Dow 2007

next time you're out this way look me up. unless i blow my account and have to head back to UK to get a job :eek:

I'm back out to Vietnam in couple of months........passing thru your way if you fancy a few beers.....what's Khao San Road like these days...still full of Aussies and Brits lost in space ???...:LOL:
I'm back out to Vietnam in couple of months........passing thru your way if you fancy a few beers.....what's Khao San Road like these days...still full of Aussies and Brits lost in space ???...:LOL:

aye, still full of dreadlock haired wanna-be hippies.
i go there all the time..... Well, that's what I tell the missus whenever I'm at Nana or Cowboy :cool:

Steve, PM me closer to the time and i'll give you my mobile number so we can grab a beer.
Hhave got a handful of mates, some LOS old-hands, some newbies coming over for a week later in the year for the babbie's Christening. Need to put on some trades between now and then to earn a few baht, I have the feeling it's going to be a mega-week :D
aye, still full of dreadlock haired wanna-be hippies.
i go there all the time..... Well, that's what I tell the missus whenever I'm at Nana or Cowboy :cool:

Steve, PM me closer to the time and i'll give you my mobile number so we can grab a beer.
Hhave got a handful of mates, some LOS old-hands, some newbies coming over for a week later in the year for the babbie's Christening. Need to put on some trades between now and then to earn a few baht, I have the feeling it's going to be a mega-week :D

will do the heck can you trade Dow with your time difference....ain't you better off with something Index closer to home..........:LOL:
it works out okay for now. i go to school 4 hours every morning to learn Thai, then I usually grab a couple of hours kip in the afternoon before the wife comes home from work. Play with the baby for an hour then hit the screens.
I've got a trading and derivatives account open on the SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand) but rarely play it. Am trying to find a way to trade the Vietnam market as it's currently hotter than Shanghai and I want to short it .....
it works out okay for now. i go to school 4 hours every morning to learn Thai, then I usually grab a couple of hours kip in the afternoon before the wife comes home from work. Play with the baby for an hour then hit the screens.
I've got a trading and derivatives account open on the SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand) but rarely play it. Am trying to find a way to trade the Vietnam market as it's currently hotter than Shanghai and I want to short it .....

anything you dont want to short out there m8..:LOL:
steve decent vol on the move over 700 ym futures..

ok m8,thnx.............I don't use futures volume...stick to cash market,harder for big guys to push that market gives me a clearer idea of the moves authenticity...

Thanks rathcool, I would have been extremely suprised if it hadn't fallen from there, everything was for a decline, but it did take an age to decide. I ran a DAX short in tandem for +20 as well, very happy with those. Looking for the next next trade now:LOL:
Quiet round these parts today..........

Anyone trading on the Dow or the Dax?
Hi Ziff, I'm around, busy watching wimbledon at the moment. I have been trading the DAX all day and added the DOW since its open. 5 Trades on the DAX and 1trade on the DOW.

I have just about given up on the DOW for today, oscillating within a tight range, :eek: :eek: maybe towards the end of the session, there may be room for manoevre.

Have you had a good day?