CWM FX - I Told You So !

I wish you well TeamBrazen, I really do, but I just can't help thinking you are on a hiding to nothing.

The bank you are after is very well represented in Caymans and these places tend to work very much on relationships, including the legal system. They will employ local big fat lawyers and have you in the court system for years.
I have seen big firms operate at first hand. They often know they have done wrong, but it comes down very simply to they have more money than you. By running you round the court system for years you eventually exhaust your cash and have to give up.
I think you may well revisit these words in a few years from now.

I haven't checked yet but I seem to recall in the Madoff case the people chasing the return of monies went after everyone. Those who had profits as well as recipients of his largesse.

Maybe you need to ask your legal boys if Lightning has a point. I guess it would have to be after a UK case that finds people guilty, but you may be better off in the UK system?

All true and all considered thus far. That's why we are looking at contingent fees, a QC that has operated in the Cayman successfully in the past, and ATE insurance. A class action has a greater chance of success as the fees are diluted, capped by having an institutional funder, and ultimately there are 585 victims here including a shed load of Ghurka's who have been fleeced of their life savings (so the police tell me). In the Madoff case, the forensic accountants managed to get around 60% or so of investor monies back so it can be done, but you are right, the bank is target one, and the most likely to be successful, but there are other avenues so no stone will be left unturned.

some interesting reading here if one cares to look...

Prosecutor Kate Shilton told the magistrates court: 'Mr Constantinou is the head of a large fashion chain.

Constantinou was released on conditional bail not to contact the alleged victims, sleep each night at his home in Hampstead, and give his contact details to the police.

'His office is now in Mayfair and the business is of a different structure', she told the court.

OK... so AC has NO money? Really??
I'm surprised to see the alleged spend on selves at around the 40 million mark, whereas sponsorship only comes in at a modest, in comparison, 9 million.

like the pousa/ibcapital fx fraud, this must mean there will be a huge stash of cash squirreled away offshore somewhere, just waiting for the authorities to track it down.
where is all the info coming from in relation to total clients, total investment capital, spend etc etc.
is it substantiated and available for review?
where is all the info coming from in relation to total clients, total investment capital, spend etc etc.
is it substantiated and available for review?

I believe it's coming through from the class action lawyers themselves, or at least the champions of that cause.
Surprised that the City of London Police are releasing said privilidged information to third party lawyers... especially as the case is far from being ready to prosecute.

What would stop the same information being released to you or I as "Investors" looking to seek some form of justice/compensation?

And there looks to be some confusion... from discussions I have had with those looking at the Class Action, AC is broke, living in a one bed flat in WC1, yet his solicitor in the "sexual assault" case claims he lives in Hampstead, has a new office and business based out of Mayfair and is the heading up a significant fashion chain...

Answers on a postcard...
some interesting reading here if one cares to look...

Prosecutor Kate Shilton told the magistrates court: 'Mr Constantinou is the head of a large fashion chain.

Constantinou was released on conditional bail not to contact the alleged victims, sleep each night at his home in Hampstead, and give his contact details to the police.

'His office is now in Mayfair and the business is of a different structure', she told the court.

OK... so AC has NO money? Really??


I really get frustrated with your comments. When you first came on here you stuck your nose in the air and rattled on about "contracts" and "other parties" and "no connections". Well a fat lot of good that did you, as you were told at the time it was all just nonsense.

Finally you grudgingly admitted we may just be right, of course we are we're not the daft ones here.

Now your comments re what you have read in "the Daily Mail" about the fat controllers wealth, specifically being head of a fashion empire.
How difficult is it for you to understand............. HE'S GO NO MONEY.
The DM are not known for either fact checking or getting things right in sensationalised news (I've lost count the amount of times the pictures and words describing them are wrong). Also, AC would have told his brief anything, look at the statement released by the one he conned into working for CWM after they were raided.

So first point, read the article for what it is, a prosecution of somebody accused of serious inappropriate behaviour.

Next, use your obviously intelligent bit of brain to research. His UNCLE and Cousin are running a fashion business much in the order that his dad and uncle used to. He is not involved, either as a director or shareholder, and the business is worth a couple of million at most (check the accounts). The only fashion retailers worth billions you will know....Phill Green, Ortega etc.

Of course his office is in Mayfair, why would it be anywhere else.....flash git....but a serviced office at £2k a month is more likely. Different direction of business, you bet. Plod shut the last one!

So, stop looking for something that's not there (like your money) and picking up on every nuance of word written.

Your money is gone, stolen. The guy behind CWM or any other entity on a bit of worthless paper is a crook, end of.
Some people are privy to information you are not, and cannot release it yet. Deal with it. But know, yes your name is on that list of suckers.

