Hi Sandy,
Glad to see a senior member on this forum has owned up and admitted that they use FAPT and have been honest with the feedback. (I think more senior or long term members on this forum us EA’s but won’t admit it because of the bashing the other idiots give them) I don’t post much on this thread now as I can’t be bothered with people like UKtradergirl etc who seem to be very bitter and twisted about FABT, they have never tried it but they must slag it off… Maybe they have to work hard for the few pips a day they earn yet the riff raff like us who have purchased this EA don’t do much yet we make a nice few £££ each week 🙂 …GET OVER IT YOU FAPT BASHERS!!!!!!!!!....I can earn money from trading and have a life….Hmmmm some of the last few posts I have read some people need to get a life..…UKtradergirl, buy an EA……then you can have it all, a life and a decent income from trading….lol 😆
Anyway glad to see you are having the same sort of success with it as me and some others are. If you want to join our email list where we keep in contact and trade results, suggestions etc please PM me with your email addy and I will be happy to introduce you to the group
Well, you lied about not returning to this thread (you've returned twice) so I guess that says it all about your honesty, doesn't it? In which case why should anyone take any notice of your ringing endorsement of a system which has all the appearance of a scam?