Dow 2007

Sorry but your cheque hasn't cleared yet and we require cleared funds ....😆 😆 😆

Sorry to hear that mate. Paper trade it or something. Anyway, I don't think we will close below 13,150 today, however, the failure to show strength above 13,200 is bearish indeed.
I remember in an economics lecture, the guy taking it told us he remembered reading this article about this guy who ramdomly received a 2% share in microsoft at it's peak in the 90s. One of his relatives bought the shares years ago, died, and the share certificates got lost and forgotten about.

One day the bank is clearning through some old stuff in the vaults, finds the share certificates and contacts the next of kin. Jammy ******* walked with millions.

Now that would be nicer than a rally 🙂
Damn. Well, I hope he had the sense to sell it all at the market before the share price collapsed. I hope he was also smart enough to use the money to buy (albeit incredibly expensive) tech index put options, and to sell short the likes of

Anyone who had that amount of cash in the Dot-com bubble was an idiot if they couldn't double it.
it was predictable...expect this to run into Tuesday...I've been trying to get long all day but kept getting blown out....ironically as soon as I posted that tune,up,up and away...😱
I should've watched the market instead of pratting about with Top of the Pops...😆

Tuesday's have been volatile lately.....happy to be short....
if you think that's bad, in the 80s there was a band called "The The" 😆

Ahhh..reminds me of Skool club....Soft Cell,ABC,Cheap invaders,Asteroids......and Tracey in form she knew how to play with my Rubiks Cube....😎
The party goes on ............

Asx futures now come back into play as we now hunt for 6000 in the asian sesh which is roughly the 50% retrace of the decline off the all time highs we're round about 5935ish now ... so it becomes very interesting from here on in..... 😀

Well I was a bit off......🙁 we only got to 5997 in asx futs and got rejected 😆

LL -sovs are fine but prefer bars really
Kev - I'm all out of stella ..... funny you should mention that 🙄
Steve - good call re tuesday 😀
no one trading today? YM has given me a nice steady 74pts. Much prefer days like today to them other days when YM is flying all over the shop as if it's been smoking that crazy white stuff...
no one trading today? YM has given me a nice steady 74pts. Much prefer days like today to them other days when YM is flying all over the shop as if it's been smoking that crazy white stuff...

I'm still here, I took a break for a while and then gave today's points back on a couple of stupid trades .. oh well back to the drawing 🙄
i made a few changes to my system today... Everyday i learn something new and it gets refined a touch more... Even compared to a week ago it's a lot stronger now (touching wood)
i made a few changes to my system today... Everyday i learn something new and it gets refined a touch more... Even compared to a week ago it's a lot stronger now (touching wood)

care to share? .. probably won't work for me, I'm too twitchy . 😆
Dow finishes down slightly, S&P finishes up slightly.
These probably are better conditions in that there is no reason for the FED to blow up trader's accounts.
Dow is toast.....even weaker than I thought...cant stay above 15/8 high and last 3 days we've had declining volume.....put your tin hats back on....