CWM FX - I Told You So !

Well... that maybe why only £1.2M of £49M has been located (albeit allegedly from Offshore Alert) ... maybe more will turn up as I am sure IF money has been moved around then there will be a papertrail of sorts.

Agree with your comment on DMS and their lack of action when it looked as if something was amiss... all very strange!
I can't believe the lack of due diligence from the introducers though! It's shocking! They are either crap at their jobs or they are in on it and deserve to be locked up. Either way it's not good.
If the introducer was employed by a company registered with the FCA, can the investor pursue the company for return of their investment?
If the introducer was employed by a company registered with the FCA, can the investor pursue the company for return of their investment?

I would guess anyone who's investment has disappeared and follow that route of restitution would need to act fast, as the introducers will likely to be disappearing faster than you can blink.

one such alleged outfit, outlined already in this thread, appears to be well down the road of fca deautherisation and having the company struck off, although I have to say the striking off doesn't look voluntary, usually the action is marked "First Gazette Notice For Voluntary Strike-off" in the filings history if this is the case. persuit action looks already underway in this instance perhaps.
If the introducer was employed by a company registered with the FCA, can the investor pursue the company for return of their investment?

I guess from your comment you invested in this Ponzi scheme? It would be very helpful to others who read this and don't post, those that are maybe hoping against hope it really will be okay or are being stalled and misinformed by their "adviser", if you shared with us your experience. You can of course do this on a no names basis.

If you have been advised by a FCA Regulated firm you have a redress mechanism. First, lodge an official complaint with the firm. It does not matter if you willingly invested or are a HNW person, the Firm is delinquent in its due diligence and is accountable.
If they don't accept your complaint, fob you off or reject you, then complain to the Financial Ombudsman direct.
The Firm has a total of eight weeks to resolve or reject your complaint, the Ombudsman 90 days.

If the Firm has closed go direct to the Ombudsman and explain the Firm is now closed. That will start the process with the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and you should be covered but only up to £50,000.
Any balance then you have to sue the Firm. If they have put it into administration, or liquidation, you can write to the Insolvency Service and object, stating they are party to fraud. This may, or may not, stave off the Firm going out of business and leave the way open to action against the directors.

You should also get in touch with City of London police who are leading the case with full details of what has happened. This will not prejudice your claims either at the Firm, FSCS or anything else.
(The Firm is not allowed to compensate you and issue "gagging clauses", if they do then go to the ombudsman immediately.)
That's why I love this forum, some really good advice on here.
I hope people don't let these fraudsters get away with this.
The fat controller/billionaire is up to his neck in sh*t so why not throw some more his way!
I believe things have moved/are moving on apace!

cottons financial (remember these were the ones that used CWM Wealth Management as a trading name to sell the funds - brighton spc etc) changed fca registered name to blacks financial last month and from this month, 3 days ago in fact, blacks financial appears no longer authorised.


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Well Well Well,, I must say I have enjoyed reading the recent posts..... These Bandits are surely going to get their bottoms smacked. Hopefully by Muscly Fred doing a 10 year stretch in Strangeways. Far to big for their boots now.... Ive been watching from afar and rumour has it they are about to launch a brand new pension offering(can't wait for this one). Constantinou, Mercer and Peddlo Pete are surely running out of ideas. Keep up the **** work boys the world is laughing at you whilst big brother is watching you. But who's big brother?? Will the real AC please stand up 😉
Well Well Well,, I must say I have enjoyed reading the recent posts..... These Bandits are surely going to get their bottoms smacked. Hopefully by Muscly Fred doing a 10 year stretch in Strangeways. Far to big for their boots now.... Ive been watching from afar and rumour has it they are about to launch a brand new pension offering(can't wait for this one). Constantinou, Mercer and Peddlo Pete are surely running out of ideas. Keep up the **** work boys the world is laughing at you whilst big brother is watching you. But who's big brother?? Will the real AC please stand up 😉

Very interesting post...... 😂👍
Seems to me that there are many "rumours" floating around out there...

New 5% FX schemes
New Pension schemes
etc etc..

