, why are these lying scam artists inventing career backgrounds for themselves not even trading their trash themselves ?
I think you will find some people use forums as a way to fill the dull moments whilst waiting for a trade setup to occur. My own methods require patience.

Coming on here is just a great way to spend the day when not trading! By the way there is a forum especially for forex autopilot--- do you want the link?
I honestly can't be bothered to look these clowns up and see from where they are and probably catch a few viruses or trojan horses on the way, but I'm pretty sure that in most jurisdictions it would be a criminal offense to lie blatantly about professional career background for people selling financial services.

The problem is Marcus Leary & his sidekick Andreas Kirchberger where exposed as being somewhat less than honest previously. Kirchberger (who claimed to be a bank trader had his face and video testimony slapped all over the forex-killer website) but was in fact nothing other than a paid actor (and if you really want the proof just check out LiveFaceOnWeb.com 😆 not the brightest of people are they ?)

Obviously still doesn't explain the stupidity of people willing to believe anything these liars post without demanding proof, without wondering why these guys aren't even trading themselves and getting seriously rich instead, but then greed coupled with dramatic lack of brains let alone common sense are never a pretty sight to behold.
Hate the marketing cause it's total bs, but then again so is Pampers and all anti aging anti wrinkle creams and I don't pay any attention to them either.
I've bought it for fun to see if it can give a reasonable result with reasonably safe settings. Since it's just a hobby I'm not going to slit my wrists when/if it goes tits up and in that case I promise to make my signature: UKtradergirl was right and I am now her slave forever 🙂

Now, can the flaming stop please, surely people have better things to do than piling crap on a product they'll never touch with a ten foot pole. There are plenty of warnings not to go near this software already in this thread but some people want to make up their own minds.

I'd like to hear from the rest of you "suckers" what brokers you're using and any problems you're experiencing. I'm looking at Alpari, ODL, IBFX at the mo. I'm in the UK but maybe that doesn't matter? My pal is on IBFX but their spreads seem to be quite high? Any comments?
BSD- if you try looking up FAP Turbo-- you get lots of links saying "The real truth about FAP HERE!" "FAP Turbo- is it a scam?" and each of the links is an affiliate link- some saying how they thought it was a scam but when they tried it they earnt so much money, etc, etc.

It is very hard to find a 'true' representation of FAP Turbo online. This thread is a good place to start.. as is the forex autopilot forum at The Forex Autopilot System (FAPS) Forum - Powered by vBulletin which has plenty of people on there who are having problems making money. "If only I can find the right setting i will make money" They are deluded.
Hate the marketing cause it's total bs, but then again so is Pampers and all anti aging anti wrinkle creams and I don't pay any attention to them either.
I've bought it for fun to see if it can give a reasonable result with reasonably safe settings. Since it's just a hobby I'm not going to slit my wrists when/if it goes tits up and in that case I promise to make my signature: UKtradergirl was right and I am now her slave forever 🙂

Now, can the flaming stop please, surely people have better things to do than piling crap on a product they'll never touch with a ten foot pole. There are plenty of warnings not to go near this software already in this thread but some people want to make up their own minds.

I'd like to hear from the rest of you "suckers" what brokers you're using and any problems you're experiencing. I'm looking at Alpari, ODL, IBFX at the mo. I'm in the UK but maybe that doesn't matter? My pal is on IBFX but their spreads seem to be quite high? Any comments?

This here explains the difference i suppose. I trade for a living- it's not a hobby. Thank God it isn't a hobby- i'd be living on the street trading the 'hobby' way.
Thanks Phil for those links, this came up:

If you've been to the official Autopilot website you'll have seen the video that pops up from Marcus Leary, the EA author. The guy in the video is actually a male model called Doug.

Autopilot is regarded as one of the better commercially available EA's but may zero your account in rapid time.

It trades without a stop, closing out at the end of each month. It seems to specialise in grabbing 25 pips in uptrends. but without a stop.

