CWM FX - I Told You So !

I have no idea, but his presence and input is sorely missed in matters such as this thread.

I know from the past in a previous life on here he was very good at ratting out the wrongens. (is that a word 🙂 )

I'm sure his input has been very much missed. I know he was hated by the scammers as they stood no chance against his skills and perception. A major issue with forums and the internet as a whole is that it is rife with people wanting other peoples money and there is no end to people willing to give it to them blindly.
This is great stuff chaps.

Life is strange sometimes. I saw the name Harry Mercer and it rang bells, I couldn't think why and am still struggling for detail but three of four years ago somebody asked me about an FX trading offering run out of the North West by a chap named Harry Mercer, his son and an ex IFA called Paul Zaki.
Usual story, guaranteed returns, you couldn't meet the trader, ultra hush hush etc etc.

I think I may have even offered to meet the chap, it never happened (I wonder why.....).

So here we have the CWM crowd taking over from the Mercer's, we have Mercer junior running round at Heron Tower (this won't stay up for long)

I'm sure more will come back to me, I'm going to dig round this Zaki chap and his previous regulated firm, particularly the people he worked with. What's the odds some of them turn up on the introducers lists.

I recall that in the pousa managed fx fraud case that mike dillard of elevation group attempted to use the defence of providing punters with information only. they failed and it didn't wash with the us authorities and they were pulled up on it by the ctfc. I know not the uk stance on this, any thoughts?
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Getting the introducers is always a tough one, they will claim a defence of passing on information only and probably most will get away with it.

I think in these types of cases the prosecutor is more interested in a conviction, and as such will normally just go after the people at the top and anyone on the phones that rolls over.
I feel an even bigger storm brewing here, the name Zaki I've also heard before along with the father and son double act. A couple of phone calls tomorrow and one thinks I will have confirmation of where these three stooges have plied their slippery trade before. Has Constantinou had previous with these wallys??

Young Mercer appears to be a failed Golfer and I very much doubt him and Constantinou met on the european tour 🙂 🙂 🙂

Hope to find out more about the 3 Stooges over the coming days 😈:clover:😈:clover:😈:clover:
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Sam???? Have you disappeared?
I have never spoken to a C.I.A/F.B.I special agent before....come back and answer the questions..... hahahaha
From intel today...

585 people have invested into/or through CWM into the 5% deal. To date, even given the resources of the Police and the identification of the money trail(s) only 55 or so investors have been identified or come forward. (Personally find that an odd one as if they know that 585 people invested, and presumably have Capitis Fora LLP accounting records, they should be aware of more than just the 55??)

Many of the Introducers have been un-cooperative and many remain silent. (oh, what a wicked web you weave, you know who you are so take your heads out of your arses and man-up!)

There is a significant overseas contingent, many from the Far East.

Whilst there is overwhelming evidence of the fraud being perpetrated the illustrious 13 who were arrested have not as yet been charged. (the reason given is that once charged the Police have a maximum of six months to compile their case and get into court and as there is still much to unravel).

Field Fisher were asked to look into a Class Action Law Suit by a number of disgruntled investors. It is believed that they (Field Fisher) have taken QC guidance and believe that there is/will be a very strong case against the Banks who, in some cases, knowingly recognised the signals of money laundering before doing anything about it.

Also related but more of a side show; CWM's initial lease has either expired or expires soon, so bye bye Heron Tower... (note to self... should have taken the opportunity to admire the view from the 35th floor when the opportunity presented itself... ah well, maybe next time!)

Wonder what the CIA or FBI make of all of that?
Nice post with some very interesting points Indignation.

Lets hope the Secret Agent comes back to chat....

From intel today...

585 people have invested into/or through CWM into the 5% deal. To date, even given the resources of the Police and the identification of the money trail(s) only 55 or so investors have been identified or come forward. (Personally find that an odd one as if they know that 585 people invested, and presumably have Capitis Fora LLP accounting records, they should be aware of more than just the 55??)

Many of the Introducers have been un-cooperative and many remain silent. (oh, what a wicked web you weave, you know who you are so take your heads out of your arses and man-up!)

There is a significant overseas contingent, many from the Far East.

