Dow 2007

Is anyone using Donchian channels ? I read about them recently so I put them up tonight just to have a look as I'm not trading until after Options expiry.

regards, Garry

Hi m8,
meant to ask when this was posted but forgot.....😱
Any particular reason why you don't trade into options expiry....??

Good trading Kevin. I've also stayed flat on the YM - no clear signal. I don't really expect one for a position trade to happen today, but I might try to take a quick scalp out of the FOMC announcement. Otherwise, I'm netural on this for the medium term. Well done with the spmib trades.

I've read your other thread, and don't mean to go offtopic, but I hope you resolve the issues with your father. At least he isn't putting his losing trades in your account. Not everyone has what it takes to be a trader, but remember most new traders neither obey all the rules or turn a profit in their first few be patient.
only 'cos this month it looks like I've been caught with my pants down shorting DJX Calls, so I've got no float left till after expiration. No other reason ....
Steve, let me let you into a little secret. I have prayed, begged and shouted at the bloody markets to go down before options expiry, so that's just what they'll do...just wait n see .... 🙄
it's funny. the more baht I earn, the more the missus needs, but the inverse never applies - the more I lose never results in less housekeeping. Odd that ....... 😱

Life's a bitch much is the Sang Tip these days ?? that stuff is rocketfuel..😆
Well, that didn't move things very much did it. News is out, I'm still flat, and waiting for a signal from my 4h charts - they are becoming a little bearish here.
Ym short at 14057 and out at 14034 for +23. Just to say i've taken something out of it lol