FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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As far as i know it runs on Metatrader 4. There are UK brokers that use Metatrader 4- like Alpari (probably one of the best ones). I'm sure FAP Turbo will work in the UK if you really MUST buy it- although i wouldn't recommend it!

Why would you recommend against buying it? It works, it's that simple. Have you tried it?
This is how the systems manage to show a win rate of 95% or more-- make the stop big enough and keep your fingers crossed that price comes back and you can grab 5 pips. If all else fails, eliminate the one or two losing trades from your backtest and you end up with a nice smooth equity curve.

So far in my testing of FAP Turbo, it makes good decisions based on the movements of the currency. It set some (what seemed to me at the time) far out predictions on the EUR/USD pair rising when it had been falling for a period. A few hours later it had closed 4 trades for 140 pips/$140 each, bumping $1000 up by over $500 in half a day.

It has some smarts behind it from what my use of it reveals. I've been fiddling extensively with different settings, and will further test it next week, but so far it has been losing small and winning well, much better than I expected.

I was sceptical initially, but I put my money behind it and now can see the investment has paid off.
so far all the people on this thread are people who are not trying the software, is there anyone else like me out there who is just experimenting at the moment?


I bought FAPTurbo a week ago, and my results on various trades have been promising. My wins have outweighed my losses significantly. I have been using the EUR/USD long term strategy, and it has been paying off. I decided against the scalper strategy to focus on learning one aspect of the system. I wanted to see how the fire-and-forget part of it works, to see of I could trust it unattended for a month before I look at other pairs and short term trades.

It's making money. A colleague of mine has purchased it based on our discussions, and he is also seeing a positive return. His $500 demo account rose by %10 the first day.

I've been trading it using different settings, not for more than 12 hours at a stretch, and it has done well. I'm learning it, rather than trading actively with it right now, however I feel confident it has been a good buy. Like any reasonable investor, I was sceptical of parting with my cash for the program at first... but I'm currently satisfied. The marketing did give me pause for thought, however I see merit in the EA after my experience with it.
OK, I started the question, now to reply to the sceptics of this thread. I had already bought it and had it a few days before asking if anyone had bought it. To date I am more than pleased. I'm live, it's paid for itself (in the first 2 days) and not being 'greedy', it trundles on when I am at the computer.(in profit) Yet to find a suitable vps. Now, to all the other sceptics/sarcasm of Yokomiro and his 'pips on fire'? His 'secret' too works well. I know as I was one of the 'select few' that received it. I think you need to remember this forum was obviously set up to HELP people, NOT 'poppyhead' them. The only criticism I find helpful is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you haven't first hand tried something, then don't bash it. Its akin to listening to hearsay. To the authors of the many helpful threads....a BIG THANKYOU for your time and effort, I have learnt a lot. Keep life simple, and smile.
Hi - Oh well here goes yet another first post "newbie" into the firing line, but if it gives you " know it all - been there got the T shirt etc " guys a bit of fun then so be it.
I too am an elderly sceptic , brought up in the if it looks too good to be true then it must be -school . Having said that I expect thats what the EXPERTS said about the wheel , the combustion engine , the first aircraft etc etc . But we all know the definition of an expert !
So having said all that , against better judgement went ahead and purchased this controversial product.
So far so good , which according to some is to be expected.

Set up demo on FXDD $5000
First trades 3/12 - 52 trades up to end of 4/12 closed out . 44 wins - 8 lossess
Account stands at $7560 BUT 5 open trades 5/12 currently stand at minus 1267

So will wait and see how things pan out next week.

Oh and by the way for what its worth the cost -- £78.25 inc VAT
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Oh and by the way for what its worth the cost -- £78.25 inc VAT

Yes, the cost is so negligible that it really is of no consequence whether it works or not as long as you are careful and prudent when using it with real money.

Can't understand all the heat that has been generated by such a minimal cost product.

Might even buy it for the missus for Xmas.

What does annoy me though are the high cost products which are either dogs or tricky to use and which are the subject of false and over-hyped advertising.

Check out The Ultimate Forex Predictor which is the subject of another thread on T2W.

Now that is something that you can get your teeth into as it costs well over 2 grand and has got exceedingly mixed reviews.

And the advertising sucks.
If it does what it says on the box - I recommend it to all investors - just send the cash and lay back. That's how man has advanced into the most intelligent species on the planet - thought and decision making - and trust EVERYBODY - especially those doing business on the internet. But just a few words of caution, even a broken clock is right twice a day - and ups and downs the likes of which have not been witnessed for almost a century - will show gains to each and every one of us at sometime intraday.

Call me skeptical, but supposing there was an identical style of advertising, the same type-font, same style video clip used for another notorious scam where punters found it impossible to get their GUARANTEED REFUND from a big bank, traced to a certain dubious foreign IP Address and perhaps a Broker collecting on wide spreads would you feel confident to send them a hundred bucks? And this girl recommending FAP Turbo on a dozen different websites, and who knows, perhaps on this forum too, must be SOOOOOO pleased with the results she wants to tell the world her little secret! Wonderful. They quote LIVE results - which must be true, our punters tell us, because they show screen snapshots. I would love to send these people a snapshot of a bag of money I have for sale for one dollar - I would get pretty darn rich! But then maybe I am too distrusting....
In response to Hoppy 5....
Sorry to disappoint you but no less than 435 SPECIAL SELECT FEW recruited EVERY DAY are also wondering when the results will click in for this product and at least 10 other leading Forex AutoPilots out there. Suggest go to Forexpeacearmy.com - and you'll see what I mean.
You almost quote their SALES PITCH verbatum! Forgive me if I thought you might work for these people?

