FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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I am trading FAPT live - It's excellent!

I have been trading FAPT for a week in its Scalper mode. Absolutely superb, once you have got past all their ruddy hype and set it up.

I am also trading Roboteer, and Shark, starting all three EAs at the same time on an Alpari live account. In five days the three robots have produced 50 winning trades and no losers. Using miniscule trades, I have doubled my £100 (yes only £100) account which now stands at £207. I left all three EAs running through NFP time, without a twitch.

BTW I have bought, tried and demanded a refund on innumerable EAs over the last year. Clickbank refunded every time, no problem at all, and a guy not using Clickbank also refunded me.
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Running 3 EA's at once do you find that they contradict each other? (open up one long and one short position of the same pair)
Running 3 EA's at once do you find that they contradict each other? (open up one long and one short position of the same pair)

Hi UKTradergirl,

Roboteer and Shark trade only EURUSD. Generally trades are quite short lived and the two EAs never overlapped trades. As it happens Roboteer is only putting on short trades at the moment because that is the trend. The Shark trades were long. Actually I see no problem even if they do contradict each other, as they are quite simply using different algorithms! No algorithm is perfect as we know. They could actually both go the one way and both be wrong!!

It will be interesting to see how next week works out. I hope that by then all the knocking and jokey qz\A544444445 (this was the cat climbing onto my keyboard - honestly) types on here will have had their say, and have moved onto another thread!
I'll still be here in a week -- here to stay i'm afraid... hehe. Nothing wrong with having an opinion which is opposed to an EA (especially when pointing out facts, some of which are displayed on their own website)-- and nothing wrong with a sense of humour either.

I hope people don't end up losing a lot of money through this EA- that would not make me happy. For what it's worth, i hope it does work and everyone manages to get as much out of it as possible before it stops working. I'm sure they will come up with an even better version for sale after that, FAP Turbo Pro or something. I'm just probably not a fan of black box systems because i can make money trading without them- that and the way they are marketed screams 'scam' at you. Also watching a computer open up trades right in front of your eyes may be exciting for some people- but it scares me to bits!! I keep thinking "where has it put the stop, when will it exit, why they hell did it go long and not short!" I guess i'm just a trader at heart who does it for the love as well as the money, hehe.
I'll still be here in a week -- here to stay i'm afraid... hehe. Nothing wrong with having an opinion which is opposed to an EA (especially when pointing out facts, some of which are displayed on their own website)-- and nothing wrong with a sense of humour either.

I hope people don't end up losing a lot of money through this EA- that would not make me happy. For what it's worth, i hope it does work and everyone manages to get as much out of it as possible before it stops working. I'm sure they will come up with an even better version for sale after that, FAP Turbo Pro or something. I'm just probably not a fan of black box systems because i can make money trading without them- that and the way they are marketed screams 'scam' at you. Also watching a computer open up trades right in front of your eyes may be exciting for some people- but it scares me to bits!! I keep thinking "where has it put the stop, when will it exit, why they hell did it go long and not short!" I guess i'm just a trader at heart who does it for the love as well as the money, hehe.

I can understand what you say. And certainly seeing the trades open and close at what seem to be bizarre and ridiculous situations is hard to take sometimes. But frankly at the end of the day you get a series of trades which stack up to PROFIT. That is what we need. Of course if you can do better manually, that's great and extremely satisfying. But the robot frees you up to live, and you really do better to not watch the screen all day, just count the money at the end of the week. I have found the EAs very much more relaxing to trade than my manual trading. Would you believe that every manual trade I took in the same week I started using the robots was a loser? So guess what my feeling about the robots is!

One thing about FAPT I would say is that I do think the scalper mode is preferable to the longer term strategy (you get a choice, or you can run two copies, one scalping and the other longer term).

Question: if you are so anti EAs, why waste your time on this thread? Just curious.
OK own up. Who has paid $599 for access to FAP Winner | Forex Autopilot Group supreme account?! Why do they need to publish the best settings and configurations on a site where you have to pay another fee? Why not include the best settings in the EA itself?

Certainly not me! And it certainly has been a turn off to be bombarded by the hype etc. But FAPT is working well so far without the extra "service", so it's not all bad.
They are so enthuastic in that video:

"I am using a stoploss which is not recommended by charles but that's my personal decision" (hoping he does actually use them)??

Checking their results this is basically what spanish does lol. Take medium and often, get hit big time (average take i see on their results is 25-30 and i saw losses of 100-360).

Why isn't this system on collective2.com?
Question: if you are so anti EAs, why waste your time on this thread? Just curious.

'cos i've got nothing better to do with my time. I've been asked this before on another thread. I get bored. My trading doesn't require me to sit at the screen constantly staring at charts. It's usually on in the background though. Besides, posting here is much more fun.
Settings for FAP

I have been trading FAPT for a week in its Scalper mode. Absolutely superb, once you have got past all their ruddy hype and set it up.

I am also trading Roboteer, and Shark, starting all three EAs at the same time on an Alpari live account. In five days the three robots have produced 50 winning trades and no losers. Using miniscule trades, I have doubled my £100 (yes only £100) account which now stands at £207. I left all three EAs running through NFP time, without a twitch.

