FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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they are hidden fixed values to fool the brokers and not listed but i read what they were on the FAP forum. i know it will close a trade out way before it ever hits a stop loss. but 90-99% wins on a 9 yr backtest with one consecutive lose every 14-20 trades is pretty accurate. and that one loss of course never killed the account. and i started out always with a 2000 balance in those test in three different pairs risking 15-20% and up to 50 lots

oh and i wouldn't call 13% return in 1 week and making all the money back and then some form buying it a scam.

A few points for you to to consider. You appear to be trading without KNOWING the risk you are taking. You claim its to FOOL the broker, but in practice, its possibly you who is being fooled, or perhaps not, time will tell. What I can tell you, is that for years EA designers have used the trick of taking small profits with no stop losses, and the reason that they do this is because its the simplest strategy to obtain short term gains. The guys behind this know hey have at best a 90 day window to achieve sales.

The fact that you cant provide me with the size of an average loss, is rather alarming, surely you know just how large or small a loss might be ?

You talk about money management, how can you even begin to adress money management without knowing something as basic as how much risk you are taking on a single trade ?

You state that 13% in a week is not a scam. I'm sorry, but the results after 1 week, or 15 trades on an EA thats taking an average of less than 5 pips per trade, with an unknown stop loss is meaningless. Even the vultures promoting this have the good grace to acknowledge that.

What bit dont you understand ?, the gains are a function of risk !, you appear to be getting HIGH gains, and that would imply HIGH risk, you however dont even seam to know just exactly what risk you are taking, if you did, you'd be able to answer the question about the stop loss, and size of losing trades.

Another issue is you claim 90-99%, so which is it ? the difference in returns between the two figures will be substantial, and quite easily the difference between a profitable and non profotable system.

I really do hope it works out for you, but I'd advise at least determine what size of stop you are using
I think it's fairly obvious for most people that this software won't make you a million in a year. At least not unless you already have that kind of cash to put into it and risk it. Of course it's possible to double your account in a day, same way it's possible to double it by putting it on red or black at a roulette table. Compounding like they've done in their "trials" is equivalent of taking 10 bucks, put it on red and leave it there for 17 spins - hey presto 1,3 million! Or, similarly like all wannabe property magnats in the UK did all these years - buy a property, mortgage it, buy another with the borrowed cash, mortgage that and buy another etc etc. It's all fine as long as prices go up but the risk exposure if it goes down is way too big. Still they didn't call the banks or tv shows about property investment scammers...

Now, all that out of the way. What I am interested in is a tool that minimizes the risk of me and my sticky fingers going in and changing trades and SL's while trading. A friend of mine has the same problem and has already bought FAP Turbo and I am getting a proper evaluation from him. Both of us are hobby traders and have previously dabbled in financial spread betting of the Dow and SP500 index with a little success but not enough to give up our day jobs. Anyway, so far he's saying pretty much what the rest of the "suckers" out there. The scalping trades are so far very positive, 13 wins, 1 b/e and 2 losses for a 15% profit on the account. Interestingly but not surprisingly the demo accounts he's testing it with side by side are doing much better... I guess those brokers aren't too happy losing real money eh?!

I reckon all guys here need to realise that everything isn't so black and white as you want to make it. Sure the marketing of this software sends alarm bells off all over the place but....it actually doesn't mean the product is useless. Like people have said before, it's way too early to tell, apart from the fact that it's not going to make everybody who buys it rich over night. If it can take a lot of the stress and "human error" factor out of things and return a small but steady profit it'll be good enough for me. It's not going to last forever since all static systems die in the long run but some of them work for years.
My 2 cents 🙂
so far he's saying pretty much what the rest of the "suckers" out there. The scalping trades are so far very positive, 13 wins, 1 b/e and 2 losses for a 15% profit on the account. Interestingly but not surprisingly the demo accounts he's testing it with side by side are doing much better... I guess those brokers aren't too happy losing real money eh?!

Thanks for the well thought out and very balanced contribution. Out of curiosity, what was the size of the 2 losing trades ?
I have been reading the other posts and i would like to add the following....

Did you stop to think the reason we are new members to this forum is that we have bought the product and want to share the experience with others. As for this making a million stuff……Myself or any of the other FAP traders have never said that, its something the cynical people on this forum ASSUME……ASS or u and me!!!!!!!!

If people on this thread or forum would just chill out a little and support the people who buy it maybe we the foolish as you say would be able to provide you with some honest feedback about the product…..what’s it to you anyway, we have paid the money and if it don’t work we have lost the money not you…..then you can sit back and say I told you so as I know a lot of you are waiting to do….

The people on our external list have purchased this and decided we want to try it; we are not promoting it to others but trying to provide genuine feedback so others can make an informed decision. I would have liked the support of the senior members on this forum so we can make our information transparent but I have to be real, it isn’t going to happen.

