

Had a call this afternoon from Gerge of Nu-Star Holdings. This was the first time I ahve spoken to any one at this company. He offered me stock at $2 less than the market rate which he claims will double in the near future.

I can't for the life of me figure why they are offering to let me in on such a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!!
warregui said:

Had a call this afternoon from Gerge of Nu-Star Holdings. This was the first time I ahve spoken to any one at this company. He offered me stock at $2 less than the market rate which he claims will double in the near future.

I can't for the life of me figure why they are offering to let me in on such a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!!

watch out for the line too.
sounds like another Datacept
I brought stock in datacept (IPO) 2 years ago and I haven't heard a thing since?
the firm i dealt with was World sector LTD out of Singapore ,But they dissappeared after the Sar viares.
Do you know who i could contact to get infomation about Datacept?
samesy said:
I got the IPO for Datacept in july 02' at $3 and was told that it would be listed in 30-90 days and am still waiting.
I got it through world sector investments and have not been able to make contact with them for a while, if anyone knows who they are would love the help!!
I can only hope that :
1. it gets listed and
2. it goes as high as you say.(it may be worth all the heartache)

😢 Hi dude
I also brought Datacept Iop's in May 03 for $2.50 from World sector in Singapore .
I got a letter saying they were leaving because of the SARs virse and i have,nt heard eanythink since , What have you heard??
😈 Well i have read all the Treads on Datacept and me and my US $8000 are sitting on the fence
If eanyone is dealing with world sector my advice is don't,and the block i was dealing with was Jack Schwartzs (if you know him tell him to ring me).
My deleima is even if datacept do Float and i tripple my money I have no Broker to sell them cause I can't cantact eanyone 🙁
I sit in attapitation
Datacept/Edward Tate/IPO

CHa31 said:
Hi, recently bought some shares in datacept and decided to google it. This was all I got. Pretty worrying. On the ET website, there's an address in luxembourg. I've talked to Kevin Riley, Danny Charles and some other people. What do people think is the best way of selling the shares if they ever float? Also has anyone ever heard of a scam of this type (if it is a scam)?
At the moment it doesn't look great. I'm going to give them a call tomorrow about the Reg S thing and when they reckon it's going to float.

In mid September I had a call from David Sterling of Edward Tate pushing Datacept shares. I was told the shares were to be listed in 90 days on the NASDAQ, but a minumum of 400 individual shareholders is required on the share register before the company can float. These 400 would be, primarily, private investors. I was also told that the aim of the IPO was to raise US$12 million, which would eventually give a 60% public and 40% private ownership structure (total capitalisation of US$20 million). Whether the 40% private ownership was to be by cash injection or some other (e.g. Intellectual Property) means was not said.

When asked how Edward Tate made its money on this IPO, I was told that Edward Tate had bought the shares in bulk at US$4/share and was selling at US$6/share.

So, if the information above is correct, then the shares can only be listed on the NASDAQ once the minimum individual shareholder number (400) required on the register has been fulfilled.
Boiler Room (Released Feb 2000)

"Welcome to the infamous "boiler room" of J.T. Marlin - where twentysomething millionaires are made overnight. Here, in the inner sanctum of a fly-by-night brokerage firm, hyper-aggressive young stockjocks peddle to unsuspecting buyers over the phone - and are rewarded with mansions, Ferraris and more luxury toys than they know what to do with. In this unassuming Long Island enclave, Gen Xers chase the green at breakneck speeds, sometimes one step ahead of the law."

Great film but should make disturbing watching for anyone purchasing stocks after being 'cold called' by 'brokers' offering sure fire deals.
if you go to the Florida company registration site you will find datacept was until 2002 "Privatera Galleries" - it looks like Faso bought a shell company but there is no useful info to show if the alleged development of the comapny is real. I have spoken to several at Tates who tell me the IPO is genuine and I have spoken to Ron Brodeis from Beckett capital who promised to send me company details but has so far failed to do so. My attempts to speak to anyone in the company have also failed. As soon as you ask for hard evidence something is there you get a new voice to talk to. I have spoken to David Sterling, Daniel Charles, Kevin Riley, Martin Hall and Lars ?.
Edward Tate

Bigprofit said:
High all
Received a call today from ET (Martin Hall), to update me,. ET have been told by Datacept that listing will now take place on December 6th, been put back due to uncertainty in market, quote Google experience. Assured that eventhough cert says Reg S, should be no problem selling.

