CWM FX - I Told You So !

How is AC wealthy? I've checked Google on him and I can't see anything. Can you post me a link please?

Without posting a link (as they all are sadly about his fathers death) search Aristos Constantinou. 'billionaires row' 'bishops avenue' tycoon' are rife throughout.
Yeah I have seen them but not one says that AC is "Massively wealthy" fact some say that he is a fraudster.
Without posting a link (as they all are sadly about his fathers death) search Aristos Constantinou. 'billionaires row' 'bishops avenue' tycoon' are rife throughout.


Unfortunately you are suffering from the investment version of Stockholm Syndrome.
Its not uncommon, many of Madoff's victims still think the same today and we have seen it closer to home with the KF Concept scam.

We have to be careful, or had to be more careful, it what we said as lawyers letters would be flying round. Now there is a police investigation we must be mindful of the "alleged" phrase.

Mr AC is not wealthy from inherited money, he may have been recently wealthy (or appeared so) from activities described on this board. You refer to Bishops Avenue as Billionaires Row. That's a media phrase to describe some houses that are owned by a few very wealthy individuals. Its not every house, you don't need billions to buy there and 25-30 years ago in real terms the properties were not as expensive as they are today. Don't forget, the average price on the street is under £5m which for London is chump change.

The letters and words from "Uncle Sam" are meaningless garbage. If I had the time or inclination I could post a 1000 word message ripping him to shreds with his "we are regulated by the Pentagon rubbish" (nobody has explained to him that the "Pentagon" doesn't exist......its the building that's called The Pentagon and its where the head of the US Defense department works from. Its like saying you are regulated by GCHQ. Muppet.)

You are the victim of a fraud, end of. You should as an investor speak with the City of London police (you have nothing to loose) who will confirm this for you. No white knight is coming in to rescue you and you have probably lost all of your money.

And finally, the reason we are here saying what we have been was to protect innocent people signing up with these fraudsters and loosing their money. All the time its hush hush and don't tell anyone then more people loose more money.

I have said it before, on here and in private messages. I'm happy to stand in any court in any jurisdiction opposite these people, and Uncle Sam, and put to a court of law the points why we know it was just a scam.
I'm happy to underwrite T2W in court for all expenses and legal bills if they get dragged in.
Nobody at CWM took me up on that offer, ever.

Says it all really, don't you think?
Someone has his Cadets working on their Keyboards tonight one suspects. Clearly a fraud has been committed, whether its a mass fraud of deception or a minor breach of a contractual agreement. Fraud is Fraud. I am also a client and I am also now a member of the class action.

Unfortunately the wealth of the alleged fraudster is one of absolute mystery, granted his father was clearly a wealthy individual. But lets not forget their is 3 Constantinou brothers and I very much doubt the wealth of the father was in excess of 100m. Who was the estate left to? In a recent City Newspaper article the Uncle of said fraudster claims to have not seen him until around three years ago. Did he turn up cap in hand?

If you try and do some digging you hit a brick wall, it would be interesting to know what his actual background prior to CWM was.

Does anyone know? 😢😈😢😈:clover::clover::clover:

Where are the other brothers?

Did he know Droste and Mercer beforehand?

Answers on a post card
I have my thoughts.....

I think someone, or maybe many someone's, learnt their trade in Binary Options.

Whenever you used to Google CWM the first paid for link was always a binary options trading firm that's gone belly up, weird that. (And we know how web proficient these guys were.)

I think certain people learnt their craft in a binary options firm, high pressure sales tactics from boiler room like operators.
Flash young lads, not a clue or exam behind them, becoming "heads of trading" and "analysts". It all sounds very familiar.

That and then getting into bed with Belvedere.

I have said before, that sometimes when sons have to live up to fathers it goes all wrong. And when fathers have brothers who build again, employing family and doing a good job maybe, just maybe, the pressure to be "successful" in your own right is just too much.

But that just my opinion...........
Again thanks for all your comments, each are informative and I genuinely appreciate your input/opinion. Although you all disagree with my optimistic theory, who knows what will happen. Until the FACTS are presented were all are speculating, the reference to ‘cadet’ is insulting. Were all entitled to our thoughts/opinions. Regards (Deluded, Investment Stockholm Syndrome man)
I know that your introducer would have given you the rubbish about AC being "Massively wealthy" and told you to look up the silver bullet stuff.
Did they make you go through Bobby?
Some of us posting here have access to information that the general public does not. If you are an investor displaying a degree of cognitive dissonance regarding the state of your investment, I would advise that you forget any positive outcome and get in contact with the City of London police.

I have been aware that CWM has been in trouble since before the beginning of this year and got confirmation of this back in March before the raid and got the figures in May.
Well I hope you warned people DWoods. Told them to get their money out before it all went tits up.

Clients of mine in a "guaranteed 5% a month investment"? I spotted Kijani and Madoff way off. I was aware of some people who were in it but they were pre-warned - a futile warning as they didn't manage to get anything out either.
Naivety has certainly played a part here. I am still pondering my next move as an investor. I am 99.9% certain my money has gone. I know at least another 3 investors 2 of whom invested because I did. Ive enquired about the class action but I am sure this could just be another paper filling exercise.

I am led to believe a correspondence is due out soon that will apparently give me clear guidance of how and when my money will be returned. The whole situation is a complete comedy sketch.

I await my correspondence with baited breath and the eagerness of a black Panther.

The cupboard was bare.

yup... according to City Police there is only £1.2M left in CWM's DMS account which has been frozen by DMS itself.

thinking about it.. there are allegedly 585 investors which at £100K each on average (although I have been told that some investors have placed up to £2.5M) gives an investment capital of £58.5M of which only £1.2M is left. Somebody has had a jolly nice time at investors expense.
Naivety has certainly played a part here. I am still pondering my next move as an investor. I am 99.9% certain my money has gone. I know at least another 3 investors 2 of whom invested because I did. Ive enquired about the class action but I am sure this could just be another paper filling exercise.

I am led to believe a correspondence is due out soon that will apparently give me clear guidance of how and when my money will be returned. The whole situation is a complete comedy sketch.

I await my correspondence with baited breath and the eagerness of a black Panther.


I am sure you are!

And I concur with your earlier thinking, I believe the money has gone, expensive wedding present(s) for the happy couple in Santorini a few months back probably.