For sure all those trades were losses, but have you not noticed how it is all down to your stop & target placement? As far as I can tell from my chart, price came within 2 points of the target so that would've been a profit of 38 points.
I know you are only trading the system, but I was hoping you were going to get more pro-active and suggest some improvements for yourself instead of waiting for me to come and guide you because what I have given you is actually something you can actually backtest, papertrade and trade for real if you adjust the necessary parameters.
Obviously that requires you put in the necessary time and effort...
For instance: one thing you could start to look for is a way to lock in profits. I'm sure you would agree that no sensible trader would let a profit of almost 40 points turn into a loss of 20 points. I have given you the basic building blocks, but the finetuning is up to you.
With a couple of very small adjustments, you could've already had at least 2 profitable trades and more likely 3 if you locked in profits. Out of 4 trades that doesn't seem to bad to me.