From a personal finance point of view, my opinion is that if you can't pay for it in cash then you can't have it - Obviously exlcuding houses... Like for example, as you all know i like my ferrari's and i'm member of this pistonhead forums. On there a lot of people do have ferrari's and lambo's, but the majority of the cars are financed to the max. Yeah fair enough, a few of them are city traders who finances their toys because they can put 140k to better use then dumping it in a car thats gonna go down in value. A lot of them tho earn 40-50k, have two kids, a mortgage etc, but because the credit is easy to get hold of, they've financed themselves up to their eye balls spending it on crap that they really can't afford.... Thats just one example - nothing like digging a hole for yourself and everyone else involved...
edit to say... too many people are all fur coat and no kickers now days...