
Replacement Certificate

cmwhale@bigpond. said:
HI all
Its been awhile since I checked the boards and I see the Datacept Scam is still alive and well.🙂
I have had a Datacept investment since 2002 and yup it's a scam,I have lost count of how many times I have heard that they are about to float and we are all about to get rich....HA
I guess that even if the impossible happened and they did float my problem is that the company that sold them to me has dissappered off the face of the earth (hehe even Goggle can't find them) So all i am left with is a piece of paper saying that i got 2'600 shares (which i framed and hung above my desk).
So to those who have been approched remeber this......SCAM..SCam..Scam..scam...........

ET called today and advised that my new certificate is being posted to me as I was on the list of names. In the same call tried to interest me in buying Remington Ventures (RMVN Nasdaq). I politely declined as I had tied up the Datacept money longer than I ever intended.

Anyone else been contacted recently?


Bigprofit said:
ET called today and advised that my new certificate is being posted to me as I was on the list of names. In the same call tried to interest me in buying Remington Ventures (RMVN Nasdaq). I politely declined as I had tied up the Datacept money longer than I ever intended.

Anyone else been contacted recently?



I wonder if anyone could give me a contact number (I am going to regret asking this) for ET so I can find out if the certificate I have is still valid.
As i said earlyer the company that sold me the OP's has disappeared so I have been left with no contact regarding my datacept stock (if they even excist 😉 )
cmwhale@bigpond. said:
I wonder if anyone could give me a contact number (I am going to regret asking this) for ET so I can find out if the certificate I have is still valid.
As i said earlyer the company that sold me the OP's has disappeared so I have been left with no contact regarding my datacept stock (if they even excist 😉 )

Edward Tate have a website which will give you all the contact details including the phone number. As a matter of interest I have not looked at the website for ages the address is now given as Belize, I wonder if they paid relocation expenses to the staff and whether the staff have aclimatised to the change from "Luxembourg". It does not inspire confidence that they cannot even bother to contact there valued clientele and impart these details.

Still Not hopeful


Note that the phone numbers do not have the International dialling prefix or Belize Code. That is due to the fact that they actually operate from the UK (no proof but a deep suspicion).
warregui said:
Note that the phone numbers do not have the International dialling prefix or Belize Code. That is due to the fact that they actually operate from the UK (no proof but a deep suspicion).

What they are doing is using a guise number, which means that there number is the same wherever anybody calls from and no prefixes are needed. Another benefit of this strategy is that their true location is hidden. An earlier poster on this board said ET were in Spain.


Boiler Room Scams

How can you possibly think that any of these companies operate from the UK? Advantage IEC rang me on my mobile and a Spanish number came up. When I rang back they said that they had never heard of Advantage or RMVN. It was definitey not a spanish person that answered the phone though.

I am sure that they are not based in Geneva, but in Barcelona which was the Spanish area code that came up.

Don't you think it's odd that these companies all sell the same stocks, Datacept, New Millenium, Remington Ventures.......?

Just don't buy restricted US stocks without checking first on the Securities Exchange Commission website first for their financial listings. Companies cannot list on the stock market without first regestering a large number of reports. and check the EDGAR section for new reports and financial information. Looking at RMVN, there are no financials listed even on Bloomberg. If they're doing so well and have so many investors, then surely their financials would be much better.
greatguns said:
How can you possibly think that any of these companies operate from the UK? Advantage IEC rang me on my mobile and a Spanish number came up. When I rang back they said that they had never heard of Advantage or RMVN. It was definitey not a spanish person that answered the phone though.

I am sure that they are not based in Geneva, but in Barcelona which was the Spanish area code that came up.

Don't you think it's odd that these companies all sell the same stocks, Datacept, New Millenium, Remington Ventures.......?

Just don't buy restricted US stocks without checking first on the Securities Exchange Commission website first for their financial listings. Companies cannot list on the stock market without first regestering a large number of reports. and check the EDGAR section for new reports and financial information. Looking at RMVN, there are no financials listed even on Bloomberg. If they're doing so well and have so many investors, then surely their financials would be much better.