The problem I see here is that it is all rumour and conjecture. There are no factoids to support so, as was said earlier in the thread, we should at least look to keep it "REAL" otherwise we can all give an opinion and I am sure we all will have a different one.

Is CWM screwed? without doubt everything is closing around them and new allegations being raised again against the CEO for sexual impropriety although that is an aside to the issues in this thread.

The alleged messages from Newport Enterprises Group, for those who have seen and read them, and claiming to be the "way forward" for investors are full of holes big enough to drive a London double decker bus through and one particular fact when researched discredits all of the content so any investor relying on Newport to save them are in for a big shock. (Sorry and before anyone asks, I do not have a copy of said documents but I did have sight of them).

As stated previously, I have put my hand up as an investor into one of the schemes offered through (not directly by) CWM. Am I concerned... absolutely yes! There is much misinformation and disinformation coming from those involved with CWM and it looks like it has been cobbled together in a desperate attempt to buy time and leverage.

All that being said, I guess the "real" truth will out and we are getting closer to that time.
the thread that keeps giving

Newport Enterprises Group LLC aka the pentagon bank - latest from offshore alert

It's not often that you get to hear conmen in action. Today you do. Click on the play button above to listen to a telephone interview that I conducted on July 2nd with Sam Zumbe and Jean-Philippe Grange, who have been trying to further swindle victims of a '5% per month' investment fraud conducted by London-based CWM via a BVI shell company, with funds going into a Cayman Islands bank. I'm on the left in the image, Zumbe is on the right.
Have just listened to the phone call. Crazy! You really could not make this up. As an investor, I do not know whether to laugh or cry! But, I do see a Hollywood blockbuster in the making.

Sam Zumbie and family are "INVESTORS",

David Marchant threatened,

Jean Phillipe Grange is the licensed entity not NEG,

We don't want your money, (phew, I was really concerned for a minute!)

We are operating at a level far beyond your comprehension you dumb f**k!

So waiting for the next instalment is like waiting to see your dentist.
Uk licening

Does anybody know in UK does any person or company selling a software which auto trades your account ( Futures. stock any financial instrument) requires a licence?

Can somebody from UK please help investigate this

They claim they don;t require any licence becasu it is a software business:!:
Does anybody know in UK does any person or company selling a software which auto trades your account ( Futures. stock any financial instrument) requires a licence?

Can somebody from UK please help investigate this

They claim they don;t require any licence becasu it is a software business:!:

You are on the wrong board, however I'll answer it for you.

No, to sell software in the UK you don't need to be regulated.

Before buying the software though, make sure you follow these simple steps:

1. Sit in a nice comfy chair.
2. Make yourself some strong tea.
3. Relax.
4. Clear you mind.
5. Ask yourself a simple question: "If its that good, why do they want my $1,500 per month? Surely they would sell it to Goldman Sachs and take a small percentage of the $Billions they trade every day?"
6. Repeat Step 1, as many times as it takes...............:clap:
Hot off the press from rumba zumbe

Many of you may have seen the so called Off Shore Alert.

OffshoreAlert editor David Marchant interviews fraudsters Sam Zumbe & Jean Philippe Grange

You will all know that off shore tax havens were outlawed in October of 2014by the OECD members and so he is already operating as a “dodo”.

FACTA is the new offshore and the only legal status for fiscal benefits off shore.

The internet is one of the last fee bastions of free speech, however, it does not mean that there is no redress for illegal activity or libel.

For those of you that may be concerned, you will need to know that the US Dept. of Justice have already written to this so called journalist (whom is just a “cheap mouth for the City of London ” since they have no evidence to operate in any other manner).

The facts are completely wrong and consequently, he has 21 days from the date of the letter to respond to the US Regulators.

If he does not prove his accusations (impossible), then he will be forced to retract the posting and will certainly lead to financial penalties and possibly the closure of this so called journalist financial alert site.

It pays to be knowledgeable when criticising third parties, sadly for this person, he has made huge mistakes and no research.

Persons assisting this journalist will be deemed to be part of the illegal conspiracy and so it is not recommended.

Indeed, the recording actually succinctly explains the details of our role for those of you with the patience to listen to his ramblings.

