CWM FX - I Told You So !


Are you an existing investor in one of the ‘Managed Accounts’ created by CWM Limited with a view to generating returns on the traded Forex market?
If so you may be aware that your ‘income’ has stopped, and your capital frozen by the City of London Police Serious Fraud Squad and if you invested via the DMS Bank & Trust CWM Limited account, any money held there (£1.2 Million) is also suspended by the bank itself.
You might want to sit down before you read this next part, but, your investment is for all intents and purposes, worthless.
The information within this website is what we have sent to investors and to “introducers”. These “introducers” have unfortunately refused to co-operate with us because they are too afraid of the fallout. These are the same people who were receiving commissions of up to 5% per month to guide you to this marvelous investment.
If you have suffered loss due to this fraud, or can contribute to our fight for justice, then please contact us.
“introducers” have unfortunately refused to co-operate with us because they are too afraid of the fallout. These are the same people who were receiving commissions of up to 5% per month to guide you to this marvelous investment.

as the introducers were willing partners in the fraud, and they will not cooperate in any way, will you at least name and shame them.

people will then know the idiots to avoid and hopefully will not fall for the stupid schemes that they promote in the future.
I know for a fact a number of introducers read this forum.
I wish they would have the nuts to stand by what they've done and post a hello here.
They were happy to ruin clients lives and milk their own 5% per month but seem to not have enough manhood to post a simple "Hello" here.

Come on Mr A. Say hi.
That's a very valid point, they should have picked up on the massive red flag, I have heard that some of them were getting paid 5% a month; they should have known better.
This is the greedy idiot that told me about this massive bull**** and scam

yes, they had a previous name of Vectis 261 Limited. I've seen that name before but can't recall what I was searching for to have found it 😕

any other names to share?
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Nope; what about your guy / introducer?

I don't get involved in managed schemes and so would have no use for contact with an introducer of such services.

but let's say if I had been hoodwinked by this farce of a scheme, yes I would be naming the person that had introduced me, loudly 👍
by now I believe the thread is very aware of the class action. there is no need to keep spamming the message, you've already had several posts containing the same message deleted.

while it can be seen to be informative information, why do you feel the need to continually attempt to keep on linking to it?

last I saw in citywire you only had 30 involved in the class action so far. i'm guessing you need more.

oooopss sorry I didn't mean it, It was an oversight I though some had not gone through in the first page.

We have about that we want to get more, the more people join the better; Also I just want to make sure that the fat boy Anthony doesn't get away with anything, the more people give statement to the police too he most likely he will spend a very very very long time in Jail, at the moment is looking at 8 years but it could go up to 10 years FIX TERM with every ones help we might achieve that
Hi Everyone

I am new this thread. I and my family are victim to this 5% scheme (scam) having invested in it. Gonna write more later.
Hi Everyone

I am new this thread. I and my family are victim to this 5% scheme (scam) having invested in it. Gonna write more later.
If you haven't already done so, contact City of London Police, give them as much information as possible. I did, they contacted the introducer and I got my money back.
well done gingernut :clap:

i'm wondering if where the introducer is domiciled has had any bearing on the outcome of any police involvement.

perhaps now we have more of a sense of why the class action only has 30 sign ups, and why they feel the need to spam their link in this discussion.
If you haven't already done so, contact City of London Police, give them as much information as possible. I did, they contacted the introducer and I got my money back.

Hi Gingernut

Really? is it as simple as that. I thought there was no money left (they had spent it all)- why are some people (yourself) getting their money back and how? How easy was it to get back- please any help is appreciated- this is a lot of money.

Please advise- yes going to a police as to be a must- but I want my investment back.
No it was far from simple. I had numerous meetings and exchange of emails with the guy, always being promised it would all be resolved imminently, CWM were victims of terrible mistake etc. He showed me a copy of a letter supposedly from a legal firm acting on behalf of CWM, I contacted them but had no response. He then showed me another letter from a company or bank named Newport something, based in US. I knew by his body language it was another lie, and contacted the police. I gave a statement and copies of every email. The police advised there was very little chance of recovering any money, which was devastating news. However they must have contacted the introducer as he phoned me. I told him I did not believe there was any chance of CWM repaying me and expected him to repay me, whether it meant him remortgaging his house or borrowing the money. The only reason I got involved with this scam was because I trusted him and his company was registered with the FCA. I'm sure this along with the police involvement got me my money back. I have had no further contact with him so no idea whether the introducers are being interviewed. I am certain had I not spoke to the police, I would not have got any money back, so you must do so.
well done gingernut :clap:

i'm wondering if where the introducer is domiciled has had any bearing on the outcome of any police involvement.

perhaps now we have more of a sense of why the class action only has 30 sign ups, and why they feel the need to spam their link in this discussion.

