Update on the above, Now then I gave a zen master a run for his dough, waiting some 36 hours for the above signal to drop in . I took 1.2038 yet the actual signal bar came some 3 hours later at 1.2020/30.
What was happening for me to go in early? well with the system anticipating the pullback, I was riding the euro 1.3145 to 1.32 that session trying to guide an exit (descretion) out at 1.3193. Now I got all a twitchy and took the entry on the USD CHF, as soon as 1.2038, relieved to bang the order in and get some kip.
Now that signal traded a good 70+ points from entry next london session the signal was good, yet alas it sold off. Limit targets? Hmmm I dont like em a bit rigid, but I did observe that again I need to focus on "Background" hence the need to get this beast to tune in to the mother of all timeframes "4 hourlies"
"I can see clealry now the pips have gone" ,as a song may or not suggest... but I can. Im going to have to tie in 3 time frames, 4 hourlies, 1 hourlies and 15 mins. And try to maintain a perspective of O.k. so this is a long session signal here as with the 1.2038 on the hourlies and the 15 mins (london open) but , the background using 4 hourlies shows a different picture.
Nowhere near upside break looking at those, So with hindsight the trade would of stood but likely close at 6-9 pm when the hourlies stopped their ascent and began to ease over, fx legion on the 15 mins london session next day suggested an entry @ 6.30/45 am 1.2090 sell order. this clearly ,to me was inline with the background.
Im trying not to think outside the system,(hence leaving things to run out) but I have to in order to improve it thats how we evolve maybe , look at why targets where not met with V.good entries and observe in order to make improvements.
Hopefully this holy trinity of 3 timeframes will notch up an improvement on exits (needed) , entries are o.k. the marriage again of the timeframes to signal exits is needed.
Im also thinking about booking sessional profits (instructions for all timeframes) and then just re entering next session (seems like a good idea, how many runaway's are there?, not many that wouldnt give us a better price to re-enter back into looking at most sessions. Just thinking on it though, for now.
i can see a code coming simple ,background, intermediate, zone or B I Z for short. Hows that for simplified cross reference of multi timeframes ? B I Z doesnt sound like a headache anymore.
I'll go with 2 tie ins (short term) of the 3 and these can & do change during a london and new york session. But when all 3 line up even better. Waiting for all 3 to line up may mean not trading some days. hence going with 2 from 3, still on the right side of sessional strength but, watch out, close out, its just refuelling the next leg of the bigger wave.
Lets see what happens next week, NFP tea leaf reading ,looking back has indicated direction to position for some 3 or 4 hours beforehand, so i'll give a tea leaf signal on NFP day to.