I retain an open mind and am trying some further research.

I have also received a call from Edward Tate, this time about an IPO called New Millenium Medical. They are also due to float on 6th December. Seems a bit of a co-incidence to me. Can't believe I fell for the patter, I normally don't trust anyone, but have to admit they are good. Lesson learnt - don't trust anyone ever.
cwparis said:
In mid September I had a call from David Sterling of Edward Tate pushing Datacept shares. I was told the shares were to be listed in 90 days on the NASDAQ, but a minumum of 400 individual shareholders is required on the share register before the company can float. These 400 would be, primarily, private investors. I was also told that the aim of the IPO was to raise US$12 million, which would eventually give a 60% public and 40% private ownership structure (total capitalisation of US$20 million). Whether the 40% private ownership was to be by cash injection or some other (e.g. Intellectual Property) means was not said.

When asked how Edward Tate made its money on this IPO, I was told that Edward Tate had bought the shares in bulk at US$4/share and was selling at US$6/share.

So, if the information above is correct, then the shares can only be listed on the NASDAQ once the minimum individual shareholder number (400) required on the register has been fulfilled.

Thanks for this update. However the information does not fit very well with the fact that after my initial purchase, I received a call from Daniel Charles offering another 4,300 shares, ' I only have 40,000 shares left and they are likely to be gone by Monday and once they are gone that is it,' it was Friday incidentally. I suppose they could have bought more.
It now begs the question and without giving your identity away to other interested parties, assuming that certificates are being issued in order anyone got a certificate number anywhere in the three hundreds?
A meeting with Paul Leo Faso

Hi all,

This is my first post on this forum. I was prompted to subscribe after reading the information on Datacept's IPO offering in the Google cache of this thread.

My business associate is meeting with the Paul Leo Faso in the next few days and we had been researching him and his Datacept company when we came across this thread. We decided that it would be a good idea to post the information we had found out and stir this thread to see if there was anything more that Datacept 'shareholders' might have info-wise.

Initially, Faso had approached my associate regarding investing in tech companies in the US and UK, although these are real companies with directors, employees, products, sales and IP. Where has this Faso money come from? Is Faso moving IPO revenues around, hiding them even?

Faso has told my associate that he is being "forced" into an IPO... Is this spin or is he being used by Edward Tate? Further he told my associate that he has made all his money from photography.

I see the Datacept website as just not gelling right - it looks like a front to me - a pretty holder for lots of hot air:
  1. It is over animated and too content lacking to ever represent a company that could seriously deal with US Government agencies.
  2. If Datacept is a tech company, then why have they not been able to set up (dropping the www sub-domain) to work correctly without an error?

If you are looking for further contact details for Faso, run a whois search on the domain name, which will return a personal email address and phone number not listed on the company site. We know that he is a New Yorker and my associate points to the fact that most US stock scams are currently coming out of NY and CA - but have little further information.

My associate asked me to state that he will "ask the hard questions" at his meeting... Is there anything that anyone would like asking? I shall forward your suggestions and hopefully we can all get some answers.

Is there any more information that anyone has been able to find out? My associate and I are working hard to ensure that we know as much as possible about Faso pre-meeting - so all info and hints and inklings appreciated.

All the best,

I am more than ever of the opinion that the saga of DATACEPT is a rip off.What kind of IPO involves a selling set up Edward Tate,another offshore set up Omega Clearing Services to whom money is sent and yet another Beckett Investor Services which issues share certificates
None of these are contactable other than ET via a dodgy telephone answering system.We then come to websites for ET and Datacept both of which appear as fronts rather than genuine information sites.
I have E mailed Datacept twice ,first stating that the site is all hype and asking why there is no financial
information and in particular how the money received on the shares issued is to be applied.The second
Email sought clarification on the so called subsidiary Photozombie which was supposed to release
a website on 1.9.2004 but which did not exist at 1.10.2004.Needless to say I have received no acknowledgement nor reply to date.
I cannot believe how I fell for all this in the first place but luckily the amount I "invested" did not break the bank,but once bitten twice shy and I fear it will have to be written off to experience.
More digging...