Can i ask why you seem so anti to the class action? I havent seen any spam on the link and the guy apologised for submitting it. I am not invested in this but know a couple who are so i am following this forum.
Can i ask why you seem so anti to the class action? I havent seen any spam on the link and the guy apologised for submitting it. I am not invested in this but know a couple who are so i am following this forum.

you cannot see their spam because it is all deleted.

in all 10 posts were deleted, including another link post that appeared shortly after the so called apology post.
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you cannot see their spam because it is all deleted.

in all 10 posts were deleted, including another link post that appeared shortly after the so called apology post.

Fair enough,must have missed those and a bit of a pain to delete these, but you still seem very, anti to the class action. Reading all the posts it seems that no money is coming back from CWM so why not have a crack at the banks.
Cwm fx bs

Having read through all the thread in this forum, it's apparent that CWM FX & the people at the top of this company were full of broken promises. Let me share with you my views/insight to CWM.....

CWM & CWM FX along with its other subsidiary companies were just one big scam. The people that ran the business & the people that were employed were professionally unqualified to perform their roles; for example, you had a young woman in Sarah Tien who had just finished University as the Finance Director with no experience. Sarah had previously worked as a fx broker where majority of the CWM staff were recruited from. It was this same company where AC (CEO of CWM) along with Craig Droste all worked as brokers; Craig Droste being senior to both Sarah & AC as a Team Leader. Naturally, when AC left this company, he looked to recruit the staff for his newly formed company of which a majority had followed.

Daisy Thompson was appointed as HR Director, again, like Sarah Tien, no experience as a HR Director. However, like Sarah, she was paid a decent package - well above the norm. You would think for two key positions in the company, a formal structure & understanding of how a corporate company operates; CWM would have ran like clock work; in fact it was like a mad house!

The front of house company CWM FX was regulated by Leverate through the FX Brokerage platform which I don't believe it made the kind of profits AC & Co talked about.

The main business that supported the flush office at Heron Tower along with the sponsorships came from the managed accounts (completely unregulated) which offered clients 5% ROI per month. Whilst a lot of you have been informed that this is impossible, I can assure you that for anyone that has traded the stock market; this is very much possible, however, CWM did not have the correct infrastructure or the traders in place. More importantly, AC, Kelvin Mercer, Paul Zaki, Harry Mercer to name a few did not understand the trading world fully.

I did not believe that they were actually trading the amount of money that had been invested by the clients as when I requested to see the trading room, I was denied. I also requested a prospectus on their trading history and this evidence was not forth coming. I was advised that their head trader was Jimmy Londos & along side him was other traders including Adam Harris.

You would expect investment banks to be protective of their traders but CWM were very protective of their trader(s) & more importantly when AC, Kelvin, Harry or Paul would present, they didn't have a clue about trading. They were merely sales people.

As some of you have eluded to already, Kelvin, Harry & Paul were all Directors of Capitas Fora; this is the company that was used to pay all of clients ROI as instructed by AC until a formal solution was put in place - of course this never happened.

Kelvin, Harry & Paul had previously worked together & during that time have come across connections which later either became their clients/introducer's to this new venture via CWM.

AC on the other hand, whilst he has always been in the public eye through the unfortunate loss of his father, he claims to be a successful businessman. As I have already mentioned, he began as a fx broker (sales man on the telephone calling clients) but having sat through a number of his presentation with clients at CWM, it became apparent that he did not have a clue about trading whatsoever. Like his colleagues, he is nothing but a salesman!

Without going into the inner details of the raid; AC & Co had promised to make sure that all clients funds were in tact and would be returned, 5 months later, it's he same old story and rubbish that we are all still being fed!

They claim that they have the best lawyers and association to put this matter to bed but in reality, they have ran out of resource to fund a defence.

The sad part of this all is that they have made promises & people have taken their words & they have abused clients trust.

I understand there is a class action going on, I would be more than happy to support you on this along with providing you all the information you need from the beginning and to where things are now. I have enough evidence to help put these idiots behind bars & hopefully help get the clients funds back.
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