FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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zuton, can you direct me to the postings with details of losses. i am interested to see. why are you so against thsi being discussed here? you dont have to enter this thread if you dont want to
zuton, can you direct me to the postings with details of losses. i am interested to see. why are you so against thsi being discussed here? you dont have to enter this thread if you dont want to

I did some googling and found a thread at babypips.com, all of the quotes I posted are taken from that particular site, its only about 20 pages long or so at the moment

I have no objections at all to ANY system being discussed. A bunch of people here do seam to be objecting to discussion taking place when questions are raised about RISK.

Why do you object to someone revealing that the scalping system uses a large stop ?, why do you object to someone revealing that the vendor of this system has previously hidden behind a paid actor in previous video testimonials ? surely people have a right to be informed.
im not against any form of good informative knowledge. but it seems like a bit of a waste of your time posting on thsi thread if you dont use the system. we are looking for real life experiences from geniune people. like it said at the very start of the thread.
im not against any form of good informative knowledge. but it seems like a bit of a waste of your time posting on thsi thread if you dont use the system. we are looking for real life experiences from geniune people. like it said at the very start of the thread.

I've updated the earlier post in this thread to include URL's to the comments made on babypips. There you can read comments from genuine people.

Rereading the thread for a second time, I saw instances where losses significantly greater than 150 pips had been experienced with the scalping trades (226 pips if I recall correctly), I'll happily post the link if you wish. Thats about 50 trades at an average win of 4.66 pips required to claw back that single loss.
This is how the systems manage to show a win rate of 95% or more-- make the stop big enough and keep your fingers crossed that price comes back and you can grab 5 pips. If all else fails, eliminate the one or two losing trades from your backtest and you end up with a nice smooth equity curve.
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This is how the systems manage to show a win rate of 95% or more-- make the stop big enough and keep your fingers crossed that price comes back and you can grab 5 pips.

Or better still, dont use stops at all !
which page is your prvious post you were on about on, i dont have time to go through everything.
This is how the systems manage to show a win rate of 95% or more-- make the stop big enough and keep your fingers crossed that price comes back and you can grab 5 pips.

Like in about 12 months time when the economy begins to recover.

Just had a great idea. Why not have 2 Fap Turbo threads.
One to slag it of and mock people for wasting £70 on it.
And one for others to give constructive advice and criticism based on their own
personal experiences using the EA.
just a thought
Just had a great idea. Why not have 2 Fap Turbo threads.
One to slag it of and mock people for wasting £70 on it.
And one for others to give constructive advice and criticism based on their own
personal experiences using the EA.
just a thought

thats a great idea mate. keep all these miserable people away and let us new comers learn from our mistakes in peace if it is that bad!!
Here is my info at Interbank FX. Please feel free to asked question.. This account started with a 1000.00 balance.
Login : 2202457
Investor : dbu3tbu (read only password)

What is server name? I tried all of them listed in MT but it can't connect
Just had a great idea. Why not have 2 Fap Turbo threads.
One to slag it of and mock people for wasting £70 on it.
And one for others to give constructive advice and criticism based on their own
personal experiences using the EA.
just a thought

It's not £70-- it's $149 which is £102. And you have to add VAT to that (clickbank auto add this). So umm... roughly £117? If you click the buy link it tells you this.

The only reason everyone keeps posting on here is because they love a good debate really! If you only want to talk about how wonderful the EA and nothing else there is a dedicated forum.. i posted the link earlier.
If FAP Turbo does not work out they could always try Marcus's (whoops.. sorry I mean Dannys) latest business opportunity Google Cash

or maybe they could pay another $599 for additional mentoring at FAP Winner | Forex Autopilot Group

Is it really the same person using two different names in those video's ?

Of course it is always possible that Danny and Marcus are identical twins, or possibly even identical triplets as both Danny (who told his boss to sick his job and now earns $3500 per month sat on his **** being paid by Google ), and Marcus (the inventor of forex autopilot) share an uncanny resemblance to an actor who makes his living doing video presentations for websites.

The actor (wooden though he is) deserves an Oscar, how the hell does he keep a stright face ? 😆
I'm sure i've seen this guy on other scammer websites too... will have to hunt around see if i can find them...
Yawn yawn, people are so scared and protective of their own little patch and comfort zone. Try something different that they can't be bothered to check out it's so much easier to shout with bold big letters how dangerous and horrible it is.
Do I care about marketing ploys, additional money making schemes, backtesting since 1843? Nah. Do I care about the "real" traders opinion? Nah, since they could well be affiliates of cometing products or just too conservative to venture outside the box. Burnt before perhaps?
I'm starting to enjoy the challenge though :-D
is that real money or demo, can you post your settings please?

Yes, that's a real account. I have tried other EAs before, but so far FAP Turbo seems one of the best EAs so far. I am not going to post my settings at this moment, maybe later.😉
is that real money or demo, can you post your settings please?

anyone that makes a fool of themselves are in need of help. anyway why dont you just not bother posting anymore useless comments on here. there is completely no point as you havn;t said anything remotely usefull.

Don't bother reacting to negative comments, nico. By the way, my FAP Turbo just closed another position with profits of $140 Friday🙂 That was the first profitable SHORT position, as the previous profitable closed positions were all LONG. Now I have made $560 on $3,000 deposit for only 3 days just doing nothing😉 Really cool, huh?😉
I tried this EA, it is really making money in my demo a/c. I use only the scalping strategy. Every single day it made profit in last 8 days. They have increased the price to $149 already.
I have bought Fap Turbo and have already asked for my money back for a simple reason. The results they show are awesome but I cannot understand how their results should differ so drastically from mine when I am using the same platform they recommend. I used a demo account on Meta Trader and in just a week the account has gone down to 2440.00 from 3000.00. It traded mostly EUR-USD as tobe honest I was concerned that it only opened a few trades on the other currency pairs for a measle profit.

I have to addthat clickbank were very prompt with their refund.
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