Thanks for the reply, Fredday,

I have been doing some more digging. Faso says, on the Datacept website, that he was Chairman and CEO of Innovative Technologies Inc of Georgia from '92 to '96. Here is the corporation record from Georgia Net :

If you look at the record for this corporation, you will see that that addresses don't match and the dates of incorporation are different to his claimed years. In addition, the status date is 06/16/1995 suggesting that the information has not been changed for the last nine and a half years. If this is the case - who was CEO from '95 to '96? Linda Messing or Paul Faso? More strangeness... and why doesn't the company have a website or any further references on the web that seem reliable?

Edward Tate Investments

Has anyone ever found any financial information (eg: prospectus or end of year reports) for any on Edward Tate's client companies other than the "market information" on the websites?
johnmcd said:
Has anyone ever found any financial information (eg: prospectus or end of year reports) for any on Edward Tate's client companies other than the "market information" on the websites?
Message for Entrepreneurial - I think most people would like to know whether they can reclaim their money. Has is been invested in a company bank account or is it a scam? Can the private investors demand e.g. vote, or call for the company to be put into receivership and return whatever assets are available???
entrepreneurial said:
Hi all,

This is my first post on this forum. I was prompted to subscribe after reading the information on Datacept's IPO offering in the Google cache of this thread.

My business associate is meeting with the Paul Leo Faso in the next few days and we had been researching him and his Datacept company when we came across this thread. We decided that it would be a good idea to post the information we had found out and stir this thread to see if there was anything more that Datacept 'shareholders' might have info-wise.

Initially, Faso had approached my associate regarding investing in tech companies in the US and UK, although these are real companies with directors, employees, products, sales and IP. Where has this Faso money come from? Is Faso moving IPO revenues around, hiding them even?

Dear E
myself and cmwhale@bigpond got the ipo's from world sector investments over two years ago when we were told that it was to be listed sept 02, since then WSI have droppped off the face of the earth so if possiable can you find out from paul if he knows there where abouts or our moneys that went to his company.


thanks dude
It will be intersting to see what there reply is.
were you dealing with a "Jack Swartz ".
regards Chris
I think most people would like to know whether they can reclaim their money.
Greetings all,

At the meeting, my associate signed a confidentiality agreement with Faso before any business was discussed. This means that I can not reveal the exact details of the meeting, however, I can tell you what I 'believe' to be the situation...

Firstly, let me assure you all that my associate fought the investors' corner strongly. I believe that there are two reasons that investors will not be able to recover their money. Omega and Florida.

Omega Clearing Services sell the stock via agents, take their cut and pump the cash to Faso. Omega insulates Faso from investors. I believe there are between two and three hundred investors.

Florida, according to my associate, is the only state in the US that has some form of sanctuary law which will allow you to protect assets within your property. It was originally created to protect retirees moving to the state. Why else set up a tech company in an area that is not renowned for technical development? Further, Faso paid for everything by cash and we believe that he travelled across the country by car to the meeting - no paper trail. As I'm sure those of you have found who have tried to contact him, he's a hard man to track down - even harder if you were trying to recover money from him.

The Omega system is great for real American companies to sell their stock around the world. However, it is also perfect for crooks. I do not believe this is the way it was intended to be used and I do not believe that Faso is that entirely insulated. There is something called "intent" - when you sold Datacept pre IPO what did you intend to do with the revenue raised? The trick might be to mobilise Datacept investors, find a US based legal firm and start proceedings.

So to the future - I believe that Faso will use the revenue from the pre IPO sales to build the company mentioned on the Datacept website, Photozombie. If this company is owned by Datacept that will create value for shareholders. My understanding is that Faso avoided any questions relating to how the ownership of Photozombie would be structured. However, if Photozombie grew in value as a result of Datacept pre IPO investors' revenue, I believe that a good legal case could give the investors a claim to Photozombie regardless of how the company was owned.

I've stated all that I can and I hope that you all find it very useful. I shall continue to watch this thread in case there are further developments. My final piece of advice would be that quick action would create the best path to return some of your investment. Faso is very happy with his sales and believes he is in an ivory tower - now is the time to go for it.

All the best and the best of luck for the future,

cmwhale@bigpond. said:
thanks dude
It will be intersting to see what there reply is.
were you dealing with a "Jack Swartz ".
regards Chris

yes i was, and hope to here from him again 🙂