Would none of you just admit that maybe this is working….(I am not saying this is a long term thing but for now its working) The more people that have bought it are saying the same thing, you still cant think we are all in collusion Ok I understand you tech traders don’t like this sort of trading but it does not mean it does not work. Because other EA’s in the past have been crap or scams does not mean new ones coming onto the market are. Ok the marketing that has been done on this is large, by this I mean they have spent time marketing the product and you have to give it to them it has worked otherwise why would we the people have bought it and be talking about it.

Look I am not trying to convince anyone to buy this if you do or don’t it makes no difference to me. I have had some good results in the last few weeks and I want to share it with others and find out how others are doing. Are my results a fluke? Was it just a good week? Did other tech traders have a good week? Why did I have a really good week and others not? This is the sort of things I wanted to start asking in the open forum but the hostility makes it to much hassle.

I think we all accept that most of the long term traders on this forum hate EA’s…they are crap, scams etc. ok I accept your opinion and in some cases I agree, however in this case I don’t, at the moment its working and making a nice return on my account. Last week I nearly doubled my account, this week however is different, the returns are lower but still showing a 30% return already.….I am under no illusion that this EA will double my account each week, that is stupidity, we will have losing trades and days, everyone does but overall I stand by what I said in the first place….this EA works and I hope it continues to do so…I see no reason why it shouldn’t
...Out of curiosity, what was the size of the 2 losing trades ?

I've mailed my mate for more detailed statistics. Obviously the good stats are irrelevant if the SL's are loads bigger than the expected win. Any system can pull nice win ratios out of the hat if they risk everything every time just to gain tiny amounts.
Excuse my ignorance but apart from Electronic Arts and Elephant's Ars*ehole, what does EA stand for ?
expert advisor - a kind of trading 'robot'. Program some code (or buy someone else's) and hit 'go' and watch the money roll in... (in theory)
I don't think people are denying people's claims of profit. But surely we can agree that you don't sell something that gives the results they claim for $150.

Personally I think EAs and the like are one of those goods (can't remember the technical term), where increasing the price increases demand (like wine in certain restaurants). If I sold one, and who knows, I may some day (cue outrage!) I'd certainly sell it for a lot more then $150, more like £5k, then again, if I was going to sell it, it would work.

I agree with the notion that they might sell a strat to get some more capital, but it's out of proportion, if the results claimed were less impressive or the price was more expensive, sure.

I mean, almost anyone can scrape together a grand, and they are claiming to double their account a month. So in a year they expect to have 4 million. WHY go to the bother of making a website? I mean, true they obviously havn't put much effort into it, but still there's just no point. Personally I don't believe anything about them "giving something back", or "showing off", there are much better ways to do both of those.
Personally I think EAs and the like are one of those goods (can't remember the technical term), where increasing the price increases demand (like wine in certain restaurants). .

Price elasticity (or inelasticity) perhaps ?
I am 72 years old, still of sound mind, and considered FOREX to be an interesting, albeit dangerous, way to subsidise my UK pension. I am not expecting to make a million and with proper gearing, do not expect to lose everything.

I joined this forum as a beginner to try to get educated in the art of trading from people who were successfully trading at the moment.

What do I get? A load of w..kers who get there perverted pleasure from taking the p..ss out of me and others who want to have a reasonable discussion.

It would be interesting to know just how many of you creeps are actually making money or, in fact, actually trading.

Yes, I bought the FAPTurbo. Haven’t a clue if it will work long term but it’s certainly making a good profit at the moment so I’ve no grumbles.

It seems to me that most serious traders, who are making a good living out of this, work to a regular strategy and usually make regular profits. It would seem logical that this strategy could be computerised and automated to produce an automatic system. Whether this is the one, who knows.
What do I get? A load of w..kers who get there perverted pleasure from taking the p..ss out of me and others who want to have a reasonable discussion.

It would be interesting to know just how many of you creeps are actually making money or, in fact, actually trading.


Surely any reasonable discussion must include an analysis of risk ?, perhaps you could inform those interested in actually evaluating the product what is the average size of a losing trade... or is this some sort of secret ?
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Price elasticity (or inelasticity) perhaps ?

It is to do with PED (price elasticity of demand), but they have an upward sloping curve as opposed to downward, there's a debate as to if they really exist, just can't remember the name...and with the power of google, it's a veblen good.
Some past results I got, I shall keep the user anonymous.

Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission R/O Swap Trade P/L
6082005 2008.12.02 23:38 sell 0.30 eurchf 1.5345 1.5505 1.5287 2008.12.03 00:08 1.5339 0.00 -3.04 10.00
6082408 2008.12.03 00:08 sell 0.30 gbpchf 1.7999 1.8151 1.7954 2008.12.03 00:36 1.7993 0.00 0.00 10.00
6082776 2008.12.03 00:36 buy 0.41 gbpchf 1.7984 1.7832 1.8026 2008.12.03 03:54 1.7984 0.00 0.00 0.00
6082867 2008.12.03 00:37 sell 0.30 eurgbp 0.8530 0.8685 0.8480 2008.12.03 01:52 0.8526 0.00 0.00 12.00
6083009 2008.12.03 00:42 buy 0.16 eurchf 1.5335 1.5168 1.5384 2008.12.03 03:45 1.5335 0.00 0.00 0.00
6083720 2008.12.03 01:17 sell 0.05 usdcad 1.2508 1.2658 1.2467 2008.12.03 03:00 1.2503 0.00 0.00 1.34
6125285 2008.12.03 22:00 sell 0.30 eurchf 1.5385 1.5547 1.5327 2008.12.03 22:07 1.5379 0.00 0.00 10.06
6125928 2008.12.03 22:25 sell 0.30 eurchf 1.5384 1.5543 1.5344 2008.12.03 22:43 1.5378 0.00 0.00 10.06 0.00 -3.04 53.46

Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00
Credit Facility: 0.00
Closed Trade P/L: 50.42
Open Trades:

Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission R/O Swap Trade P/L
6126628 2008.12.03 23:12 buy 0.30 eurchf 1.5371 1.5209 1.5427 1.5369 0.00 0.00 -3.36 0.00 0.00 -3.36 Floating P/L: -3.36

And to the person who sent me this, you gave me your account number and full name!!! Never, ever, ever do that. You know how easy it could be to access it???? Anyhoo, good trading, hope this system works for you.

I was just sceptical as it is forex autopilot, and because if you just learnt to do this using your own system you could be more successful. However, this trading takes no emotions which is good!
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission R/O Swap Trade P/L
6082005 2008.12.02 23:38 sell 0.30 eurchf 1.5345 1.5505 1.5287 2008.12.03 00:08 1.5339 0.00 -3.04 10.00
6082408 2008.12.03 00:08 sell 0.30 gbpchf 1.7999 1.8151 1.7954 2008.12.03 00:36 1.7993 0.00 0.00 10.00
6082776 2008.12.03 00:36 buy 0.41 gbpchf 1.7984 1.7832 1.8026 2008.12.03 03:54 1.7984 0.00 0.00 0.00
6082867 2008.12.03 00:37 sell 0.30 eurgbp 0.8530 0.8685 0.8480 2008.12.03 01:52 0.8526 0.00 0.00 12.00
6083009 2008.12.03 00:42 buy 0.16 eurchf 1.5335 1.5168 1.5384 2008.12.03 03:45 1.5335 0.00 0.00 0.00
6083720 2008.12.03 01:17 sell 0.05 usdcad 1.2508 1.2658 1.2467 2008.12.03 03:00 1.2503 0.00 0.00 1.34
6125285 2008.12.03 22:00 sell 0.30 eurchf 1.5385 1.5547 1.5327 2008.12.03 22:07 1.5379 0.00 0.00 10.06
6125928 2008.12.03 22:25 sell 0.30 eurchf 1.5384 1.5543 1.5344 2008.12.03 22:43 1.5378 0.00 0.00 10.06 0.00 -3.04 53.46 

Profit:58 Risk:60
Profit:45 Risk:152
Profit:42 Risk:152
Profit:50 Risk:155
Profit:49 Risk:167
Profit:41 Risk:150
Profit:58 Risk:162
Profit:40 Risk:159

I hope my figures are correct. Please tell me if i'm wrong. Thanks again for posting these results. I will annotate a graph later to show the entries i think. Give's a better idea of the system - however risking 167? These must be terrible entries.:?:
My experience of FAPTurbo

There is a newly released trading robot called FAP Turbo. Out of curiosity, I would like to know if anyone has bought it yet. Thanks.


I bought it on the last day of their $97 introductory offer, I figured at worst I'd lose $97. Today, on my demo account it made a little under $500. I set it running on long term strategy using EUR/USD as the currency pair at 8AM and left for work. By 8PM I was up just under $500... that on a $1000 account.

Since Monday I've been messing with it, fiddling with the settings, trying different strategies. I decided to go with their long term implementation, EUR/USD pair and learn it that way.

The very first hour I tried it using a $500 demo account I made $55, and within 90 mins it was up to $609. I seemed to have been lucky and caught the market as it ran, however I figure if it keeps this up on real trades I'm going to be a happy man.
Just trying to annotate it, although I can't due to time stamps. I need to redownload alpari to do it as this is what the user used.

However, I have already noticed the timestamps don't make sense anywhere? Anyone else see this?
Turns out those are "stealth stoplosses" and not the real limit orders. Anyhoo, wish you all the best of luck, I can't be bothered posting here anymore.
The system reports fake limits to the broker as an option, so that the broker can't cheat on you by trading against you.
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