
I have had an e-mail from Beckett Investor relations.Take a look at the new web site www.photozombie. com. It provides more information and has an investor relations link together with a new press release.Is there hope for us yet ?
I have bought shares in Osprey Gold from ET and am becoming increasingly concerned that the whole thing is a share scam. Just because they have issued us a certificate, it does not mean that it is genuine. How is it possible to find out if it is? Would the company be able to confirm if we are on the shareholder list?
Intensivist said:
I have bought shares in Osprey Gold from ET and am becoming increasingly concerned that the whole thing is a share scam. Just because they have issued us a certificate, it does not mean that it is genuine. How is it possible to find out if it is? Would the company be able to confirm if we are on the shareholder list?

If Osprey gold is a US company it is possible that a Stock Transfer Agent manages the list of share subscribers and should forward stock certificates.
fredday said:
I have had an e-mail from Beckett Investor relations.Take a look at the new web site www.photozombie. com. It provides more information and has an investor relations link together with a new press release.Is there hope for us yet ?

On the basis of this I would say no. The same over-animated nonsense, that irritates more than informs. The whole thing gives an impression of in-house creation, rather than professionalism demanded of a subsidiary of a soon to be floated niche company. I know my computer is not the latest, but this website is slow, the text on the investor relations is blue, not a very readable colour for such important material. Why does Photozombie have all the Datacept details when all that is necessary is a simple link to Datacept sight.

I am not hopeful.
Hello All

I have been following this thread with interest and was initially alerted to this site as it was the only place I could find any relation to datacept. I took a position in Datacept through Edward Tate some months ago and now feel the time has come to take action to try and recover if possible any funds invested or at least stop anyone from further investing in Datacept or having dealings with Edward Tate. I was caught at an opportune moment by ET as I was just looking into diversifying my portfolio to include US stocks and with hindsight should have stuck to what I know. There has been 84 posts relating to ET & Datacept and not one of them gives me encouragement or any indication that this is nothing but a scam tho a good one at that.

I have spoken to the FSA and given them my details relating to this purchase via ET and they are building a database on the company and need as much info as possible. I also left my contact details as they said I may need to be contacted. Although they could not divulge much information as the company is on the alert list and not registered they strongly advise me not to deal with this company and to contact the Banking & Securities Regulator in Luxembourg which I did.

The BSR in Luxembourg advised me that they are not registered as an advisory firm or located in the building which is given on there website and not to have any dealings with them.

Whether Datacept is a genuine company or not ET is most definitely not and would hazard a guess that they may well disappear out of my life without a trace as quickly as they appeared.

Whether as a group of investors we would have more progress in dealing with this situation together i'm not sure but I am now at the position that legal advice is needed as im sure once 6th Dec 2004 arrives that flotation will once again be delayed if there is still anyone at ET to advise!!!!

All views welcome

Woken up and smelt the coffee
You may want to contact an appropriate money laundering authority - this will raise the profile / heat on tracking down ET.
(I'm not suggesting ET are part of a money laundering chain, but it is a possibility)
maddisong said:
Hello All

I have been following this thread with interest and was initially alerted to this site as it was the only place I could find any relation to datacept. I took a position in Datacept through Edward Tate some months ago and now feel the time has come to take action to try and recover if possible any funds invested or at least stop anyone from further investing in Datacept or having dealings with Edward Tate. I was caught at an opportune moment by ET as I was just looking into diversifying my portfolio to include US stocks and with hindsight should have stuck to what I know. There has been 84 posts relating to ET & Datacept and not one of them gives me encouragement or any indication that this is nothing but a scam tho a good one at that.

I have spoken to the FSA and given them my details relating to this purchase via ET and they are building a database on the company and need as much info as possible. I also left my contact details as they said I may need to be contacted. Although they could not divulge much information as the company is on the alert list and not registered they strongly advise me not to deal with this company and to contact the Banking & Securities Regulator in Luxembourg which I did.

The BSR in Luxembourg advised me that they are not registered as an advisory firm or located in the building which is given on there website and not to have any dealings with them.

Whether Datacept is a genuine company or not ET is most definitely not and would hazard a guess that they may well disappear out of my life without a trace as quickly as they appeared.

Whether as a group of investors we would have more progress in dealing with this situation together i'm not sure but I am now at the position that legal advice is needed as im sure once 6th Dec 2004 arrives that flotation will once again be delayed if there is still anyone at ET to advise!!!!

All views welcome

Woken up and smelt the coffee

I spoke to Ronnie Brodeis from Beckett last week who told me he was "hopeful" that Datacept would float "sometime in the first quarter of next year" - so I think Dec 6th is definitley unlikely.
He also told me that patent registering for photozombie is underway with "top patent lawyer". He also indicated that there would be some sort of shareholder information coming out "soon". Obviously this can be stalling tactic.