End of rant, milk time.
When do you think the introducers will admit that their clients money has disappeared? I'm sick to death of listening to the BS that comes out of the introducers mouths that I know.
They look like ****ing idiots and everyone is laughing behind their backs! Well, not everyone. Some people are crying!

I really get frustrated with your comments. When you first came on here you stuck your nose in the air and rattled on about "contracts" and "other parties" and "no connections". Well a fat lot of good that did you, as you were told at the time it was all just nonsense.

Finally you grudgingly admitted we may just be right, of course we are we're not the daft ones here.

Now your comments re what you have read in "the Daily Mail" about the fat controllers wealth, specifically being head of a fashion empire.
How difficult is it for you to understand............. HE'S GO NO MONEY.
The DM are not known for either fact checking or getting things right in sensationalised news (I've lost count the amount of times the pictures and words describing them are wrong). Also, AC would have told his brief anything, look at the statement released by the one he conned into working for CWM after they were raided.

So first point, read the article for what it is, a prosecution of somebody accused of serious inappropriate behaviour.

Next, use your obviously intelligent bit of brain to research. His UNCLE and Cousin are running a fashion business much in the order that his dad and uncle used to. He is not involved, either as a director or shareholder, and the business is worth a couple of million at most (check the accounts). The only fashion retailers worth billions you will know....Phill Green, Ortega etc.

Of course his office is in Mayfair, why would it be anywhere else.....flash git....but a serviced office at £2k a month is more likely. Different direction of business, you bet. Plod shut the last one!

So, stop looking for something that's not there (like your money) and picking up on every nuance of word written.

Your money is gone, stolen. The guy behind CWM or any other entity on a bit of worthless paper is a crook, end of.
Some people are privy to information you are not, and cannot release it yet. Deal with it. But know, yes your name is on that list of suckers.

End of rant, milk time.

Ouch!! Glad I am not close when you are really pissed off!

I am not looking for something which is not there...

To be honest, I care not whether you get frustrated with my comments or
not... If you are one of those "in the know" then kudos for access to that rarefied atmosphere! Am I on that list of... suckers? Well there's a question in itself. My understanding is that there 585 investor entries but according to those handling the class action, only 55 or so (maybe more now as this was of last week) so,

Am I on that list of... suckers?

Seems we have the alter ego of Sam and Jean-Phillipe banging on about SUCKER INVESTORS who got duped. Easy after the fact ...

Anyway, still good to read your comments and one way or the other they do bring a smile so thanks for that.
When do you think the introducers will admit that their clients money has disappeared? I'm sick to death of listening to the BS that comes out of the introducers mouths that I know.
They look like ****ing idiots and everyone is laughing behind their backs! Well, not everyone. Some people are crying!

You mean the money has gone!
(only kidding)

The Introducers are on a hiding to nothing... and rightly so. It appears that if not Magna FX, then Newport... if not Newport then ... (allegedly there is another option doing the rounds, but I have yet to hear of it)

It's better than Jackanory as most could not make this story up!
there's evidence that one such fca registered firm, mentioned earlier in the thread, furness financial management, of whom it was alleged of their involvement, and a subsequent post mentioning firms closing. they have indeed filed to be struck off and are on their 1st gazette. furness also have an application ongoing at the fca to cancel their authorisation.

as of yesterday furness financial management are no longer fca authorised.


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despite sam's (pentagon bank) big top announcement re fed action on site closure, latest news from offshore alert is that the belvedere entity CityGate Securities Limited have had their Investment Dealer (Broker) Licence and the Global Business Licence suspended.

citygate securities can be linked in with cwm.

don't forget this one.

must have slipped their mind in the grand bonfire of cwm web entities and companies. still up, live and showing early (july 2014) involvement with belvedere entities citygate securities and Berkeley Life.

the link, last visited 5th july, has since been put to the torch and evidence burned. no matter, see pic.


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strike off suspended

the fire has been extinguished (for now) on one cwm entity!

cwm operations ltd has had it's striking off suspended. "Notice Of Striking-off Action Suspended - Filed on 11 Jul 2015"

cannot yet see who or the why this has been instigated, but could mean a creditor has filed an objection. *there has indeed been an objection filed - see doc.

cwm operations is the parent of cwm smoky pixel, cwm tv, cwm legal, cwm wealth and cwm wills.

anyone have the story?


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Yet another Damp Squib, the front these lunatics have is so audacious. I think so many people clients and introducers have held back. Time to round up go forth and Multiply, next week is the week.