BTW I have bought, tried and demanded a refund on innumerable EAs over the last year. Clickbank refunded every time, no problem at all, and a guy not using Clickbank also refunded me.

Can you teel me what your settings are??? That would be very helpful!!
so... when the fapturbo user can give out their login and read-only password for forumers here verify the trade?
You only live once

'cos i've got nothing better to do with my time. I've been asked this before on another thread. I get bored. My trading doesn't require me to sit at the screen constantly staring at charts. It's usually on in the background though. Besides, posting here is much more fun.

Nothing better to do with your time! How very very sad! Or maybe you are disabled or disadvantaged in some way which means you can't get out, you have no good books to read and you are under house arrest, legally or otherwise, and deprived of all human contact. Or maybe the only contact you have is with your baby in the photo? If the latter, I can sympathise more readily, but even then you need something more constructive to do with your mind and body. Maybe an OU course, or an allotment, something like that. Frankly, whatever, you need to take a long hard look at yourself. You only live once.
FAPT Settings

Can you teel me what your settings are??? That would be very helpful!!


I am using the scalper mode, so have Use_Scalper_Strategy set to "true" .
I have Scalper_UseMM set to "false"
I have Scalper_Lots set to "0.15" at the moment.

All other settings are left at default.

As for Lot Size, I have a very small account at present (ie around £200) so I can't push my luck on lot size. Even so 0.15 is probably too aggressive. I need to think about whether to over-ride the default stop loss setting, as it looks pretty scary!

Obviously, with the system set to use scalping, the long term FAPT mode is automatically off.

I am using the scalper mode, so have Use_Scalper_Strategy set to "true" .
I have Scalper_UseMM set to "false"
I have Scalper_Lots set to "0.15" at the moment.

All other settings are left at default.

As for Lot Size, I have a very small account at present (ie around £200) so I can't push my luck on lot size. Even so 0.15 is probably too aggressive. I need to think about whether to over-ride the default stop loss setting, as it looks pretty scary!

Obviously, with the system set to use scalping, the long term FAPT mode is automatically off.

Hi Sandy,

Glad to see a senior member on this forum has owned up and admitted that they use FAPT and have been honest with the feedback. (I think more senior or long term members on this forum us EA’s but won’t admit it because of the bashing the other idiots give them) I don’t post much on this thread now as I can’t be bothered with people like UKtradergirl etc who seem to be very bitter and twisted about FABT, they have never tried it but they must slag it off… Maybe they have to work hard for the few pips a day they earn yet the riff raff like us who have purchased this EA don’t do much yet we make a nice few £££ each week 🙂 …GET OVER IT YOU FAPT BASHERS!!!!!!!!!....I can earn money from trading and have a life….Hmmmm some of the last few posts I have read some people need to get a life..…UKtradergirl, buy an EA……then you can have it all, a life and a decent income from trading….lol 😆

Anyway glad to see you are having the same sort of success with it as me and some others are. If you want to join our email list where we keep in contact and trade results, suggestions etc please PM me with your email addy and I will be happy to introduce you to the group

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Nothing better to do with your time! How very very sad! Or maybe you are disabled or disadvantaged in some way which means you can't get out, you have no good books to read and you are under house arrest, legally or otherwise, and deprived of all human contact. Or maybe the only contact you have is with your baby in the photo? If the latter, I can sympathise more readily, but even then you need something more constructive to do with your mind and body. Maybe an OU course, or an allotment, something like that. Frankly, whatever, you need to take a long hard look at yourself. You only live once.

I go out twice a day with my baby. Although i'm cutting down now because its so chilly, that and i hate crowds of people and want to avoid the christmas rush. Although i have a lot of posts on here i don't spend all day on here i promise 😆

I completed some OU credits just a month or two ago- decided to have a break from it now, since i was studying, moving house, and having a baby all at the same time (and trading for a living on top- no maternity pay for me!)- it was pretty hectic! I highly recommend OU, but you need to be disciplined to do it. I'm trying to complete my maths degree through them.

Going to have a year off now and just focus on my baby, my trading, and annoying people on the internet. 👍
and annoying people on the internet. 👍

Good things going on then, and that's good. And great that you have a baby to love and care for. But you need to stop the sad activity! You cannot possibly find fulfilment that way. Actually, why don't you explore the EA route? It is a challenge in itself.

I am using the scalper mode, so have Use_Scalper_Strategy set to "true" .
I have Scalper_UseMM set to "false"
I have Scalper_Lots set to "0.15" at the moment.

All other settings are left at default.

As for Lot Size, I have a very small account at present (ie around £200) so I can't push my luck on lot size. Even so 0.15 is probably too aggressive. I need to think about whether to over-ride the default stop loss setting, as it looks pretty scary!

Obviously, with the system set to use scalping, the long term FAPT mode is automatically off.

Thanks for that SandyW. I have run the program on a demo account for a couple of days now and have had plenty of trades but two of them hit S/L for losses of £260 & £320 to leave the account £ 400 down (£5000 start). So I have set the max S/L at 100 (default was at £500). and increased the lot size to .2 so I'll see how we go next week.
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