The reason there are no financials is that RMVN is a new company, which only listed last year and is only traded on OTCBB. At least it has a listing as opposed to NMM or Datacept!
The stock is definitely for gamblers as the company claims to have developed the perfect system for predicting financial markets and automatically trading for profit. As with many of these type of stocks the company is still in the research phase. This is not to be taken as an endorsement for the stock and indeed my own experience with these restricted stocks has been very poor, with low volumes, large spreads and falling prices before your restricion period ends. My best example is Accupoll (ACUP) I bought at 81c, during my restriction period it climed to $3.45, by the end of my restricion period it was down to 20c and now languishes at 12c. I still hold with now 3-4 year view.



Do you know the process to sell? Why is is that these OTCB stocks sem to crash before the restricition period is up....?

When it comes to sell, one must apply via a lawyer, if they have registered their financial info with the SEC, then the next stage is for the lawyer to find you a buyer, but in 99 cases out of 100, thewse companies do not register their finacial info and therefore your restriction period is extened for a further 12 months.

My advice to anyone is DON'T BUY OTCBB STOCKS unless you really know what you are doing. A very large % of them do not exist and thouands of UK investors have lost £millions through them (me included).

The thing is, they usually have a very good story and look very tempting, but I do not know a single person in the UK who has made money from them. Stick to what you know.
Bike Sheds said:
A firm called Charterhouse International Inc and Kensington Price Consulting are also trying to flog New Millennium Medical. I wonder if there are more dud floggers.

Anyone heard of Globus International Management Ltd in Geneva?

I've just started looking for information on Globus. Did you find any more information? I've dealt with them on a couple of occasions but I'm becoming concerned about the last investment I made through them.
greatguns said:
Do you know the process to sell? Why is is that these OTCB stocks sem to crash before the restricition period is up....?

When it comes to sell, one must apply via a lawyer, if they have registered their financial info with the SEC, then the next stage is for the lawyer to find you a buyer, but in 99 cases out of 100, thewse companies do not register their finacial info and therefore your restriction period is extened for a further 12 months.

My advice to anyone is DON'T BUY OTCBB STOCKS unless you really know what you are doing. A very large % of them do not exist and thouands of UK investors have lost £millions through them (me included).

The thing is, they usually have a very good story and look very tempting, but I do not know a single person in the UK who has made money from them. Stick to what you know.


I think the only practical way is to sell via the channel that sold you them in the first place.

The reason that so many of them crash before the restriction period is over is that most are research companies floated on the back of a good idea. Initial backers like the sound of the idea e.g. anything which has a good feeling for todays market, e.g. terrorism, gambling, fraud prevention etc hence in the short term the share may go up. However any research burns money and hence with little or no turnover, your money has effectively financed research. When the money looks like it is running out, typically a year or two after initial float they find a substantial backer to buy a big block of shares at a huge discount and hence the shares start to become illiquid and trade dries up and the price starts to fall dramatically as punters get out. The underlying business idea is still worth the same, but the initial froth has gone from the share price and it will take years and some dramatic news-flow to get it back.
One share I own typically has a volume of 100 shares a day, I am sitting here with 900 shares. The price to sell that volume would probably be 75% of the advertised price, (thats another joy huge spreads.)
For the very long term only and probably unable to survive a recession. I will not be being any more and find it odd that my FSA regulated firm no longer contact me or send statements.


How do U sell Angel Citi, Midas inc??

warregui said:

It was Edward Tate who first introduced me to Datacept. I was also offered shares at $6 each with the assumption that they would double in value when the IPO was put to the market.

Nevertheless I remain a little wary not least because I couldn't get anyone at Datacept on the end of a telephone line -surely the most effective way of conducting business (otherwise al these brokers and their minions would use fax, letters, carrier pigeons instead).

So for me a logical progression was - if I can't make contact how would a prospective purchaser of their products.

Anyhow I declined the offer.

Incidentally I have purchased stock on an Edward Tate recommendation earlier this year.
So far my investment as fallen in value by around 60%. It may just be bad luck, but I bought the stock at the peak price. Three days after my buy the stock began to drift south. E.T. tell me that the stock wil be worth around $1 by the end of this year. That would give me a very healthy return on the investment. But I doubt it very much.

