
There is one more here, i have a fair holding in datacept purchased in 2004. I have got no response from the Company when requesting accounts/information and would appreciate any input from other shareholders. I am optimistic about the inherent value of this Company having had a couple of enquiries from interested parties in the US
Datacept shares

chrisrhyslop said:
There is one more here, i have a fair holding in datacept purchased in 2004. I have got no response from the Company when requesting accounts/information and would appreciate any input from other shareholders. I am optimistic about the inherent value of this Company having had a couple of enquiries from interested parties in the US

Try this number 0015613794874 Direct line Paul Faso. I have had lengthy chats buts I will believe everything is above board when I actually see the company float and I get some hard cash in my bank.

Keep me posted .
Offer for shares

Just had a call from James Hodges from some company called Universal Partners quoting security numbers and how they are all legitimate etc. etc. Any one else been contacted ? More scam :?:
Share Offer

peter green said:
Just had a call from James Hodges from some company called Universal Partners quoting security numbers and how they are all legitimate etc. etc. Any one else been contacted ? More scam :?:
I have also been contacted with an offer of $10.75 per share. As usual they are looking for a sum of money up front to release the shares from restriction. After this a magnificent sum would be paid to me which would include the repayment of the aforementioned up fromt deposited sum.I believe this is a scam and the only way I would send more money abroad is if they sent me some on account first.
I have now had 2 approaches for the shares. The first wanted a swap for a blue chip with me adding cash to the deal - I think it was a scam. The second a straight purchase with me having to pay a considerable sum up front (refundable) to have the stock derestricted. This Company, Universal Partners, have a pretty smart web site and impressive paperwork! Anybody else had an approach?
Another scam

chrisrhyslop said:
I have now had 2 approaches for the shares. The first wanted a swap for a blue chip with me adding cash to the deal - I think it was a scam. The second a straight purchase with me having to pay a considerable sum up front (refundable) to have the stock derestricted. This Company, Universal Partners, have a pretty smart web site and impressive paperwork! Anybody else had an approach?

Beware! - it's a scam - you will lose the upfront amount you pay. See FSA website for general information on these scams.
Beware! - it's a scam - you will lose the upfront amount you pay. See FSA website for general information on these scams.
Datacept Defense Systems

I bought a number of shares in August 2004, and until I found this website, I had half-believed it was a good investment. However, the continued lack of accounts, information on the floatation, etc. plus reading all the letters here, make me think that I truly may have lost my money.Does anyone out there see any hope of getting our money back?
I do not. I suspect that Edward Tate, the broker who enticed us to buy shares in Datacept was a rogue, possibly in cahoots with Paul Faso the CEO of Datacept touting a business for hard cash that never had a hope in hell of floating on Nasdaq.

Datacept shares are now a classic underperforming asset. Other rogues, possibly even Edward Tate in a different guise, see the opportunity of making money by offering to buy your Datacept shares at a high price but only if you send them money in advance. If you do that you will be throwing good money after bad.
Universal Partners wanted $0.25 for each share in order to remove the restriction on the datacept stock! I think they have given up on me now. Thank you for your input and thoughts. Chris
chrisrhyslop said:
Universal Partners wanted $0.25 for each share in order to remove the restriction on the datacept stock! I think they have given up on me now. Thank you for your input and thoughts. Chris

There is no longer any restriction on the transfer of your Datacept shares to an American buyer.
If anyone brought anything from Edward Tate they will now doubt be receiving a call from many a scam now operating in Canada. I have had 3 in 2 days. One lot call themselves Sunlight, be warned, if someone rings you and you have not heard of them they are a scam merchant
I have been referred to by mergers and Aquisitions ( This is their way of persauding me that there approach to me to charge $0.25 for each datacept share to de-restrict the shares is genuine. Once I have paid the de-restriction fee I will then receive over $2.00 per share on sale. Anyone any experience of this?
Beware it's a con. There is no restriction on the transfer of your (worthless) shares in Datacept. See UK FSA website for general information on this type of scam.
There we go again. Citiwealth Asset Management offering $22 per share of Datacept. Advance fee required. Of course. This is getting boring...
Citiwealth Asset Management miles bailey offering to buy shares in qoil/chelsea Management . Advance Fee required.Looks to me a scan, not regisitered with in us, bank in cyprus.
by qoil do you mean quest oil? i got robbed £125000 last year by *******s called sun international mergers in memphis re quest oil takeover...aye right!!! regards david
Datacept Inc.

Has anyone had any recent communication with Edward Tate, Omega Clearing Systems, or the company itself? I am anxious to know the worst so I can at least claim Capital Losses.
Has anyone had any recent communication with Edward Tate, Omega Clearing Systems, or the company itself? I am anxious to know the worst so I can at least claim Capital Losses.

The last contact I had with Edward Tate a representaive informed me that they had been taken over and the Luxembourg operation was relocating to Central America. I also had a call from somebody in Hong Kong saying that he was working on behalf of a private buyer who was looking to acquire shares in many companies and proceeded to reel of this list including Omega. He had obviously not read the script as Omega were the clearing house not the company. This just confirmed what I always beleived that this was a scam.

Big Profit