So, as soon as you near a top it enters another long and as the market plummets it just holds the trade open in the sure and certain knowledge that one day in the future the price will reverse and it will grab its pips.

Cheek clenching stuff if you're trading real money. You are wide open to margin calls. The default settings don't work well out of the box.

Biggest BS I've ever heard on a trading board !

Now it's PERFECTLY clear why these lying clowns are NOT trading their garbage themselves.

And it's just as clear that ANYBODY who buys into such suicidal junk is officially brain dead and beyond help.

That's crystal clear !

Thanks there Donna for that info I had actually no idea that this was such a huge thing, really amazing stuff that tells you more about people than you want to know 😉
A few comments from a rival forum re FAP

"The trade on Alpari which hit the S/L the other night made -156 pips. That's a lot for a scalp, which had been temporarily in profit" Robots, Expert Advisors, FAP Turbo, more?

"2 unclosed EURGBP scalping positions. One of them just hit the SL this morning with a HUGE loss! I'm so glad I'm still on demo" Robots, Expert Advisors, FAP Turbo, more?

(member's response when questioned about the stop loss) about the stop loss, hmmm i'm not too sure..they have a stealth mode or something right? (I spat coffee over the keyboard laughing reading that comment) Robots, Expert Advisors, FAP Turbo, more?

I bought a copy last week and ran it on a $100,000 FxPro demo account. The long term trader did terrible, it opened three buys at the top of the PA range, then opened 2 sells at the bottom of the pa range. By end of week I was sitting on a whopping $42,000 loss on the buys, even though the two sells had closed at a 10% profit. Robots, Expert Advisors, FAP Turbo, more?

Draw your own conclusions, but the evidence out there shows the potential of a 150 pip loss on scalping trades, and 42% open losses on long term trades.
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As I understand it and the way I will treat it is a tool for my trades. If you want to risk your whole account on one trade you can. If you want to set exact stop losses you can. This software will not make you lose or win anything. It has no mind of it's own and will only do what you tell it to do. Yes it has some built in algorithms for when to enter and exit but in terms of risk and reward it's up to you to set the limits.

From what people say the long term part of the system is best ignored while the scalping has shown some promising results. Of course a good experienced trader can get good or better results, it's not a monster computer system we're talking about here, but it does offer 2 valuable advantages for me:
1. I don't have to sit in front of the screen
2. The emotional mistakes are avoided

For gullible people who think it's going to change their lives and make them a mill in a year from their 370 bucks it's sad but they're not going to take your advice anyway.

UKtradergirl, if I did knitting for a living I'd be living on the streets as well...
you can manage the risk by adjusting the stop loss, and if you start with a small account and trade 0.1 or 0.01 lot size so losses are minimum. so far all the people on this thread are people who are not trying the software, is there anyone else like me out there who is just experimenting at the moment? i accept there are lots of affiliates but i believe there are also geniune people on this forum too like me who just want to see if this thing really works. no more negatives please unless you have experience with trading this system and have evidence to support your grumble!! we all know the drawbacks and the scams and all the rest of it from people who have never even used the system. so lets have some personal experiences.
you can manage the risk by adjusting the stop loss, and if you start with a small account and trade 0.1 or 0.01 lot size so losses are minimum. so far all the people on this thread are people who are not trying the software, is there anyone else like me out there who is just experimenting at the moment? i accept there are lots of affiliates but i believe there are also geniune people on this forum too like me who just want to see if this thing really works.

surely the vendor has a forum where such things can be discussed ?

vendors and afiliates enjoy the benefits of promoting a product to the public, and its only fair that they should be subjected to the downside, which is people posting results or comments that they may not like.

You appear to have a very strange concept of "negative". Any result that shows a profit seams to be fine, but the moment anyone posts details of a loss you take that as negative critisism. This is a commercial product thats being aggressively marketed with the claim that it can be used by inexperienced users. When people point out the dangers to potentially inexperienced users, the affiliate marketers get rather upset, now why is that ?
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