
Ha.................How can i get a letter when I do not have a broker anymore???
Well I guess some news is better than no news🙂

"And still we await"
Got my letter as ET said they I would - not a lot of substance - future promises requiring more investment.!! Also had reply form email to datacept from a guy from Beckett Capital sying ET had acted professionally for them. I think if you read letter "funds" of 1.7m$ refers the the asset value of images he has bought from himself. A long waiting game to come but no illusions. Does anyone know if we have shareholders in a PP have right to do anything about it, see accounts etc etc ?
chrisray said:
Got my letter as ET said they I would - not a lot of substance - future promises requiring more investment.!! Also had reply form email to datacept from a guy from Beckett Capital sying ET had acted professionally for them. I think if you read letter "funds" of 1.7m$ refers the the asset value of images he has bought from himself. A long waiting game to come but no illusions. Does anyone know if we have shareholders in a PP have right to do anything about it, see accounts etc etc ?

Hello Chris

How did you manage to get a reply to an Email to Datacept from a guy from Beckett Capital (who are Beckett Capital???) and how can he say that ET acted professionally when quoting investors unrealistic flotation prices ($12 now revised to $4)..... which is an instant floatation loss of $2... and why is there no mention in the letter from Datacept about a proposed flotation date, which ET keep providing then revising????

The letter should have given me hope that maybe one day the company will be floated and atleast some of my investment will be reclaimed but I am still very sceptical and am still treating my investment as a complete loss and will endevour to keep pressure on the right authorities to do something about this company.
Not sure about the beckett bit - it was a garbled reply from a Rod Brodis ([email protected]!!!) - I was not expecting anything

I like you are sceptical, seems to be a nice comfy way of obtaining funds based on future effort. I guess datacept must have accounts lodged somewhere which would be worth a look at? Problem is if there is any possiblity of float we should do nothing to frustrate this - but we need more info and openess if we are to be believers. ET should be doing this as they must have understood the business before they raised funds ?

If you email datacept,info@datacept,net you should get a response from Beckett Capital Investors who are supposedly retained to deal with investors' queries.
The replies are always impersonal as there is never an individual's name added ,thus creating even more suspicion.
I have been advised that a letter is coming from the President(the only staff member) explaining in detail the progress of the company and certain financial information.It would appear that some shareholders have received a letter,but i have not.
I have also enquired as to when it is anticipated/hoped that the IPO will take place-----no response to date.

has anyone tried to start a list of the people involved in this scam so that we can try to get our money back?
new Millenium Medical

I have not been successful in obtaining any reply to my requests for accounts information etc.

I would like to meet face to face with one or more who believe they have been cheated to see what action may be possible. Preferably to retrieve the money 'lost' but also to do something to warn other would-be suckers!

This relates to New Millenium Medical IPO.

Jayemel. (London/Harrow area)
For those of you who live in London or the home counties it must be so easy to hop across the channe l to ET's plush office over in Luxembourg. Their address is on the web site.
I've had a bloke called david stirling from edward tate on the phone who's still insisting that datacept will float on 28th march.
He also said that they where involved in the floats for google and dreamworks. Can anyone confirm this?
He's also phoned me today trying to sell me shares in a company called quest oil and is going on about how he's trying to build relationships with his customers and it's not in his interest for anything to go wrong etc. Another share he talked to me about is remmington ventures. both are nasdaq shares.
When I probed further I found that you need to keep the shares for twelve months minimum...
p.s. i remember someone saying on this thread that edward tate aren't actually trading from the address they supply on the website
Do Not have anything to do with ET, I checked out Datacept and while they are a genuine company they actually consist of about 2 people an office and several patents. They do not as yet market anything I can find
I agree with the avoid ET Statement - I wish I had !

With respect to datacept - I wrote to Mr Faso expressing my concerns - received a reply by return (via Beckett capital) giving the links to homeland security now available on datacept website - he is still confident of the March 28th timescale - guess we just going to wait and see - but should be in parallel preparing for worst - we need to collect Names and addresses of UK investors so, we can lobby SEC etc if things work out as you all seem to think ! I'm happy to collate this list if necessary
President's letter

fredday said:
If you email datacept,info@datacept,net you should get a response from Beckett Capital Investors who are supposedly retained to deal with investors' queries.
The replies are always impersonal as there is never an individual's name added ,thus creating even more suspicion.
I have been advised that a letter is coming from the President(the only staff member) explaining in detail the progress of the company and certain financial information.It would appear that some shareholders have received a letter,but i have not.
I have also enquired as to when it is anticipated/hoped that the IPO will take place-----no response to date.