The datacept saga I know find out has been going on for some time. Is it a scam or sharp business that has all of us as patsies if it goes wrong and carries no risks for Faso etc since he is playing with our money? ET presumably collect whatever and have hidden themselves well enough to get little comeback from investors.

I was first sold a listed stock by ET that has crashed in value to 20% of what i bought it at but gave me shares in a subsidiary company that offset this - both shares have further growth potential. I did therfore see ET as legitimate and only realised more recently when the ET person I spoke to knew less than I did about what had happened to the stock concerned that this was luck not judgement. I think that datacept is highly suspect given its history and the apparent inability of ET, Beckett or the company (has anyone actually ever got through and spoken to Paul Faso?) to provide anything like a business plan or written evidence of prospective business etc makes me feel its likely we have all been had. 😱

Is there any mileage in contacting the US SEC since Beckett and Datacept presumably are of interest to them even if ET isnt ?

:| I think that we as investors in Datacept ,want to get our Money back ,we will need to start some type of legal process through the US courts.
Has anyone got any ideas on how this process can be started and what finical input would be required ?
Maybe someone can setup a database of who has invested in Datacept and how much the investments are worth,this will give us an idea on how much in total is invested and wether it is worth persuing the money in the legal system.
cmwhale@bigpond. said:
:| I think that we as investors in Datacept ,want to get our Money back ,we will need to start some type of legal process through the US courts.
Has anyone got any ideas on how this process can be started and what finical input would be required ?
Maybe someone can setup a database of who has invested in Datacept and how much the investments are worth,this will give us an idea on how much in total is invested and wether it is worth persuing the money in the legal system.

I think perhaps that a databease of everyone who has had a bad deal with ET would be a good idea.

I have not signed up to anything but they are pestering me for £3k they say I owe fro the purchace of New millenium medical shares!
osprey gold

Intensivist said:
I have bought shares in Osprey Gold from ET and am becoming increasingly concerned that the whole thing is a share scam. Just because they have issued us a certificate, it does not mean that it is genuine. How is it possible to find out if it is? Would the company be able to confirm if we are on the shareholder list?
i also bought these shares but despite loads of promoises and excuses from ed tate i still havent received a certificate .the shares seem to go south every day now almost 5 cents from over 110.a big scam i reckon.
Ok everyone, it seems there is a pretty definite conclusion to all this!

Those that have invested in Datacept have been involved in a scam / fraudulent activity.

The money we have invested IS gone. If we do something about it as a group there MAY be a slim chance of retreiving the money.

So I guess the next step, as has already been suggested, is to take some sort of legal action and inform the appropriate authorities. I am not sure where to start but since Datacept and Paul Leo Faso are, or claim to be, based in the US it seems reasonable to start here?

Is there somekind of organisation or association that deals with problems such as this who we can contact?

Just want to get the ball rolling to find out if there is any hope of retreiving our money and I firmly beleive that if we can do this as a group and help each other out there will be a greater chance of acheiving this.
alibee said:
i also bought these shares but despite loads of promoises and excuses from ed tate i still havent received a certificate .the shares seem to go south every day now almost 5 cents from over 110.a big scam i reckon.
I have bought shares in Osprey Gold from ET, have also received a cert, they are now saying to get out of this position, invest in DATACEPT, as the IPO will be traded on Dec. 17. Has anyone any knowledge if this is correct, have tried to phone datacept and only received voice mail....
or is this just another scam
Before you invest in Datacept ,you should some kind of legal advice on what you are getting into!!
I brought Datacept 2 years ago and have't heard a thing since.
Although i am intersted to here that somone is still trying to sell them,and was wondering if you could post the phone No. of the persons who are trying to sell datacept to you ,so I can ring them to find out whats going on??.
jasoncrussell said:
I have also received a call from Edward Tate, this time about an IPO called New Millenium Medical. They are also due to float on 6th December. Seems a bit of a co-incidence to me. Can't believe I fell for the patter, I normally don't trust anyone, but have to admit they are good. Lesson learnt - don't trust anyone ever.

A firm called Charterhouse International Inc and Kensington Price Consulting are also trying to flog New Millennium Medical. I wonder if there are more dud floggers.

Anyone heard of Globus International Management Ltd in Geneva?

I am as nervous as you all having been dealt with another company call Clarington Group from Amsterdam (who vanished of the face of the earth leaving me with some "restricted" shares).

I had a small gullable dab in Datacept through Edward Tate - I was initially told float was in Sept - then drifted to 6th Dec. Today I have received a call from E T sayijng it will now definitely be 31st march (at 4$ !!!) and all shareholders will recei :?: ve a letter in next week or so explaining the situation.

I wait with bated breath - as the website and company doesn't seem to have a lot of substance - but who knows I may be suprised

Got my letter, with a business card from the President (Paul Leo Faso)!!! Im still extremely sceptical but can do no more. If the shares do float at $4 although $2 below my purchase price i will be happy that my whole investment has not been lost.

Good Luck to all investors