Should anyone have any queries, please feel free to let me know.

Equally, if anyone knows whom has instigated this journalist to make these outrageous accusations, please let us know, the US regulators are gathering their evidence. I should add that this Journalist is only serving to destroy the case for clients to redeem, as the UK regulators do not have this on their agenda at this time.

Redress is only possible in the US.

Kindest regards,

Sam Zumbe


Bank Mandates Exclusively under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act 2010

Sam Zumbe B.A.( Hons), M.A.

Senior Relationship Manager

Newport Enterprises Group LLC

A Custodian Bank OF The United States Treasury

& Hedge Fund for the US Treasury

US Treasury International Securities Custodian Bank

Special Appointment By The US Senate, Regulated By The Pentagon.

International Bank Regulators & US Security Services/OFAC Agents.

Sam Zumbe

Senior Relationship Manager (a US Specified Person under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act 2010 – FATCA) and registered at the Bank of International Settlements Basel as a Federal Agent for Newport Enterprises Group LLC

New York Hedge Fund under the Invesmtent Companies Act 1940

Global Head Quarters: 14 Wall St, 20th Floor, New York 1005, USA.

Registered controller - [email protected]

Mobile: 0

Phone + 1 646

Skype: sam.zumbe

US Treasury Global Clearing (Fedwire Securities Service) DD at BIS

Newport Enterprises Banking Mandates, JVA, Payment Order, Financial and Business Trade are registered with all US and International Security Agencies.

Geneve Sub Office

Rue Du Rhone 14

1204 Geneve


Management Alternative Strategy/Hedge (Absolute Return)

US Money Market – High Yield Trading

Hedge Fund

(Short Term Debt Securities)-Market Maker Government Securities-MMI(Money Market Instruments): Extremely Liquid, High Degree Safety, highest Credit Ratings, Discount Pricing.

Compliance Screen: Inter Bank Screen UST, Screen World Bank, DTCC , Bank for International Settlements (BIS), .

Newport-Enterprises is regulated by the Department of Financial Services (DFS/New-York)-SEC-ICC-OFAC-BIS (Basel III)- Pentagon/FED International.
Newport-Enterprises is registered and under the protection of the United States Federal Financial and Banking Legislation and Enforcement Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) US Banking and Financial Regulations: Investment company Act 1940-FOMC-Open Market Operations-Dodd Frank Act-FATCA-United States Department of Justice-IRS-CFTC Regulations-FDCI Law, Regulations, Related Acts- Volcker Rule- United States Bank Holding Company Act-International Emergency Economic Power Act and Trading with the Enemy Act. Bank Secret Act-Money laundering Control Act 1986- US Patriot Act-OCC- Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)-Pari Passu- FRBNY Financial Institution Supervision Group-Office of Inspector General.

US International Banking Regulation FATCA Enforcement :

Newport Enterprises is a Financial Institution-Custodial Institution-Depository Institution-Investment Entity.

Investment Advisors and are an Investment Manager and are specified as a “U.S Person /Controlling Person”.

US Treasury Regulations-QI Agreement

Financial Controller: Competent Authority is the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate.

The Exclusive Jurisdiction and place of performance for all litigation and all legal disputes is New-York/USA, the USA Law shall apply regardless of the nationality of the plaintiff and/or defendant or arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship.

The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

Mandates are registered with all US and International Security Agencies.

Newport Enterprises Group LLC is formed under the Bank Holding Act 1956. Shareholder is JP Grange, Global Clearing 117 524. Hedge Fund assets owned in conjunction with the US Treasury.
Due to the way the line breaks and spacing works it looks like a copy and paste from an email or word doc. Guessing it has been sent from Newport to Introducers??

Perhaps im alan partridge can elaborate further?
Due to the way the line breaks and spacing works it looks like a copy and paste from an email or word doc. Guessing it has been sent from Newport to Introducers??

Perhaps im alan partridge can elaborate further?

Is it even worth the time and effort putting comments in the lines to highlight the idiocy of the letter?
Just thinking that Google will pick it up and maybe someone that doesn't know any better will take it as fact?