Dow 2007

If so then what sectors and how would you plan to play it ?
via the venture capital players or tech indices or ...or

I would only trade indices like the QQQQ, I generally stay away from individual stocks for trading. But I would probably put some money into individual stocks for 6 - 18 mos if I saw something special.

I do think the combo of web 2.0, increased bandwidth, the consumer love of videos online, and new devices like the iTouch/iPhone are going to bring about another tech boom. But, I doubt it gets to the fever pitch of the dot com days.

I would only trade indices like the QQQQ, I generally stay away from individual stocks for trading. But I would probably put some money into individual stocks for 6 - 18 mos if I saw something special.

I do think the combo of web 2.0, increased bandwidth, the consumer love of videos online, and new devices like the iTouch/iPhone are going to bring about another tech boom. But, I doubt it gets to the fever pitch of the dot com days.

Cheers I'll have to look into this in a bit more detail. But I agree the entertainment sector has good potential..
everyone keeps banging on about interest rate cuts coming to the markets rescue...don't forget the Fed cut rates aggresively between 01-02 and the market still tanked..after perhaps an initial burst,why would cuts save the market now....after all those cuts 6 years ago are what caused this fiasco in the first place...🙄

Hi guys,

just playing catch up after a busy and profitable week.

I would have raised interest rates a lot earlier to protect the dollar and discline the markets. Now I would lower rates and raise taxes.

If you think about interest rates here in the UK going from say 5% to 15% we might begin to imagine the impact on meeting mortgage payments.

In the US rates have gone up from 1.5% to 5.5%. However, on the ricter scale of payments any reduction in rates are bound to save people from homelessnes and every little bit helps.

One other point, as rates start coming down it's a sure sign we are now on the down cycle of the economic cycle. Hence, only a matter of time before the recession is fully acknowledged along with stagnation.

The budget defecits still need to be addressed and that tells you how much the fed has delayed the medication. 🙄
Excellent thread

Just wanted to say that the contributors to this thread have made it one I have bookmarked. The reason I like it is because there is a lot of excellent discussion on macro economic issues affecting the general market and sectors. This would make sense since it is the dow thread😱 Anyway, Keep up the good work!

Hi m8,
a retest is as certain as England catching an early flight home from France RWC......a market trend never finishes on high volume....12500 will either break and we head towards 11000 by year end,or alternatively hold on lighter volume and finish the year around 13950........unfortunately the only certain outcome in all this is England will be ex world champs by then...🙁
The US market is struggling to shake off the effects of that employment number. I feel a bit of a prat given that I was short £10pp from 13353 on Friday. Premature cover, as ever.

Will we see twelve-something on the Dow today?

Don't feel a pratt, you traded what you thought was right at the time and you made a profit, try get an get out of the "if only" mindset. I assume you traded your plan and it worked, if thats right then congratulate yourself and move on to the next trade.

I have said before, don't go looking for the "big 1", have a plan, trade it, take the money and move on, occasionally, I will find my self in the position, (like most) where you can benefit from the large moves, when thats the case, enjoy it.

Regular and consistant is the key my friend.

Don't feel a pratt, you traded what you thought was right at the time and you made a profit, try get an get out of the "if only" mindset. I assume you traded your plan and it worked, if thats right then congratulate yourself and move on to the next trade.

I have said before, don't go looking for the "big 1", have a plan, trade it, take the money and move on, occasionally, I will find my self in the position, (like most) where you can benefit from the large moves, when thats the case, enjoy it.

Regular and consistant is the key my friend.

very true good point dinos,

you trading short term at the moment?

notice you've been a bit quite on the intra day posts mate?
Hi BD,

I really do prefer short term position trading, and feel extremely comfortable with that, I am day trading as well, but choose to concentrate on the markets since my holidays as the recent volatity continues and I don't want to miss a possible trade.

I'm also trying out a new macd setting and back testing it against timescales etc.

I did set up the CAC Daily thread, but haven't had chance to develop it yet, but will get on with it this week.

How goes it for you m8
Out at 13018 for +31. 10 min chart looks like there may be a pullback, now flat and will wait