Whilst there is overwhelming evidence of the fraud being perpetrated the illustrious 13 who were arrested have not as yet been charged. (the reason given is that once charged the Police have a maximum of six months to compile their case and get into court and as there is still much to unravel).

Field Fisher were asked to look into a Class Action Law Suit by a number of disgruntled investors. It is believed that they (Field Fisher) have taken QC guidance and believe that there is/will be a very strong case against the Banks who, in some cases, knowingly recognised the signals of money laundering before doing anything about it.

Also related but more of a side show; CWM's initial lease has either expired or expires soon, so bye bye Heron Tower... (note to self... should have taken the opportunity to admire the view from the 35th floor when the opportunity presented itself... ah well, maybe next time!)

Wonder what the CIA or FBI make of all of that?
For The Fools

oh go on then, there’s nothing on the tv as usual and i’m game for a bit of sport……

sam, dear boy……

i have added some comments to the long winded ramble you seem to have published below. I have found some sections to be rather difficult to master, as obviously your command of written english is not first rate. Which, incidentally, is strange for somebody who grew up in coventry and went to university in leicester (no brummie jokes please chaps…..), although i would like to congratulate you in completing your masters in two years. Excellent work, most people take four or five.

Forgive me for asking, as i’m sure you read these forums, would you be the same samuel salvatore zumbe that was a director of two uk companies now dissolved; caerus equinox management in york and caerus-global-capital (uk) of leicester and the current director of caerus global capital registered to your accountants in london and recently just managing to avoid being struck off, again? Its just your online profile says these are businesses in new york? And they all appear to be in the construction sector, rather than high finance? (t2w, this is all in the public domain, companies house.)

whilst looking at your cv you forgot to mention on your action packed linkedin profile your time at ibex construction. That is you on the left in the photo yes, the business development director?
or your time at sovereign and partners in geneva (you do get around)?

mind you, your latest venture (newport) has only been formed in delaware since march 2015, good timing that what with cwm’s problems that month. And you managed to get all those bank licences in four months wow, nearly as quick as your masters degree.

well looks like you will never make a good detective - resign

i see your business partner “jean-philippe grange” has an online profile remarkably similar this this nice chap who seems to specialise in this type of fraud: (anyone interested in this type of nonsense can read up on it here ) but its all garbage.

Perhaps he is superman or a usd tax dodger...

So, an interesting life you chaps lead.
I thought i’d offer a few words on your letter doing the rounds:

Many of you may have seen the so called off shore alert.
Offshorealert editor david marchant interviews fraudsters sam zumbe & jean philippe grange
you will all know that off shore tax havens were outlawed in october of 2014by the oecd members and so he is already operating as a “dodo”.
maybe you should speak to the governments of jersey, guernsey, isle of mann, dubai, mauritius, bvi, bahamas, seychelles, bermuda and so on and so forth and explain to them offshore jurisdictions are now illegal. (i doubt you know it, but you can even form an offshore company in the uk. But that’s against the international law of the oecd then, is it?)

i suspect you are a road sweeper by day? Let's educate you. Off shore is legal but off shore tax havens are illegal!
Why do you think this whole matter even exists - perhaps its too complicated for you.

Facta is the new offshore and the only legal status for fiscal benefits off shore.
facta, or foreign account tax compliance act, is a piece of us legislation that requires banks, investment companies, funds and such like to register with the irs in the us if they have united states taxpayers as clients. It is nothing to do with anything offshore; perhaps you’d explain to canada for example that this piece of legislation makes them offshore? It’s also not an agency, or regulator or anything like that; it’s just a piece of tax legislation., not road sweeper moron!
Lets make it fun - look up fatca and extraterritoriality.
Or remember the news when fbi agents raided fifa offcies in switzerland....

