Dow 2007

lol, we'll so far stop not hit (set at 85) and target of 25 till a long way to go
so be back to check later

I've gone for a paper short entry on the previous days high at 14065, with a stop at 14085 and a target of 14025/EOD.

Edit - stopped out of that short position (paper trade per firewalkers suggestion) for -20. (HOD at 14085 - bought a top).

Firewalker, I note your stoploss - if that was hit, are you now flat or have you reversed?

Dinos, enjoy the holiday, and I look forward to seeing you back trading in time for YMZ7.
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i was short this morning on YM at 14036 and was out 14010 for 26pts. Then long from 14021 and out at 14067 for 46pts, lost 2pts on my last trade so i'm 70pts up on YM today so far
short 14085 fut

And yet the market is still trading at that level. Odd day indeed. I hope you can make some pips back. I am content with my +22.

I note your earlier short entry was similar to my paper trade. Are you live trading the system you suggested I paper trade?
I note your earlier short entry was similar to my paper trade. Are you live trading the system you suggested I paper trade?

Not really, but in this case it coincided with a short I would've taken otherwise.
Actually more of a scalp and I could've closed it at +20...
went long at 14066 again and out 14080 for +14, straight into a short at 14076 and out at 14043 for +33pts. Indicators still have me in but i took my profit because i'm ill and feel like dog crap pie and need to go to bed. +117pts on the day for YM +329pts for spmib. Total profit for the day +446pts, excuse me while i go die in bed now....
Posted 8th July......

I see markets globally going higher and higher ... I hear smart commentators predicting large numbers for dow .............. They maybe right who am I to disagree but...

Even bullish markets ebb and flow and right now the US market has not made a new swing highs for a while ... so the pressure is on them to show what they're made of..!

My view 4 what it's worth is a FAST move is coming..... into end of the month... :cheesy:

Practically every trader in the world :cheesy: is looking for a (decent) turn but they will be disappointed it will dip a bit and then support will come in pretty high up... imo


17/7/07 ...enough sevens for you ?
Again many traders will order the indices to end it's flight of fancy (ovenight)....but will they listen ?

Still a scalpers market but I feel the teddy bears picnic is not far off now....
Probably more a finger buffet than a sit down meal though :cheesy:

Making money in my sleep - I like that
However, if I'd read the market reports I'd have gone for a bigger position. I've been short in Dec contract but only a baby short really.... but it's now crossed that important line from loss to profit ...
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CPI Numbers

No idea where this is going to go, but I think bearish numbers may have a larger effect than bullish numbers. I'm looking to trade for a continuation in the direction of the news, however should I be long I will be looking to take profits within the first few minutes, whereas a short position I will move the stop to BE and have a larger target.

This thread has been rather quiet in the last few days - any thoughts on the news?

The 4h system I am using gives a short signal, so I will definitely hold a sell on the news, although I may cover and await a better entry.
A rather muted non reaction there. Aside from the near 400 YM lots on the buy side of the book for 14002, there is nothing significant there. I note that the 4h charts are now bearish, and I am looking for a short entry on a break of 14000.
8, 13, 21 DEMA on the 4 hour have crossed over, price is below all three DEMAs and MACD has turned bearish. I've shorted a pullback to 14000, and I am now short 14000 with a 15 point stop.

Edit - have now been stopped out for -15. Perhaps I should have used a wider stop, but strength above 14000 leaves a lot of room for an upside move. A bad trade.

Short from 2 less than I got stopped out for, with a new stoploss of 14030. Hopefully that is wide enough.

Ouch. So much for trading with the trend. -32 for the day - 30 points of that loss was the market, the other 2 was from the spread of having to reenter a trade. No more trading for me today. So far this system has had 2 trades, 1 win of 60 and one loss of 30. Not too bad, wouldn't you agree?
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8, 13, 21 DEMA on the 4 hour have crossed over, price is below all three DEMAs and MACD has turned bearish. I've shorted a pullback to 14000, and I am now short 14000 with a 15 point stop.

Edit - have now been stopped out for -15. Perhaps I should have used a wider stop, but strength above 14000 leaves a lot of room for an upside move. A bad trade.

Short from 2 less than I got stopped out for, with a new stoploss of 14030. Hopefully that is wide enough.

Ouch. So much for trading with the trend. -32 for the day - 30 points of that loss was the market, the other 2 was from the spread of having to reenter a trade. No more trading for me today. So far this system has had 2 trades, 1 win of 60 and one loss of 30. Not too bad, wouldn't you agree?

fwiw i see it as still essentially bullish, i have no confirmed signalls for shorts in any time frame over 30 mins. on a signal in the hourly i will go short. but not above 13900 cash as there should be good support there.

different story in the dax though.:D
I've shorted a pullback to 14000, ...
new stoploss of 14030. Hopefully that is wide enough.

Great. Looks like the system gave a correct short signal, but I messed it up by placing my stop in the wrong place. 14050 would have been sufficient, and I would have a profitable open position with a BE stop now. Such is trading I suppose. Net -32 for the day.
Great. Looks like the system gave a correct short signal, but I messed it up by placing my stop in the wrong place. 14050 would have been sufficient, and I would have a profitable open position with a BE stop now. Such is trading I suppose. Net -32 for the day.

i have a short sig at 13900 cash but have not gone for it as i got a feeling we could see either a small bounce here or slow down before any kind of move south. bassically just unsure about shorting given the strength in the weekly / daily / and 4 hour charts.:rolleyes: