
scam again

This web site is nothing special.
It was done by people who don't know much about making web sites.
I don't think that any important company (serious) would give presidents email on the web site.
Or maybe we live in different world.
I am afraid this is just another scam, joint venture scam.
I would be glad if one day I can sell the shares I have.
I am afraid I can only put them in frame and on my wall to remind me of my stupidity and that I should trust NO ONE.

But there is a small piece of me still hoping. Hope never dies.
I can find no information as to WHY Datacept are making this share split, can anyone help?

Is it to get our share certs off us and then claim they were lost in the post?!! What's the position if we simply ignore their request and hang on to our 'old' certs?

Have Edward Tate offered any advice on this? I'm sure I looked at their website when they introduced me to Datacept, but I can't find it (ET's website) now.

Like most others here I am very sceptical about datacept and about edward tate - I'm currently assuming I'll lose the whole investment (thankfully fairly small) and put it down to experience.

Any advice would be good!
Edward Tate actually rang me and told me the letter would be coming - they said it was tied up with the proposed listing because Datacept needed a bigger number of shares in circulation to achieve SEC registration - No idea whether this is right ?
ET still seem incredibly bullish about the opportunity - and proactive by ringing me - if it is a scam why are they still staying with it ?
Only time will tell - but if it does prove to be a scam than we all nee to take quick action together - not sit back on our bums and accept we've all been stupid !
Thanks Chrisray - I agree we all need to be aware of what's going on. If anyone hears anything, please let us know!

So, who has sent their certs back, and who hasn't? Anyone sent them AND received new ones yet???
Matthew Wood said:
I can find no information as to WHY Datacept are making this share split, can anyone help?

Is it to get our share certs off us and then claim they were lost in the post?!! What's the position if we simply ignore their request and hang on to our 'old' certs?

Have Edward Tate offered any advice on this? I'm sure I looked at their website when they introduced me to Datacept, but I can't find it (ET's website) now.

Like most others here I am very sceptical about datacept and about edward tate - I'm currently assuming I'll lose the whole investment (thankfully fairly small) and put it down to experience.

Any advice would be good!


ET website still alive goto: -
but note my previous post regarding the fact that for a slick investment advice company the news and markets tab does not work and the copyright only dates 2003. Impressed?


Matthew Wood said:
Thanks Chrisray - I agree we all need to be aware of what's going on. If anyone hears anything, please let us know!

So, who has sent their certs back, and who hasn't? Anyone sent them AND received new ones yet???

Still keeping mine.
Incidentally have had a David Sterling from ET pushing another stock!!! Any one else heard from him?
Bigprofit said:

ET website still alive goto: -
but note my previous post regarding the fact that for a slick investment advice company the news and markets tab does not work and the copyright only dates 2003. Impressed?



In my opinion there is nothing to be gained either way. If the share split is genuine then the old certificates are not negotiable, if you send the certificate back and it gets lost in the post (send it recorded delivery to avoid this), the company share register will prove title to shares and a new certificate would be issued by a reputable company, athough there maybe a small admin charge. If Datcept deny all knowledge of you as a shareholder then clearly they are not reputable company and then the only thing is the transaction note and ET. Best keep a photocopy of certificate before mailing. The only reason companies ask for share certificates back is to avoid people unwittingly trying to trade in share that is no longer negotiable.

Tracing Software


I came across a software product the other day that could trace the source of any email address. Anyone know this type of software and is it any use in tracking down ET? The software was not expensive and claimed to be in use by many private detective agencies the world over.


peter green said:
Still keeping mine.
Incidentally have had a David Sterling from ET pushing another stock!!! Any one else heard from him?

Certainly have, he is one of the cast of characters, at ET, but for my money one of the least convincing; I wish it was him who approached me first and not Colin Banks. Incidently DS rang a couple of months back and expained the delays and that Datacept was going through a remerger and that would delay the float. I said don't you mean a reverse takeover i.e. buying into a shell situation to obtain the listing that way and he replied no he was sure it was a remerger. This gave me the impression he was reading a script rather than something he was an authority on. I maybe wrong.

Hi Bigprofit please keep the site updated re the software. I'm sure that we are all interested in learning the origens of these emails.
I have some shares in datacept and sent my cert in, I did recieve my new shares in a decent time frame. Not sure what they will be worth, but I have them.
its not that bad

[hi big profits.

i have traded with tanacorum for two years now and have just sold out of my first lot of shares in a company called image innovations and i must say i did ok.
it did take a bit of time to sell out but after i pressed them for a while they did deliver the goods,
i dont like 1year hold companies sec reg144. but if they all turn out like this then ill be very happy.
i do agree with you though they do phone me quite alot but at lest they keep me updated unlike other companies in Spain i have dealt with.
all the best.
trade well 🙂
Good Afternoon All, glad to see the thread still going strong..... Atleast it gives possible new investors a chance to make a calculated decision on whether to invest in illegitimate companies like ET and Datacept amongst others....

I for one gave up on ever seeing any of my money again a few months ago, its a scam, we all know it, but its human nature to hope. I've probably lost more than most and have a very bad taste in my mouth and can do nothing but be extremely unfriendly to any cold calling received but its my own fault... so I guess I just have to swallow the bitter pill that is life.

I informed the SEC about six months ago after doing some research into ET and Datacept but have heard nothing in reply, maybe if more complaints are received the priority of the case may escalate, which will help in bring these crooks to justice.

I heard on the news yesterday about a young lad who scammed atleast £100000 through Ebay and got sent down for it. The amount of money these lot are scamming make him look like Mickey Mouse!!!

All the best and remember if something seems to good to be true.... it normal is....
So Long Datacept.

I for one gave up on ever seeing any of my money again a few months ago, its a scam, we all know it, but its human nature to hope. I've probably lost more than most and have a very bad taste in my mouth and can do nothing but be extremely unfriendly to any cold calling received but its my own fault... so I guess I just have to swallow the bitter pill that is life.

I informed the SEC about six months ago after doing some research into ET and Datacept but have heard nothing in reply, maybe if more complaints are received the priority of the case may escalate, which will help in bring these crooks to justice.

I heard on the news yesterday about a young lad who scammed atleast £100000 through Ebay and got sent down for it. The amount of money these lot are scamming make him look like Mickey Mouse!!!

All the best and remember if something seems to good to be true.... it normal is....[/QUOTE]

Well said mate,
I gave up on this 18 months ago as i got the IPO in 2001from these pricks. I still check to see if anyone has had any luck. Your right it's in our nature and i'll always have a small hope that it may happen.(Very Small)
See Ya Later
drew1 said:
[hi big profits.

i have traded with tanacorum for two years now and have just sold out of my first lot of shares in a company called image innovations and i must say i did ok.
it did take a bit of time to sell out but after i pressed them for a while they did deliver the goods,
i dont like 1year hold companies sec reg144. but if they all turn out like this then ill be very happy.
i do agree with you though they do phone me quite alot but at lest they keep me updated unlike other companies in Spain i have dealt with.
all the best.
trade well 🙂

Thanks for your info. It gives me comfort because this guy rings me almost daily. The reason your shares took time to sell is that they are only quoted on the OTCBB (Over the Counter Bulletin Board) and as such this works on a matched bargain basis. In other words unless you want to give your shares away for far less than they are worth you have to wait for an enquiry to purchase. As I have discovered to my loss most of these shares are research type companies and as such after the initial hype surrounding the issue the shares are iliquid or at best rise in the REG S period only to fall like a stone before your year is over. Most of my purchases came from a FSA regulated company called Pacific Continental who are now being investigated by the FSA. This coupled with Datacept and I have had a bad two years which outweighs my gains on the UK market. My advice to anyone is forget cold called telephone advice and do your own research.

datacept contacts

warregui said:
Has anyone knowledge of or been offered stock in Datacept Defense Systems?

It is touted as a pre IPO offering with potential massive growth. However when I telephone the companies office in Florida I get an automated answering system - not even a recoreded 'This is the Office of Datacept Defence Syst etc' which is hardly reassuring, nevertheless perhaps that's just me being my usual cynical self.

From Dave
Yes - I have purchased stock from The Company
I have called them twice and spoke with The Company's President
I was even given the investor relations company and spoke with them
The Company seems to be working on some very cutting edge internet security technology which is clearly explained on theyr website (
I've been impressed so far and from what I've been told it is now well positioned to flot in the next 2 months.
p4dave1 said:
From Dave
Yes - I have purchased stock from The Company
I have called them twice and spoke with The Company's President
I was even given the investor relations company and spoke with them
The Company seems to be working on some very cutting edge internet security technology which is clearly explained on theyr website (
I've been impressed so far and from what I've been told it is now well positioned to flot in the next 2 months.

You should investigate the rest of this thread. Been kicking around for over a year.They were supposed to float on September 9th 2004! We are all still waiting of the "big profit" (or is that total loss?)
Have fun reading the thread and hope it doesn't make you too despondent. (See Samesy quote on 13/6/05 - just about sums it up.)
p4dave1 said:
From Dave
Yes - I have purchased stock from The Company
I have called them twice and spoke with The Company's President
I was even given the investor relations company and spoke with them
The Company seems to be working on some very cutting edge internet security technology which is clearly explained on theyr website (
I've been impressed so far and from what I've been told it is now well positioned to flot in the next 2 months.


Welcome to the board. Would be interested to hear how you came to purchase Datacept stock and also what the investor relations said to you or was it by email and if so what address and from whom.

sorry chaps,
sceptics prevail - dave why did you post to the board "out of the blue" without checking the thread???? been mugged once, but never again.
HI all
Its been awhile since I checked the boards and I see the Datacept Scam is still alive and well.🙂
I have had a Datacept investment since 2002 and yup it's a scam,I have lost count of how many times I have heard that they are about to float and we are all about to get rich....HA
I guess that even if the impossible happened and they did float my problem is that the company that sold them to me has dissappered off the face of the earth (hehe even Goggle can't find them) So all i am left with is a piece of paper saying that i got 2'600 shares (which i framed and hung above my desk).
So to those who have been approched remeber this......SCAM..SCam..Scam..scam...........