The internet is one of the last fee bastions of free speech; however, it does not mean that there is no redress for illegal activity or libel.
don’t disagree

for those of you that may be concerned, you will need to know that the us dept. Of justice have already written to this so called journalist (whom is just a “cheap mouth for the city of london ” since they have no evidence to operate in any other manner).
not quite, if you actually read the site you would see it discuss many things in many jurisdictions. In fact the city of london content is quite small. I also doubt very much anyone has written anything, have they.

the facts are completely wrong and consequently, he has 21 days from the date of the letter to respond to the us regulators.
what regulator in the us would that be then? Perhaps you might enlighten us as to what regulator controls the internet? It wouldn’t have escaped your attention that the site and mr marchant are based outside the us, so rather difficult for any regulator (in the us) to deal with or claim jurisdiction over, particularly as he’s a journalist, don’t you think? (you guys should know, because you’re not in the us either are you?)

nice try

if he does not prove his accusations (impossible), then he will be forced to retract the posting and will certainly lead to financial penalties and possibly the closure of this so called journalist financial alert site.
by whom? Have you filed a defamation claim then? Perhaps you’d post a copy. Given mr marchant’s detailed website i’m sure many crooks he has exposed have threatened all sorts of actions. He’s still there though, isn’t he? I for one would love to see you two in court, would you like to go before a judge and prove everything you say?

it pays to be knowledgeable when criticising third parties, sadly for this person, he has made huge mistakes and no research.
Persons assisting this journalist will be deemed to be part of the illegal conspiracy and so it is not recommended.
illegal conspiracy? Go on then, count me in i love a good conspiracy. And knowledgeable, you two? I think you’ve already sailed that one home sunshine.

indeed, the recording actually succinctly explains the details of our role for those of you with the patience to listen to his ramblings.
his ramblings? Do you mean a different recording to the one we all listened to as posted here? I thought it was you rambling?

should anyone have any queries, please feel free to let me know.
Equally, if anyone knows whom has instigated this journalist to make these outrageous accusations, please let us know, the us regulators are gathering their evidence. I should add that this journalist is only serving to destroy the case for clients to redeem, as the uk regulators do not have this on their agenda at this time.
clients to redeem what? I am sure that if money was really available the uk regulator and police would be delighted to repatriate to those people cwm stole it from. It’s either there or its not, anything written in the press can’t affect that. Or do you mean, it might stop the investment you are proposing to guarantee the clients a return on their original investment? That will be the secondary scam then!
Why would you care anyway, its not as if you stole it, you just bought the client list?

ignorance is bliss... The uk police wanted to havve all clients funds confiscated...any hope now remains with the us regulators.

Redress is only possible in the us.
why’s that then? If you have something to prove, facts that are in dispute or wrong then it’s very simple. Get your lawyer to file in a jurisdiction where the site, or owner is based, and have your day in court. Got the b@+#s for it chaps?

marchants site is being closed blogs removed.

Now learn this - city institutions have not paid their tax when working in usd and then passing those profits off to so called tax off shore havens is defrauding the irs.

Law enforcement set out to protect these institutions from being found out by picking on little old cwm - too bad - they were found out...the city is corrupt to the core and its regulators have sought to protect and deny irs tax fraud.

from intel today...

585 people have invested into/or through cwm into the 5% deal. To date, even given the resources of the police and the identification of the money trail(s) only 55 or so investors have been identified or come forward. (personally find that an odd one as if they know that 585 people invested, and presumably have capitis fora llp accounting records, they should be aware of more than just the 55??)

many of the introducers have been un-cooperative and many remain silent. (oh, what a wicked web you weave, you know who you are so take your heads out of your arses and man-up!)

there is a significant overseas contingent, many from the far east.

Whilst there is overwhelming evidence of the fraud being perpetrated the illustrious 13 who were arrested have not as yet been charged. (the reason given is that once charged the police have a maximum of six months to compile their case and get into court and as there is still much to unravel).

Field fisher were asked to look into a class action law suit by a number of disgruntled investors. It is believed that they (field fisher) have taken qc guidance and believe that there is/will be a very strong case against the banks who, in some cases, knowingly recognised the signals of money laundering before doing anything about it.

Also related but more of a side show; cwm's initial lease has either expired or expires soon, so bye bye heron tower... (note to self... Should have taken the opportunity to admire the view from the 35th floor when the opportunity presented itself... Ah well, maybe next time!)

wonder what the cia or fbi make of all of that?

now this is written by one of the more intelligent writers not the usual malicious low iq type.

