CWM FX - I Told You So !

yup... according to City Police there is only £1.2M left in CWM's DMS account which has been frozen by DMS itself.

thinking about it.. there are allegedly 585 investors which at £100K each on average (although I have been told that some investors have placed up to £2.5M) gives an investment capital of £58.5M of which only £1.2M is left. Somebody has had a jolly nice time at investors expense.

What makes me laugh is that AC fans always tell everyone how rich he is!
How come not a SINGLE rich list has him on it? Not a single one!
He might have had a few quid come his way recently due to very nice investors giving him their hard earned cash but that's it.
Certainly no billionaire as these scum bag introducers try to brainwash you into thinking!

I hope the introducers world's come crashing down around them with all the other CWM scum.
I know they are putting on a very brave face and telling everyone their cash is in safe hands but in reality they are sh1tting themselves and trying to buy time.

Supporters of AC tell me this, I have one simple question, why isn't he or hasn't he EVER been on a SINGLE rich list?
Well... the latest is that his wealth is all wrapped up in trust, which is why he will not appear personally on any rich list. That of course could well be the case, but I think we all have serious doubts on that one.

Funny thing is, and I could be well wrong as this has come from a third party who apparently knows, is that he will soon be leaving his ONE bedroomed flat in Central London.

Maybe downsizing his one bed "des res" in W1 for a 6 X 4 with en-suite, central locking and a view to next door also in Central London.
Haha! It's all bull! I have some stories to tell!
I think a nice 6x4 will suit him and his helpers! I can name a few! I already have helped the boys in blue.
You know what, I cannot stand people that steal and the fact is they stole from hundreds of people and left loads of people without anything! I know that's bad financial decisions on their behalf but these introducers and other CWM staff have left people suicidal over this.
I hope they get made examples of!

Oh, where's our friend the Special Agent F.B.I/C.I.A man gone? He has loads of questions to answer here but he seems to dissappear just at the right time.
in the words of one (C)rap Artist to a (C)on Artist

"would the real Sam Zumbi please stand up, please stand up...
He must meet some really dumb people if they fall for all that BS! I loved that bit at the end of the convo with David Marchant David says something like "I think you are a pair of con men"
marchants site is being closed blogs removed.

offshore alert is still there sam. latest news update posted yesterday 16th, your post was on the 15th.

the article 'Our bank is licensed by the Pentagon' - An Interview With Two Fraudsters
is still up too 👍
offshore alert is still there sam. latest news update posted yesterday 16th, your post was on the 15th.

the article 'Our bank is licensed by the Pentagon' - An Interview With Two Fraudsters
is still up too 👍

Funny that ay Lightning!? 🙂 I thought a man of Sams power (being a Special Agent and all) would keep to his word and close David down..
in addition to previous posted list of striking offs in progress.

CWM Financial Limited (Kelvin James Mercer)

CWM Shariah Solutions Limited

CWM Amanah Limited

CWM Medical Limited

Cwm Accountants Limited

CWM Trading Limited (Craig "Merely an AML enquiry & had no correspondence to us" Droste)

Yeah have heard that both Mercer junior and Mercer senior have been around promoting options and fx for a while. From what I understand Mercer junior was head of sales at CWM and Mercer senior was also linked to the distribution/introducing team...

No news from the Introducers on what is happening next? Seems they have all gone quiet or gone into hiding...
Sorry to hear they have gone quiet on you Indignation.
Makes me really annoyed when I think of how full of BS the introducers were/are. I'd love to name and shame the ones I know. Social media is a powerful tool hint hint.
Haha hahahahahahahaha! !!! I'm laughing at AC btw! Not the women or the disgusting acts he allegedly performed on those poor poor women!
His world is falling down around him! A bit like his trousers were in the stock room......allegedly.
Mr C...oh dear, how the mighty have fallen.
And to think, with all those billions tucked away the best you could do was a junior barrister at a very middle of the road firm.

If the charge wasn't so serious, and anyone guilty of these types of assaults are just weak bully's that deserve everything they get, the DM article would be laughable.
Never lets facts get in the way of a good story hey chaps!! Head of a fashion empire my ****!
nice one tracker 👍

yes they seem bona fide lawyers, it all appears on the level. smacks of ambulance chasing though, and why I will not link directly to it.

what are the investors chances of getting blood out of a stone I wonder? there's no to little money left in the kitty, cwm lived it up and spent the lot. so they are going after the bank itself? for failure of fiduciary duty? the bank appear to be using the manager as the scapegoat, therefore beginning mounting a defence already.

No it's not ambulance chasing as I invested as did two others, and we have spent three months gathering info against CWM and how they fleeced us and others. Since CWM and the introducers have insufficient assets to repay our lost money, we are going after the banks who held the CWM Limited accounts. We are using FieldFisher and already have a QC's opinion and statement of claim which is very strong. We are investigating after the event insurance, contingency fees and minimizing costs to investors. It is a case of strength in numbers. Litigation in the Cayman is expensive but with a strong case and a well funded bank that will want to protect its reputation, we think DMS will want an early resolution. This is the only way investors will get their money back. Look to Google to find how to contact us for a class action against CWM.
No it's not ambulance chasing as I invested as did two others, and we have spent three months gathering info against CWM and how they fleeced us and others. Since CWM and the introducers have insufficient assets to repay our lost money, we are going after the banks who held the CWM Limited accounts. We are using FieldFisher and already have a QC's opinion and statement of claim which is very strong. We are investigating after the event insurance, contingency fees and minimizing costs to investors. It is a case of strength in numbers. Litigation in the Cayman is expensive but with a strong case and a well funded bank that will want to protect its reputation, we think DMS will want an early resolution. This is the only way investors will get their money back. Look to Google to find how to contact us for a class action against CWM.

oh they do excel in ambulance chasing, had you not even looked before jumping aboard? I guess not after not looking too hard on the 5%/month "investment". but for sure they're going to be better bet than billy smarts and co the pentagon bank!

so after the big spend up on selves/Chelsea fc/motogp/boxing/london boatshow/cleo toy car cup/wigan warriors/etc etc etc, cwm/introducers now not having a pot to p!ss in, and although the bank who redistributed the investors funds back to cwm through a dodgy entity, the bank is very clearly already shoring up their defences, they have their fall guy in the bank manager, who after all was in sole charge of operations and he won't have a pot either 🙁

lawyers will be telling dms they have a strong defence against you impudent investors.

the investors have clearly been told they have a strong case against this dodgy bank, the only player involved apparently left standing with a pot worth p!ssing in.

be upstanding and cheer the real winners as they take their bow.

just a thought, why don't they attempt to get some money back from Chelsea fc/motogp/boxing/london boatshow/cleo toy car cup/wigan warriors/etc they were all in receipt of bent Ponzi monies. you'd have thought they'd be falling over each other, if invited, to cleanse themselves of the stench of their involvement.

I do wish you all well in getting funds back, good luck 👍
Very good points raised there Lightning! I will put that question to some of the people that received bent ponzi monies.
I wish you well TeamBrazen, I really do, but I just can't help thinking you are on a hiding to nothing.

The bank you are after is very well represented in Caymans and these places tend to work very much on relationships, including the legal system. They will employ local big fat lawyers and have you in the court system for years.
I have seen big firms operate at first hand. They often know they have done wrong, but it comes down very simply to they have more money than you. By running you round the court system for years you eventually exhaust your cash and have to give up.
I think you may well revisit these words in a few years from now.

I haven't checked yet but I seem to recall in the Madoff case the people chasing the return of monies went after everyone. Those who had profits as well as recipients of his largesse.

Maybe you need to ask your legal boys if Lightning has a point. I guess it would have to be after a UK case that finds people guilty, but you may be better off in the UK system?
oh they do excel in ambulance chasing, had you not even looked before jumping aboard? I guess not after not looking too hard on the 5%/month "investment". but for sure they're going to be better bet than billy smarts and co the pentagon bank!

so after the big spend up on selves/Chelsea fc/motogp/boxing/london boatshow/cleo toy car cup/wigan warriors/etc etc etc, cwm/introducers now not having a pot to p!ss in, and although the bank who redistributed the investors funds back to cwm through a dodgy entity, the bank is very clearly already shoring up their defences, they have their fall guy in the bank manager, who after all was in sole charge of operations and he won't have a pot either 🙁

lawyers will be telling dms they have a strong defence against you impudent investors.

the investors have clearly been told they have a strong case against this dodgy bank, the only player involved apparently left standing with a pot worth p!ssing in.

be upstanding and cheer the real winners as they take their bow.

just a thought, why don't they attempt to get some money back from Chelsea fc/motogp/boxing/london boatshow/cleo toy car cup/wigan warriors/etc they were all in receipt of bent Ponzi monies. you'd have thought they'd be falling over each other, if invited, to cleanse themselves of the stench of their involvement.

I do wish you all well in getting funds back, good luck 👍

Fair point, but we have already used FieldFisher in the past for clients and got good results so hence using them for this. Most big firms have multiple divisions and whilst we use lawyers as a last resort, where else can you go when the City of London Police show you evidence that CWM Limited have squandered all the cash? We discussed with the CoLP going after Wigan Warriors, Barry Mcguigan boxing, Chelsea FC and Honda Racing for the £9 Million or so they received in sponsorship (and the London Boat Show), but the police, and our lawyers say they have stated they took the money in good faith at the time. Getting it back will not be easy from that quarter.
That leaves CWM, the introducers or the banks. CWM haven't got the square root of FA left other than what they have paid in advance for Heron Tower, AC's rented house, cars and lawyers. The introducers are generally exposed to way more than they earned, so even if cleaned out the investors would only get a small percentage back and it would be a shotgun approach. So that leaves DMS B&T as the main focus. We have a draft of particulars of claim and a very strong QC's opinion from David Quest QC. That means we can go for funding from a specialist institution, and we can get ATE insurance so class action investors can expend minimal cost. The banks will have decent PI insurance and a reputation to protect whereas CWM, introducers and the individuals behind the scam have now't.

What irks me is that investors are still being told the same old bull****-money is secure with prime brokerage, Magna Trust FX will start producing returns and get your cash back. Newport Enterprises Securities Group LLC has a credit line of $100 Million waiting to go (FINRA and the DFS say Newport doesn't exist, so does the Bank of England). It is all rubbish which the introducers are feeding down to their investors so they don't have to take the pain of saying to them-you've done your money-sorry 😢

As they say-don't get mad, get even. And learn by one's mistakes.