I have received my letter and I refuse to take any company seriously who quotes figures to the nearest cent for its net worth. In order to be floating on the 28th March the company would have to be well advanced in the application process and need the services of professional accountants and other financial advisors who would present information in an approriate manner. I would also like to know what ppatents the company had/were applying for and their unique market position.

My opinion is the same as before, this rubbish is about as impressive as the over-animated website, which also requires professional advice to present the right image. 100% write off is my current thinking.
News on Dtaacept

I have been in contact with ET today (David Sterling). Datacept is going to float on Amex instead of Nasdaq. KPMG are involved in the legal side of things but this means a delay in floatation date, again. ET said that because of the Amex flotation the share price would be $14-16?! I mentioned rumours of flotation at $4 and he said absolutely no way!
More pie in the sky?
I also bought Datacept in 2002.
So I have been waiting now for 3 years.
I should wait for 3 months as they said.
Mitchell Anderson Blythe was the company that sold me the shares.

I agree we should act together.
We should move something forward.
With waiting or being afraid that we will do something wrong if acting we only give them time to scam more and more.

I wish in 2002 something would be on net.

I have 5016 shares of Datacept.
So count me in any action taken in the future.
Even if we pay some "muscles" to get the Leo guy.

As you see not only Britain or Australia are scamed by Datacept.
I think we should join forces all over the world together and press on SEC or FBI to do something about Datacept and mr. Faso.

I think we have to try.

By the way. The shares could get on the market at 4 USD or even 20 USD. But who will buy them at that price? Since no one will buy, the price will fall. Let me take the wild guess here - it's gonna fall down to few cents in a matter of day or so.

European Diversified Holdings (EDHC)
Spantel (SPAL)

Does anyone know something about American Card Technology?
Zdovc65 said:
I also bought Datacept in 2002.
So I have been waiting now for 3 years.
I should wait for 3 months as they said.
Mitchell Anderson Blythe was the company that sold me the shares.

I agree we should act together.
We should move something forward.
With waiting or being afraid that we will do something wrong if acting we only give them time to scam more and more.

I wish in 2002 something would be on net.

I have 5016 shares of Datacept.
So count me in any action taken in the future.
Even if we pay some "muscles" to get the Leo guy.

As you see not only Britain or Australia are scamed by Datacept.
I think we should join forces all over the world together and press on SEC or FBI to do something about Datacept and mr. Faso.

I think we have to try.

By the way. The shares could get on the market at 4 USD or even 20 USD. But who will buy them at that price? Since no one will buy, the price will fall. Let me take the wild guess here - it's gonna fall down to few cents in a matter of day or so.

European Diversified Holdings (EDHC)
Spantel (SPAL)

Does anyone know something about American Card Technology?

A company cannot just set an issue price and say I am going to list on the market. There is no market without an underwriter to the issue. The company will not be able to get the issue underwritten without the confidence of that backer i.e someone who will pick up the balance of the issue if others do not want the shares. This will only be achieved with a solid business model, including at least three years projected earnings streams and balance sheets or in the cash of research companies cash burning rates and research progress. Such plans will also include a detailed evaluation off all patents held/applied for and discussion of unique market position. I have seen none of this information yet with regard to Datacept and hence nothing to change my opinion that we have been conned.
Has ET been talking?

Hi all.

The following is a copy of the message that I posted on the ET board: -

Just recently I have had another series of cold calls from an outfit called Tanacorum based in Spain, although they do not use guise number and give a proper address. What I do not like is the frequency of the calls and after the experience with ET alarm bells ring. This chap is pushing OTCBB stocks qouted spectacular gains. It maybe totally legitimate, but they are not regulated and I will not be using their services.

Anyone else heard of this company?


Hello All

Has any one seen the updated info on the datacept site?..... Not sure what to make of it.... 10 for 1 share split whilst banishing Trojan Horses to permanent solitary confinement!!!

This company is either shrouded in secrecy due to the highly secure nature of the business or someone has thought long and hard about the best business model to con investors!!!!

Still very sceptical, hold share certificate that im not sure is worth the paper its written on, unsure about returning it for a new one though
Share Certificates

I have seen the note about share split. It seems like the usual claptrap regarding this set-up. In this scenario is it not usual to write to shareholders rather than put an anonymous note on a website. The share cert may be valueless but I am not wasting money on a postage stamp in sending it back to Mr Faso. In any case new certificates could be issued with a request to us to destroy the old ones.
Incidentally par value of the shares is already $,0001,would the share split mean a par value of $.00001? What a load of nonsense! I am not sure that this company has earned a penny bean-there could be a long wait.
Datacept to enter Joint Venture


Datacept are to enter a joint venture with ATS Specialists INC. Their website looks more impressive, or is this all part of the con. Look at However I can find no other details of this company, other than their website.