Yes the banks conspired to commit tax fraud with the prime brokers.
Why do you think also that investors have ran a mile???
Because they too have sought to avoid paying their tax. Thats right go to the police admit you recieved funds off shore and watch them prosecute for tax evasion and see your funds confiscated.
But i do not blame the investrors here-the real culprits are the city institutions and the "powerful sting pullers behind" with their police slaves protecting them.
Investors are caught up in a huge geoploitical war of tax receipts and commerical power.
@ true boy... REALLY!!! IF that is the case please evidence or support your comments as it looks to be nothing more than speculation. is still live and kicking at the time of this message.

City of London Police have financial records showing gross manipulation of client invested funds by CWM.

DMS Bank have frozen CWM accounts on investigation into Money Laundering by CWM

Falcon Bank closed CWM's account on investigation in Money Laundering by CWM

David Marchant has at least shown some confidence in posting the telephone call with Newport, you do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand what went on during the call.

Newport Enterprises Group's two documents sent to CWM introducers are full of holes, are condescending, bear no correlation to the findings of the City of London Police and in some statements they bare face lie.

CWM's top brass have shown their hand and their incompetence, are almost certainly guilty of fraud and are likely to be nailed for it so don't paint the picture of the "mob" picking on poor little old CWM without backing up your claims.
now this is written by one of the more intelligent writers not the usual malicious low iq type.

Yes the banks conspired to commit tax fraud with the prime brokers.
Why do you think also that investors have ran a mile???
Because they too have sought to avoid paying their tax. Thats right go to the police admit you recieved funds off shore and watch them prosecute for tax evasion and see your funds confiscated.
But i do not blame the investrors here-the real culprits are the city institutions and the "powerful sting pullers behind" with their police slaves protecting them.
Investors are caught up in a huge geoploitical war of tax receipts and commerical power.

As an investor in one of the schemes, I am happy to say true boy that you are blowing hot air. It has nothing to do about not paying taxes. I am aware of lawyers and accountants who have invested into the scheme to realise profits...

In most cases that I am aware of, money was invested by investors from their UK bank accounts and returns paid back into their UK bank accounts. How can that be tax avoidance?
Remember, its the Prime Brokers and their Banks that have not paid their tax made in USD. They are all under investigation, watch the papers over the coming weeks. FBI have already been in to the City to investigate!
Police blocked accounts are unblocked in the main, the rest are being unblocked- FBI again.
US justice Dept is handling the entire saga now.
Time to stop being angry and watch the new FATCA world order unravel. Extraterritoriality in FATCA gave FIFA a surprise - now its the turn of the City and all whom get in the way - cops or no cops!!!
Remember, its the Prime Brokers and their Banks that have not paid their tax made in USD. They are all under investigation, watch the papers over the coming weeks. FBI have already been in to the City to investigate!
Police blocked accounts are unblocked in the main, the rest are being unblocked- FBI again.
US justice Dept is handling the entire saga now.
Time to stop being angry and watch the new FATCA world order unravel. Extraterritoriality in FATCA gave FIFA a surprise - now its the turn of the City and all whom get in the way - cops or no cops!!!

Sam.....Sam....Sam..... (or maybe its your French conman mate)......

If you have nothing constructive to add as to why you are attempting to defraud already defrauded investors or are peddling your nonsense on an unsuspecting and gullible public please go back to your previous job in the construction industry.
Oh, you can't I forgot, as you were fired from that one weren't you!
The levels of IQ on this site are as bad as the law enforcement agencies.

No further comment is required as everything is already stated either here or else where.

Those whom have some kind of sick vendetta will never be satisfied until they insult their money back into their pockets.

Its simple really, if you want your money you need to respond to pending US Justice Dept correspondence, it has nothing to do with any company related to CWM any longer.

You will be pleased to know that all client's funds are currently with the Prime Brokers where it belongs and it will move were the US Justice Dept say.

That means that investors like me and my family and friends will be writing to them in due course. Good luck to you all.

Incidentally, I know of no sacking or construction company and if I did, what he hell has it do with CWM?

Quite mad.

End of transmissions, save your answers, nothing further to say. :clap:
I also don't know why he keeps changing his username...
It's like these FX companies that scam people, get found out and then change their name and come back to scam even more people...... no names mentioned.....
I also don't know why he keeps changing his username...
It's like these FX companies that scam people, get found out and then change their name and come back to scam even more people...... no names mentioned.....

if it was all on the level he'd use his company name proper, every other upstanding institution does here.