Good tactics - makes you sound just like an innocent punter doing well out of it.
If I'm wrong, Wonna buy a bag o' dollars? Got plenty left!
I have bought Fap Turbo and have already asked for my money back for a simple reason. The results they show are awesome but I cannot understand how their results should differ so drastically from mine when I am using the same platform they recommend. I used a demo account on Meta Trader and in just a week the account has gone down to 2440.00 from 3000.00.

I wouldnt get too alarmed about achieving different results over the short term, it often happens when trading EA's. The main cause of this tends to be the time the EA's are initially started, someone starting a few hours before or after can often obtain very different results. Clearly when the EA has user defined settings etc the skill of the individual users are going to influence the outcome

You also have to remember that the bulk of results coming from afiliates are simply falsified, what matters are the results YOU obtained.

Personally I'd have given the EA a little longer,particularly if its only a demo, but the results you obtained clearly blow the developers maximum drawdown claims out of the water.

Good to hear that you where able to claim a refund without to much trouble (and presumably get to keep the EA 🙂 should you wish to evaluate it further)
Dude, your issues are about trust are your own business. Maybe you just don't have $97, or maybe it's that you're cheap. Or maybe all 3. Whatever.

I'll say it again, as many others have tried to offer this information to this group. The product works, it produces awesome results. I laid down $97, being willing to lose that.

Now there are a bunch of opinionated people who haven't tried it or bought it who have an opinion on it. And who want to lay it down thick on those of us who have bought it and spoken about the fact that it produces results, and quickly too.

This group is a waste of time with the poor signal to noise ratio. The guys who offered up their input on FAPTurbo, you have my thanks. I was glad to get your input on the product. The rest, I figure you're all experts on other subjects you know nothing about. I bet many of you can't drive but have plenty to say about the merits of various cars and engines and so on. That annoys the living cr*p out of people.

have been using EA,s for a while now and only three have made me money. FapTurbo, ForexRobot using only two pairs and Avonko. Fap has made me $260.00 in 4 Days with me using very conservative settings ( Risking only 3 % of my margin ) I will increase my risk next week and see what happens. No need to slam a product it either works or it does not ansd so far this one works so it has my support.
have been using EA,s for a while now and only three have made me money. FapTurbo, ForexRobot using only two pairs and Avonko.

And which is the best in terms of results, Risk/Reward ratio and general reliability and safety ?

Which one can you set, switch on, go away and come back at a future time confident in the knowledge that you have not lost your house ?

Seriously, Have any of you tried this product for over 3months? Do you know it's consistency? No?

Do you really think they only recruit 435 people a day? Bull****. I know affiliate marketing well, that's to sucker you in. And it worked.

I'm not surprised the EA made you 140 pips yesterday, a friggin donkey could have made that amount, a lot of people could have made over a thousand yesterday.

Please do your research guys, comon.

Bit of advice - If you are currently profitable please just use "the bookies money" to fund this EA because once a fault comes in you could lose more than you earnt.

Ah yes, what happens during news data + events. You get ****ed right?
Just wanted to say- the price i told you all of £102 plus VAT is correct (edit: sorry i got this wrong i was underestimating- see screenshots below). Try clicking on the website links. I believe the first suckers in did get it for a cheaper price though.

It seems that the majority of people who buy into these EA's also like to exhibit childish name-calling type behaviour whilst at the same time trying to discredit those who do actually trade for a living. I can only re-iterate how grateful i am not to have to rely on a machine to make me money that could stop working at any minute.

The fantastic staff of FAP Turbo exhibit their colours very nicely on the forexautopilot forum i noticed today... they have an attitude that matches and even exceeds that of their loyal blinded customers.


p.s. attached files to back up my post re. prices. (also note that there is a rumour they are going to increase the price again to $400- so get yours NOW!!! (another good marketing trick!)).


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Oh yes, can someone point out to me what the definition of scalping is and how that differs from "long term scalping" and "short term scalping", I think their team have their jargon mixed up...

Time to read their forums 🙂

PS. Autopilot also have a website they made called "autopilot scam" or "autopilot scam review" - this is to sucker more people in to shell out more money to get it to work better. Funny really.
a long term scalp-- that is funny.

I see on their webpage the results appear to show more than a 0.35% drawdown. On the $10,000 account there is one point where they have quite considerable losses. Over 10 trades there is showing 8 losses. They are not small losses either. Total loss= 7949.37, total gain= 232.04

I'm not sure how big the account actually was at that point, but it still represents a considerable drawdown, even if you take it that the account was up to the $30k it is showing now. Would anyone trading this really continue had it shown these kind of results?!

I suppose credit it due to them for showing actual results though! (need to be honest about drawdowns though!)


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