In time the stock may show me a profit. The Stock incidentally is Angelciti (AGEL) - opinions welcome!!

Yes, I got GOT as well and now have around 3Ks worth of the stock, a good profit only if I can sell it. Do you know how to sell them? My paper certificates are stamped 'restricted' I think you have to keep them for at least a year. No local brokers up here, in Inverness area, have a CLUE WHAT TO DO. At least they represent a viable business. The same can not be said of the New Millenium Medical shares which I foolishly bought on the back of the Angel Citi/Midas 'sucess'
Anybody know where I could find a price for them, assuming that they actually exist!
Selling resricted stock.

To sell OTCBB stock that you hold, you need to check with the securities exchange commission ( of the US that they have registered their financial reports. Go to the recent listings page and see if Datacept have filed anything there first.

The next stage is to apply via a US lawyer to sell the shares. THis will cost you between $150 and $500. If they have not given in their financial data the 12 month restriction is automatically extended for a further 12 months.

The best advice that i can give you is to avoid these OTCBB stocks. THere are legal loopholes that certain "Offshore Advisors" take full advantage of.

If you need more info, let me know. All the best.

charliefox60 said:
Yes, I got GOT as well and now have around 3Ks worth of the stock, a good profit only if I can sell it. Do you know how to sell them? My paper certificates are stamped 'restricted' I think you have to keep them for at least a year. No local brokers up here, in Inverness area, have a CLUE WHAT TO DO. At least they represent a viable business. The same can not be said of the New Millenium Medical shares which I foolishly bought on the back of the Angel Citi/Midas 'sucess'
Anybody know where I could find a price for them, assuming that they actually exist!
Edward Tate Contact No.

If anyone is trying to track down Edward Tate - got a call from someone at ET, saying they were in Belize.

The country dial code was actually +34 (Spain) - +34 932656884

Edward Tate

teamwin said:
Has anybody heard any recent developments in the datacept story?
Have just received a call from David Stirling saying that E T are no longer able to act for their clients but that future communications about stocks purchased through them will be direct from the company concerned.They (ET) will however keep an eye on developments and keep their ex clients aware of any developments on advice only basis. At least I think that is what he was suggesting. Anyone else heard from ET recently? :?:
Datacept and Edward Tate

Yes, I had a similar call from ET. They told me that Datacept is reachable directly via phone on the following number 0015613794874, which I have not tried yet. I was also told that Datacept are planning an IPO in the 2nd quarter this year, I'm not holding my breath!
If smeone wish to exchange info private [email protected]

I invest in Datacept too and have a lot of infos. Mybe i"m going to searc the acters.Why not...someone else?E.T.doesnt"t exist.....

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I also had a call from ET. Chris Hutton was the caller imparting the same message. The lack of professionalism showed from the caller, because he mentioned that they were being taken over and were no longer allowed to talk to clients. Surely a takeover is just a change of ownership and nothing else should be effected. Subsequent rationalisation may take place involving new trading names etc., but this is just a lot of nonsense invented because they have decided that ET has run its course. Even the website has gone with not even a link to the new owners.
An experience to be written off and not repeated. Nvever got the revised certificate either.
charliefox60 said:
Yes, I got GOT as well and now have around 3Ks worth of the stock, a good profit only if I can sell it. Do you know how to sell them? My paper certificates are stamped 'restricted' I think you have to keep them for at least a year. No local brokers up here, in Inverness area, have a CLUE WHAT TO DO. At least they represent a viable business. The same can not be said of the New Millenium Medical shares which I foolishly bought on the back of the Angel Citi/Midas 'sucess'
Anybody know where I could find a price for them, assuming that they actually exist!


I am Warregui. I started this thread. I would like to discuss Angelciti, Midas Entertainment and possibly Kent Financial with you. I believe I ahve proof the the foregoing companies have been illegally trying to 'hoodwink' people into buying worthless stock!

Look forward to hearing from you, contact me at [email protected]