Replacement Certificate
ET called today and advised that my new certificate is being posted to me as I was on the list of names. In the same call tried to interest me in buying Remington Ventures (RMVN Nasdaq). I politely declined as I had tied up the Datacept money longer than I ever intended.
Anyone else been contacted recently?
cmwhale@bigpond. said:HI all
Its been awhile since I checked the boards and I see the Datacept Scam is still alive and well.🙂
I have had a Datacept investment since 2002 and yup it's a scam,I have lost count of how many times I have heard that they are about to float and we are all about to get rich....HA
I guess that even if the impossible happened and they did float my problem is that the company that sold them to me has dissappered off the face of the earth (hehe even Goggle can't find them) So all i am left with is a piece of paper saying that i got 2'600 shares (which i framed and hung above my desk).
So to those who have been approched remeber this......SCAM..SCam..Scam..scam...........
ET called today and advised that my new certificate is being posted to me as I was on the list of names. In the same call tried to interest me in buying Remington Ventures (RMVN Nasdaq). I politely declined as I had tied up the Datacept money longer than I ever intended.
Anyone else been contacted recently?