Dow 2007

Can't comment on $/Y right now not traded for a while but......... if you can stay awake it should be worth your while .... maybe.... dow is about to run into brick wall if you believe in rsi and stochs....

It sounds like bs but ....I believe the easy trade is not far from here.....

If "tiger" identified ob in stochs and likely ob in rsi then this surge pre market "should fail"............................

I'm pleading with you stay awake ..... although I can't offer any assurances ...😆

LIFE IS GREAT.............................

damn .. there was a nasty fall in USD/JPY at 3AM uk just as I was deliberating.. wiped out my points and punched me on the nose .. shoulda set that stop .. oh well ..
We hit 050 plus....

Bottom line I want a continuation on Dow (ideally a quick one) towards 050/60... or more ....for me to get excited .......... 😆

Now it should be plain sailing.......... the higher it goes pre market the higher the probability of a pbk ..... perhaps...

NB - I'm often wrong so take my views with a large pinch of ...
Another Result it seems.....

Seems like Dow got vertigo at 055ish and with it called at around 13k seems like a good time 4me to stop this live call forecasting nonsense... 😆

Until next time 🙄
We're on our way only 30pips to go to 050.... this is fun....😀

Ftse teasing 310.............this is approx the 38% of the decline so is kindov important to some.....Lets see if if holds to live sesh........

Ftse now retraced around 25% will dow do the same in the live sesh ??????
Afternoon peeps like Hook shot I think the Dow is a no brainer were in rally mode but as allways I want a better price and as I said the other day the players will want Wednesdays price

I off course mean Tuesdays price not Wednesday
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Are you still short FTSE, if so why , if the DOW is ready for a rally

I am still short the FTSE and also from this morning, why, because it still has a target to hit and I expect the Dow to take it down before the Dow starts to rally and the FTSE to continue, I am looking for the FTSE to hit 205 before the close without the Dow hitting 860s this will have me hold my short untill early tomorrow, if the Dow hits 860s before the FTSE close then I will close my FTSE short in the last half hour of UK trading session
FTSE Short

Thanks DC, some figures for me to digest.

FW - I was short a few days ago, my problem is that I often open positions on gut feeling, which generally works, but close positions too early.
I have not grasped levels for closing positions yet. As DC was also short, I figured as
he was an experienced trader, he would have decided where to close his positions.
..............MY LIPS ARE SEALED 😆

No need. I wasn't commenting on the calls themselves, be them right or wrong.

I would hate to see somebody else stay in a trade for the sole reason others believe the market will or should turn/reverse at a certain point, that's all. It doesn't exactly cultivate good trading behaviour.
Bottomleyp Trading Style

Thanks FW

I do use you and your fellow colleagues postings on this board to re-inforce my positions.
Your postings are very helpful and very informative.
Keep up the good work


No need. I wasn't commenting on the calls themselves, be them right or wrong.

I would hate to see somebody else stay in a trade for the sole reason others believe the market will or should turn/reverse at a certain point, that's all. It doesn't exactly cultivate good trading behaviour.
Like others here I'm merely sharing my roadmap as to where .... I think markets are going or perhaps more importantly what would need to happen to give me a "good" trading opportunity.

Questions are always welcome.........criticism even more so....

Some like to give a road map others like saying I entered at x and closed at y and made ZZ pips........ horses for courses I s'pose ...... So long as we all make money everyones happy ... 😉