Dow 2007

I see on that rally to 60 price was held in place at the 21 period DEMA on the 1h charts. Perhaps another short entry coming up.

I'm down -13 for exiting when I did, but I didn't believe 50 would hold. Glad to be flat at this uncertain time.
I see on that rally to 60 price was held in place at the 21 period DEMA on the 1h charts. Perhaps another short entry coming up.

I'm down -13 for exiting when I did, but I didn't believe 50 would hold. Glad to be flat at this uncertain time.

Should have held that position, but I'm looking for another entry. Net -13 for the day.

1h charts still bearish, 4h charts still say to short 50 - I covered near there for reasons best known to myself.
fw. interesting little system you put lurker onto, have been following it with interest thanks.😀

glad to hear so 🙂

as a matter of fact - and lurker I haven't seen you post it yet today - but today it signaled a short of 13965 fut and although not triggered earlier in the session (missed by 3 small points) it made +40 on a short from about an hour ago

So Lurker, I'm looking forward to those adjusted stats (incorporating the BE stop) to see what the profit would be up til today.
Regarding firewalkers paper trading, I sold the previous days low, and made 40 pips.

Trades: 7
Wins: 4
Losses: 3 (1 BE loss)
Average Win: 40
Average Loss: 20 (and the BE loss revises this down)
Net P/L: +80
Short 13907. Stop to be moved BE at 20 and held for the move down.

Of course the plan didn't account for a sharp rally above support, so I covered at +1 before I was sitting on a loss from a parabolic rise.

Price now 30 points lower, but we live and learn. I am a little slow on the learning, having made this mistake 3 days in a row.
long 13895 fut

well it was a short scalp, -10 stop
should've stayed in my short from 14065... +30 so far today
little points really, with the current average daily range my target is around +100 daily
looks like I'm failing to live up to my own standards here 🙂
price broke previous low on volume..that's not good..test of 788 on cash coming up.....🙄

Dax cash is around my target area of 7770

well I considered that high volume not really as a clear break (yet)... hence the potential for a scalp long

13800 futures would be my guess for DOW, but perhaps not for today
I'm just bit gutted that I didn't leave at least a small position open... I had the perfect short in place there from yesterday's lows 🙄
well it was a short scalp, -10 stop
should've stayed in my short from 14065... +30 so far today
little points really, with the current average daily range my target is around +100 daily
looks like I'm failing to live up to my own standards here 🙂

While I naturally want everyone here to do well with their trading, it is of some comfort to see that even the good traders here sometimes don't live up to their own standards. We are only human after all.

Quite annoyed at covering for +1 naturally, I was trying to protect myself from downside risk - it was silly - stop wasn't be because +20 hadn't been hit.

I am trying to reenter short from 13890, with a stop of 13920 and a target of 13850 or EOD.
well I considered that high volume not really as a clear break (yet)... hence the potential for a scalp long

13800 futures would be my guess for DOW, but perhaps not for today
I'm just bit gutted that I didn't leave at least a small position open... I had the perfect short in place there from yesterday's lows 🙄

where volume goes,price will'll break....😆
Short 13880, stop 13900, target 13850.

Out +10. Almost had a +20 when YM was at 19858 (LOD), but a slow SB quote stopped me from taking it, and I covered when the market bounced rather aggressively. Well, I'm net -11 for the day, which is only -1 on the week, so given my discipline issues earlier that could have been a lot worse.

Still learning, as ever. Pleased to see that firewalkers paper system is working out. I'll be taking that live on the fantasy trading competition next month.
My charts are still bearish and I am tempted to sell 80 again if I get another chance. Of course that means I should wait until 90, as that would have been filled last time.